German ‘Diversity Festival’ Mass Stabbing Suspect Shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’, Was a ‘Visitor to Local Mosque’
"The suspect in the mass stabbing attack at a German “festival of diversity” reportedly shouted out “Allahu Akbar” and is said to have been a “visitor to a local mosque”.
Oh, ya. Give me some of that diverrrrrrrsity.
Well he was clearly a doped up Christian throwing off the authorities, right🙂
@sonhouse saidNo he is an immigrant asylum seeker who has admitted being follower of and acting of behalf of ISIS who have claimed responsibility. We have the same problem in the UK with over 5,000 illegal migrants who have entered the UK in the 50 days since Labour came to power and hundreds of thousands of them in the last few years alone under the Tories.
Well he was clearly a doped up Christian throwing off the authorities, right🙂
Random (sic) knife attacks are on the increase, many cities in the UK have areas which are virtually no-go for non Islamic citizens, female politicians and their female street campaigners are harassed, intimidated and abused in the streets during campaigns. In Westminster the UK now has 5 MPs elected solely on sectarian pro-Islam/Gaza tickets and we’ve even had a Labour councillor calling for all so-called “far right” protestors for have their throats cut. He did this in the street using a megaphone whilst surrounded by cheering and applauding pro-immigration protestors.
The blame for the general situation lays firmly at the feet of the ever failing EU Parliament who have led a totally incompetent fleet of puppet national leaders into a migration invasion of crisis proportions and which is leading to what will be horrendous bloodshed across the continent while the flakey liberal left bleat on about the benefits of multiculturalism.
Furthermore the voice of dissent to these disastrous border policies is being relentlessly quashed by the restrictions being imposed upon free speech, in the name of stopping misinformation. The outcome of all this is the rise in right-wing extremism which is flourishing to fill the void left by the lack of moderate centre-right lobbying.
All western countries need to immediately lock down their borders and get a grip on the situation.
Germany reference/news
Breaking News NOW ~ UK Notting hill Carnival stabbings… another “isolated incident”
It’s almost everyday! People need to wake up to what’s happening.
Edit; as yet there is no indication as to the motive for the these attacks
@divegeester saidGet these disgusting Islamic sickos out of your country. It has been decades now that people are warning the west about the stupidity of encouraging these immigrants.
Breaking News NOW ~ UK Notting hill Carnival stabbings… another “isolated incident”
It’s almost everyday! People need to wake up to what’s happening.
Edit; as yet there is no indication as to the motive for the these attacks
Only 10 days ago a white immigrant viciously stabbed a little girl:
Thread 200476
Yet no complaints from right-wingers.
I guess crime only bothers you if they're any darker than Olaf from Frozen.
@Rajk999 saidttps://
Get these disgusting Islamic sickos out of your country. It has been decades now that people are warning the west about the stupidity of encouraging these immigrants.
Almost half of all Romanians living in London were arrested for serious crimes. Let that sink in: almost half. And the only immigrants who commit more crimes in the UK than whites from Romania...are whites from Poland.
And that information is from the far-right Daily Beast.
The UK needs to kick these sick white Christians out of their country.
@vivify saidThe Daily Beast (which I read a lot) isn't "far right". I'd say it's mostly politically neutral though certain articles may be slanted one way or the other depending on the writer.
Almost half of all Romanians living in London were arrested for serious crimes. Let that sink in: almost half. And the only immigrants who commit more crimes in the UK than whites from Romania...are whites from Poland.
And that information is from the far-right Daily Beast.
The UK needs to kick these sick white Christians out of their country.
EDIT: Take a look:
Today's headline stories look kinda "liberal" actually.
@vivify saidEVERY illegal immigrant in the US has committed a crime!
Almost half of all Romanians living in London were arrested for serious crimes. Let that sink in: almost half. And the only immigrants who commit more crimes in the UK than whites from Romania...are whites from Poland.
And that information is from the far-right Daily Beast.
The UK needs to kick these sick white Christians out of their country.
@Mott-The-Hoople saidSo you want to arrest them and have 10 to 15 million misdemeanor trials in Federal court?
EVERY illegal immigrant in the US has committed a crime!
@no1marauder saidThe link in my post is from the Daily Mail. The Dail Mail (not Beast) is right-wing:
The Daily Beast (which I read a lot) isn't "far right". I'd say it's mostly politically neutral though certain articles may be slanted one way or the other depending on the writer.
EDIT: Take a look:
Today's headline stories look kinda "liberal" actually.
I said "Beast" in my post instead of "Mail". My mistake.
Ok with him as long as they are executed and pieces sent back to their country.....
@vivify saidYes the problem is wider than just Islamic fundamentalists.
Only 10 days ago a white immigrant viciously stabbed a little girl:
Thread 200476
Yet no complaints from right-wingers.
I guess crime only bothers you if they're any darker than Olaf from Frozen.
Tell you what, how about we just stop ALL “asylum seeking” immigrants entering Europe and that way we will net ALL the murdering crazies. Wake up man. When one of your kids gets slaughtered perhaps you’ll change your hand-wringing tune.
@divegeester saidKnife attacks and fights are on the increase in the UK. Have been for over 10 years.
No he is an immigrant asylum seeker who has admitted being follower of and acting of behalf of ISIS who have claimed responsibility. We have the same problem in the UK with over 5,000 illegal migrants who have entered the UK in the 50 days since Labour came to power and hundreds of thousands of them in the last few years alone under the Tories.
Random (sic) knife atta ...[text shortened]... story/german-prosecutors-name-and-charge-suspect-after-three-people-were-killed-at-festival-13202925
Isn’t that a youth culture thing?
@shavixmir saidYes that’s happening too. One doesn’t preclude the other.
Knife attacks and fights are on the increase in the UK. Have been for over 10 years.
Isn’t that a youth culture thing?
Feel free to keep your head in your ideological sand if you choose to.