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Like, Moderna and Novavax?, Hope you bought on my advice several months ago. Write about successes, or, write about Biden impending tax hikes, for everyone. Every One.

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@averagejoe1 said
Like, Moderna and Novavax?, Hope you bought on my advice several months ago. Write about successes, or, write about Biden impending tax hikes, for everyone. Every One.
I bought 7000 shares of CYDY at 1.50, sold 1000 at 9.75 to get most of my cost out, and now hanging on for the wild ride. And if you're going to be giving out stock tips like Moderna and Novavax in the future please DM me!


@averagejoe1 said
Like, Moderna and Novavax?, Hope you bought on my advice several months ago. Write about successes, or, write about Biden impending tax hikes, for everyone. Every One.
Yep, I can't believe Biden is advocating raising taxes for everyone during an election year.
A sure sign of senility.
He's also on board with defunding the police while crime is shooting through the roof in all our large cities.
So I guess he's not just senile, but a little bit nuts.

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@averagejoe1 said
Like, Moderna and Novavax?, Hope you bought on my advice several months ago. Write about successes, or, write about Biden impending tax hikes, for everyone. Every One.
I'm sure this is not what you were taught, but America will not become a Socialist hellhole if all those billionaires were required to pay a few extra pennies in taxes, especially since many of them pay no taxes at all. Paying down our national debt, our armed forces, police, judges etc. requires tax revenue. It doesn't grow on trees.


@dood111 said
So I guess he's not just senile, but a little bit nuts.
A little bit nuts is preferable to completely nuts, like the current occupant of the White House.


@averagejoe1 said
Like, Moderna and Novavax?, Hope you bought on my advice several months ago. Write about successes, or, write about Biden impending tax hikes, for everyone. Every One.
Or ............ we can talk about the current crisis gripping the entire global population.

Who wants to start ?


Nobody gives a fukk about who’s president in the US.

The country is ruled by obsessive, greedy morons, it lacks any form of international ethics and is the laughing stock of the planet.

Put trump, a monkey or even a hamster in charge, no one will see any difference!


@averagejoe1 said
Like, Moderna and Novavax?, Hope you bought on my advice several months ago. Write about successes, or, write about Biden impending tax hikes, for everyone. Every One.
Hahaha so the catastrophic impact of a Biden election win is a new subject for you is it Joe.
I get it. If a leopard can’t change his spots maybe he can shuffle them around a bit.


@shavixmir said
Nobody gives a fukk about who’s president in the US.

The country is ruled by obsessive, greedy morons, it lacks any form of international ethics and is the laughing stock of the planet.

Put trump, a monkey or even a hamster in charge, no one will see any difference!
I so hope you are a bit wrong. If we liberals snag 5 Senate seats and the White House, we have all three branches. That said, Europe, our post WWII allies, will be wary of the U.S. for the next hundred plus years. I will not be shocked if the EU begins to slowly form alliances with China to keep them safe against Russia.

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So tell me, where are we going to pay for much of anything with the broken tax system we have now where big corps got a trillion dollar bribe which allowed them to do a massive stock buy back which ended any of that crap about trickle down to help the little guy.

The tax HAS to go up or we will face massive cuts in EVERYTHING from school budgets to infrastructure to SS and medicare and military and NASA budgets.

Republican idea of government: Reduce tax to zero, the hell with the common folk, close down schools, who needs social security anyway, and that INSANE medicare, KILL IT.
And the CDC. And the USDA. And the EPA, And the IRS. And Fema. And ESPECIALLY Obama care which funny enough, started out as a republican bill and everyone for it but when it became a democrat led bill, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS.

Who needs all that crap anyway?

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