Before I pontificate here, I would like to point out that I have no ax to grind in this email server hacking case. I simply want to know the truth.
"We believe that Special Counsel Robert Mueller faces major embarrassment if he decides to pursue the indictment he filed–which accuses 12 Russian GRU military personnel and an entity identified as, Guccifer 2.0, for the DNC hack—because the available forensic evidence indicates the emails were copied onto a storage device."
Much can be said here. But I bring to the forefront, star witness, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks and three statements he made about the origination of the leaked emails given to him.
1. On the day Seth Rich was murdered, Julian Assange released a statement that hinted at Seth Rich as being the donor of those DNC documents.
2. At some time in the future, Assange also claimed that the Russians had "nothing to do with it".
3. He also said (paraphrase) that Trump and his clowns didn't have the sophistication to have dealt with the Russians on that level.
The claim in the above article is that the emails were downloaded onto a storage device. By Seth Rich, a DNC worker, perhaps ?
@earl-of-trumps said"NewsPunch is a Los Angeles-based fake news website known for spreading conspiracy theories and political misinformation peddling fake news, mixed in with real news stories."
Before I pontificate here, I would like to point out that I have no ax to grind in this email server hacking case. I simply want to know the truth.
~ Wikipedia
@handyandy saidtell me...which news website is not fake?
"NewsPunch is a Los Angeles-based fake news website known for spreading conspiracy theories and political misinformation peddling fake news, mixed in with real news stories."
~ Wikipedia
@mott-the-hoople saidThose that don't portray anyone in the DNC as "bad" or "flawed".
tell me...which news website is not fake?
@earl-of-trumps saidWell if you want the truth, you could start by trying to find an explanation for two facts:
Before I pontificate here, I would like to point out that I have no ax to grind in this email server hacking case. I simply want to know the truth.
"We believe that Special Counsel Robert Mueller faces major embarrassment if he decides to pursue the indictment he filed–which accuses 12 Russian GRU military per ...[text shortened]... icle is that the emails were downloaded onto a storage device. By Seth Rich, a DNC worker, perhaps ?
1) Professor Mifsud, after a visit where he claimed to meet with Russian government officials, told Pappadoulos that the Russians had thousands of Hillary's and DNC e-mails. He did this in April BEFORE the DNC even knew it had been hacked!;
2) How the FBI knows some of the exact file names sent to Wikileaks by the GRU:
"On July 14, 2016, GRU officers used a Guccifer 2.0 email account to send WikiLeaks an email bearing the subject “big archive” and the message “a new attempt.”163 The email contained an encrypted attachment with the name “wk dnc link1.txt.gpg.”164 Using the Guccifer 2.0 Twitter
account, GRU officers sent WikiLeaks an encrypted file and instructions on how to open it.165 On July 18, 2016, WikiLeaks confirmed in a direct message to the Guccifer 2.0 account that it had “the 1Gb or so archive” and would make a release of the stolen documents “this week.”166 On July 22, 2016, WikiLeaks released over 20,000 emails and other documents stolen from the DNC computer networks.167 " p. 46 Mueller Report
Assange has never revealed his sources. He would have good reason to use disinformation to hide them.
@no1marauder saidWell aware, No1.
Well if you want the truth, you could start by trying to find an explanation for two facts:
1) Professor Mifsud, after a visit where he claimed to meet with Russian government officials, told Pappadoulos that the Russians had thousands of Hillary's and DNC e-mails. He did this in April BEFORE the DNC even knew it had been hacked!;
2) How the FBI knows some of the ex ...[text shortened]... ssange has never revealed his sources. He would have good reason to use disinformation to hide them.
When I learned that the computers that were supposedly used by Russians to do the hacking were found abandoned, I smelled a setup. My personal opinion. Professional intel people don't make stupid, callous moves like that
If FBI or anyone else got info that implicated the Russians, it could be a plant by a maniacal unnamed power that wanted Trump in, without getting caught. that's my opinion.
If the figures in that OP are correct (download time), there is no doubt that the file was downloaded to an external device such as a thumb drive. no doubt. Also, there is no doubt that put the info on his 'puter form an external device.
facts are facts. unless of course, somebody tampered with that info. And there is no obvious motive to do so.
Why do people not at all believe Julian Assange? interesting. he hates Trump so he is not protecting him.
@earl-of-trumps saidPssssst, Assange lied.
Before I pontificate here, I would like to point out that I have no ax to grind in this email server hacking case. I simply want to know the truth.
"We believe that Special Counsel Robert Mueller faces major embarrassment if he decides to pursue the indictment he filed–which accuses 12 Russian GRU military per ...[text shortened]... icle is that the emails were downloaded onto a storage device. By Seth Rich, a DNC worker, perhaps ?
@earl-of-trumps saidI'm not going to waste my time debunking everything in your source material; quite frankly I have done so already on this site. But I will point out it is deliberately misleading when it claims the NSA only reported "moderate confidence" that the GRU had done the hacking. In fact, the only place that term is used is when assessing whether the Russians "aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. "
Well aware, No1.
When I learned that the computers that were supposedly used by Russians to do the hacking were found abandoned, I smelled a setup. My personal opinion. Professional intel people don't make stupid, callous moves like that
If FBI or anyone else got info that implicated the Russians, it could be a plant by a maniacal unnamed power that wanted Trump ...[text shortened]... o people not at all believe Julian Assange? interesting. he hates Trump so he is not protecting him.
But has to the hacking itself, the Report is clear:
"We assess with high confidence that the GRU used
the Guccifer 2.0 persona,, and WikiLeaks to release US victim data obtained in cyber operations publicly and in exclusives to media outlets."
pp. 2-3
"We assess with high confidence that the GRU
relayed material it acquired from the DNC and
senior Democratic officials to WikiLeaks."
p. 3
In other words, they are not positive. Fine and dandy.
I can't prove a damn thing. But I will say, if the download time is accurate, there is no way the data was transmitted to Assange via the internet. It was handed to him. Sorry but the only way that I can believe otherwise is if the facts they present are shown to be wrong.
Now ask me if I think DoJ will even comment on it, let alone investigate it.
@earl-of-trumps said“ 1. On the day Seth Rich was murdered, Julian Assange released a statement that hinted at Seth Rich as being the donor of those DNC documents. ”
Before I pontificate here, I would like to point out that I have no ax to grind in this email server hacking case. I simply want to know the truth.
"We believe that Special Counsel Robert Mueller faces major embarrassment if he decides to pursue the indictment he filed–which accuses 12 Russian GRU military per ...[text shortened]... icle is that the emails were downloaded onto a storage device. By Seth Rich, a DNC worker, perhaps ?
Lol that’s a little bit too convenient for the lizard’s to be anything but laughable.
@kevcvs57 saidThen go ahead and laugh, lizard.
“ 1. On the day Seth Rich was murdered, Julian Assange released a statement that hinted at Seth Rich as being the donor of those DNC documents. ”
Lol that’s a little bit too convenient for the lizard’s to be anything but laughable.
Don't do anything crazy like google it.
@earl-of-trumps wrote
Well aware, No1.
When I learned that the computers that were supposedly used by Russians to do the hacking were found abandoned, I smelled a setup. My personal opinion. Professional intel people don't make stupid, callous moves like that
If FBI or anyone else got info that implicated the Russians, it could be a plant by a maniacal unnamed power that wanted Trump in, without getting caught. that's my opinion.
If the figures in that OP are correct (download time), there is no doubt that the file was downloaded to an external device such as a thumb drive. no doubt. Also, there is no doubt that put the info on his 'puter form an external device.
facts are facts. unless of course, somebody tampered with that info. And there is no obvious motive to do so.
Why do people not at all believe Julian Assange? interesting. he hates Trump so he is not protecting him.
a. There is an obvious motive: to cover the trail which might have identified the hacker. Knowing the date and time would have been a vital clue to who had access to the computer.
b. Julian Assange is a cyber-vigilante who thinks rules don't apply to him.
@earl-of-trumps saidAssange's motivation was closer to home than that.
Although that is a possibility, of course, you have to prove that. Nobody has.
What's Assange's motivation, protect Trump? the guy can't stand Trump. Protect Putin? LOL
@suzianne saidwell explain then...dont just post an open ended statement.
Assange's motivation was closer to home than that.