Apparently the school in Colorado was warned by a parent regarding the impending violence that we saw happen not too long ago. The anonymous parent warned the school about the high drug use and apparent suicidal and violent tendencies the students portrayed. An investigation was conducted and the school came after the parent for slander. Imagine that.
Well, just like parents in Florida tried to warn the FBI about the shooter in the Florida school, the same things happened in Colorado with the same result. They were all ignored
So what should be done to school officials who dropped the ball if anything, or should we just turn this into a "hate gun" thread?
Moreover, should we take note regarding the apparent moral breakdown of schools all across the country as a sign that the moral fiber of our youth have declined to alarming levels? Have schools incorrectly come to the conclusion that only teaching children knowledge and not morals is the way to go?
@whodey saidDo you favor locking up people based on anonymous tips that they might be violent even though they haven't committed any crimes?
Apparently the school in Colorado was warned by a parent regarding the impending violence that we saw happen not too long ago. The anonymous parent warned the school about the high drug use and apparent suicidal and violent tendencies the students ...[text shortened]... rectly come to the conclusion that only teaching children knowledge and not morals is the way to go?
@no1marauder saidanything other than support gun control
Do you favor locking up people based on anonymous tips that they might be violent even though they haven't committed any crimes?
@whodey saidBut how exactly would warnings have stopped those teenagers from shooting up the school? Should every teen accused of potentially being violent be searched daily before entering school? And for how long? Every single year till college?
Apparently the school in Colorado was warned by a parent regarding the impending violence that we saw happen not too long ago. The anonymous parent warned the school about the high drug use and apparent suicidal and violent tendencies the students ...[text shortened]... rectly come to the conclusion that only teaching children knowledge and not morals is the way to go?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying police shouldn't follow up on such tips. But it's no substitute for stricter gun control laws.
@whodey saidSo NRA off the hook, victims blamed, right wing fundamentalist political views vindicated.
Apparently the school in Colorado was warned by a parent regarding the impending violence that we saw happen not too long ago. The anonymous parent warned the school about the high drug use and apparent suicidal and violent tendencies the students ...[text shortened]... rectly come to the conclusion that only teaching children knowledge and not morals is the way to go?
Not bad whodey, not bad at all.
@whodey saidJust a bit of information. The Oath keepers have offered their help in protecting schools, how effective would they be? better than nothing.
Apparently the school in Colorado was warned by a parent regarding the impending violence that we saw happen not too long ago. The anonymous parent warned the school about the high drug use and apparent suicidal and violent tendencies the students ...[text shortened]... rectly come to the conclusion that only teaching children knowledge and not morals is the way to go?
@eladar saidYou are wrong.
The system is to blame. The US educatiin system helps to create these kinds of monsters. In the US educatiin system thete are no consequences for anything so things can continue to escalate.
The parents are to blame. A lack of parental responsibility helps to create these kinds of monsters. Parents teach their kids there are no consequences for anything so things continue to escalate.
@caissad4 saidOr maybe it's all that violent TV shows everybody keep watching. We should do some research into that.
You are wrong.
The parents are to blame. A lack of parental responsibility helps to create these kinds of monsters. Parents teach their kids there are no consequences for anything so things continue to escalate.
Or maybe it's those video games they are playing.
Or maybe it's the chemtrails.
Or maybe they were a government experiment gone wrong.
Or maybe they are just actors and the shooting didn't even happen.
Or maybe the americans are just more homicidal by nature, including their children.
It can't be the lack of gun control. That might mean all americans are to blame for not pushing for it instead of just a few. We can't deal with that, right?
@eladar saidyou seem to be a prime product of that educations ystem...if I read that post.
The system is to blame. The US educatiin system helps to create these kinds of monsters. In the US educatiin system thete are no consequences for anything so things can continue to escalate.
@whodey saidSo what should be done to school officials who dropped the ball if anything-
Apparently the school in Colorado was warned by a parent regarding the impending violence that we saw happen not too long ago. The anonymous parent warned the school about the high drug use and apparent suicidal and violent tendencies the students ...[text shortened]... rectly come to the conclusion that only teaching children knowledge and not morals is the way to go?
Blame these shooting on, school officials, Blame these shooting on the Liberals, Blame these shooting on the decaying morals in America, Blame these shooting on lack of firearm education, Blame these shooting on not arming the teachers,
Blame these shooting on everyone and everything except where the blame belongs - Our lax gun laws and gun show loopholes.
Typical Trump supporter. 😵
@no1marauder saidwhen those anonymous are investigated and found true...yes!
Do you favor locking up people based on anonymous tips that they might be violent even though they haven't committed any crimes?
@shallow-blue criminals obey laws?
Yup. The system of freely available guns for any nutjob who wants them is indeed to blame for your many mass shootings. The NRA and their pals in the Libertarian Party are to blame. Glad you finally see that.