The strength of correlation between the numbers of driving licences issued per year and the presence or absence of world war is so strong that there can be no reasonable doubt that the issuing of driving licences prevents world wars, but isn't it time somebody generalised from this and started the mass issuing of extra driving licences in areas worst affected by coronavirus?
@petewxyz saidPete, that's some mighty fine satire my friend! 😀
The strength of correlation between the numbers of driving licences issued per year and the presence or absence of world war is so strong that there can be no reasonable doubt that the issuing of driving licences prevents world wars, but isn't it time somebody generalised from this and started the mass issuing of extra driving licences in areas worst affected by coronavirus?
26 Mar 20
@petewxyz saidI would agree but only if you take the number of Tank driver and fighter pilot license’s out of equation.
The strength of correlation between the numbers of driving licences issued per year and the presence or absence of world war is so strong that there can be no reasonable doubt that the issuing of driving licences prevents world wars, but isn't it time somebody generalised from this and started the mass issuing of extra driving licences in areas worst affected by coronavirus?