Originally posted by @mott-the-hooplehttps://www.usgovernmentspending.com/state_debt_rank
why are liberals unable to see their utopia will not work?
Originally posted by @mott-the-hoopleWhen Trump was a candidate he said if the national debt goes to 21 trillion the country will be in deep doo doo, paraphrasing.
why are liberals unable to see their utopia will not work?
Now his policies have done exactly that, we are now officially 21 trillion in debt. We can pay that off easily, right? About the same as 7 aircraft carriers made of solid gold.....
And you bitch about states in debt? If they were republican states in debt this post would have never been started.
29 Jul 18
Originally posted by @mott-the-hooplehttps://www.cbsnews.com/news/under-donald-trump-national-debt-tops-21-trillion-for-first-time-ever/
why are liberals unable to see their utopia will not work?
29 Jul 18
Originally posted by @athousandyoungYou do realize how utterly and completely irrelevant that is? Even if Trump matches Obama's 12 trillion debt run-up, it still has nothing to do with liberal run cities that go bankrupt because of policies they've had in place for decades.
29 Jul 18
Originally posted by @tom-wolseyhttps://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/02/the-republican-blowback-against-sam-brownback-kansas/517641/
You do realize how utterly and completely irrelevant that is? Even if Trump matches Obama's 12 trillion debt run-up, it still has nothing to do with liberal run cities that go bankrupt because of policies they've had in place for decades.
29 Jul 18
Originally posted by @tom-wolseyhttps://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/gop-tried-trump-style-tax-cuts-kansas-n812701
You do realize how utterly and completely irrelevant that is? Even if Trump matches Obama's 12 trillion debt run-up, it still has nothing to do with liberal run cities that go bankrupt because of policies they've had in place for decades.
29 Jul 18
Originally posted by @tom-wolseyhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/stancollender/2017/10/08/the-gop-is-a-deficit-fraud/#7e7bdf0263db
You do realize how utterly and completely irrelevant that is? Even if Trump matches Obama's 12 trillion debt run-up, it still has nothing to do with liberal run cities that go bankrupt because of policies they've had in place for decades.
29 Jul 18
Originally posted by @tom-wolseyhttps://www.usnews.com/news/the-report/articles/2015/05/29/republicans-have-become-the-party-of-red-ink
You do realize how utterly and completely irrelevant that is? Even if Trump matches Obama's 12 trillion debt run-up, it still has nothing to do with liberal run cities that go bankrupt because of policies they've had in place for decades.
29 Jul 18
Originally posted by @tom-wolseyhttps://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/Good-news-California-Surplus-is-2-4-billion-4997158.php
You do realize how utterly and completely irrelevant that is? Even if Trump matches Obama's 12 trillion debt run-up, it still has nothing to do with liberal run cities that go bankrupt because of policies they've had in place for decades.
29 Jul 18
Originally posted by @tom-wolseyYou do know just paying the interest on that debt puts the US budget down a half trillion each year?
You do realize how utterly and completely irrelevant that is? Even if Trump matches Obama's 12 trillion debt run-up, it still has nothing to do with liberal run cities that go bankrupt because of policies they've had in place for decades.
How many states could get that money split between them theoretically that would be 10 billion for each state.
Originally posted by @sonhouseThe state budgets have nothing to do with the federal budget. The federal debt service is paid out of federal revenues only.
You do know just paying the interest on that debt puts the US budget down a half trillion each year?
How many states could get that money split between them theoretically that would be 10 billion for each state.
While some states certainly try, no state could get away with the fiscal irresponsibility oft he federal government.