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Drug testing at jobs

Drug testing at jobs


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Should be illegal except safety sensitive professions:

1) Pilot
2) Bus driver
3) Nuclear workers
4) etc.

Random drug testing at the job is against our rights to privacy. It is NO employers concern if Joe the Plumber smokes a joint OFF duty. Testing positive for a drug does not suggest impairment. I could smoke a joint tonight and fail a drug test next Thursday --- even though I'm not stoned on Thursday. Yet if I did some heroin tonight I could take a drug test on Monday and pass. Cocaine? No problemo -- that is out of your system quick too. Smoke a little pot though and expect at least 2 weeks if not 4. Employers should fire people based upon performance. Not the results of a positive THC (pot) urine test.

Yet booze --- in all its evils ---- is 100% okay!


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Originally posted by jlilly
Should be illegal except safety sensitive professions:

1) Pilot
2) Bus driver
3) Nuclear workers
4) etc.

Random drug testing at the job is against our rights to privacy. It is NO employers concern if Joe the Plumber smokes a joint OFF duty. Testing positive for a drug does not suggest impairment. I could smoke a joint tonight and fail a drug test nex ...[text shortened]... tive THC (pot) urine test.

Yet booze --- in all its evils ---- is 100% okay!

I don't know who you've been talking to about drug testing, but cocaine and heroin are not out of your system in 2 days. There are dozens of different types of drug tests.

In most jobs they drug test strictly for insurance purposes.

Say you are a janitor and you step out and puff. You come back in and forget to put out the Wet Floor sign while you mop the floor. It is a simple mistake, one that you could have made whether you smoked or you didn't, but someone busts their ass and sues. If you are found to have been smoking the person suing is going to take your company to the cleaners. It is the same if you have been found to be drinking.

So, for insurance purposes, it makes sense to drug test the janitor.

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Done my fair share years ago right before tests and passed every single one of them, literally days before!

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Originally posted by jlilly
Done my fair share years ago right before tests and passed every single one of them, literally days before!
Piss test or blood?

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Had to pee in the little cups! It was a lot of fun.

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Originally posted by jlilly
Should be illegal except safety sensitive professions:

1) Pilot
2) Bus driver
3) Nuclear workers
4) etc.

Random drug testing at the job is against our rights to privacy. It is NO employers concern if Joe the Plumber smokes a joint OFF duty. Testing positive for a drug does not suggest impairment. I could smoke a joint tonight and fail a drug test nex tive THC (pot) urine test.

Yet booze --- in all its evils ---- is 100% okay!

i agree with you there. pills coke and X get out super fast, but weed takes sooooo long. its cheap


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Originally posted by jlilly
Had to pee in the little cups! It was a lot of fun.
heroin, weed, coke and x can be found in a hair test weeks after use. there are even some blood tests which will detect coke or x as much as a week after use.

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Thankfully urine tests are easy enough to fool. Nobody at a regular job should be subjected to this crap.

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Originally posted by CliffLandin
heroin, weed, coke and x can be found in a blood test weeks after use. there are even some piss tests which will detect coke or x as much as a week after use.
Thankfully blood and hair testing is not used commonly, and its more expensive

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Originally posted by CliffLandin
heroin, weed, coke and x can be found in a hair test weeks after use. there are even some blood tests which will detect coke or x as much as a week after use.
oh, i was just going by pee ... yeah hair takes forever but do they actually do that?

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Originally posted by jlilly
Thankfully urine tests are easy enough to fool. Nobody at a regular job should be subjected to this crap.
Like i said, it is for insurance purposes only. I have gone to many job's stoned and have bartended both drunk and stoned. Fortunately nothing happened, but since the insurance companies run the country we are subjected to this kind of crap.

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Originally posted by irontigran
oh, i was just going by pee ... yeah hair takes forever but do they actually do that?
I've never had to, I think they do it for high security government jobs. I'm pretty sure most drug tests are piss test. The Aspen Skiing Company does a blood test if you wreck a piece of equipment.

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Originally posted by irontigran
oh, i was just going by pee ... yeah hair takes forever but do they actually do that?
Yeah, hair tests are used. But they're not very common due to expense. Also, the hair must be longer than 2'' I have read. If you have a short hair cut it makes testing difficult.

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Originally posted by jlilly
Thankfully urine tests are easy enough to fool. Nobody at a regular job should be subjected to this crap.
and that brings up a good question. who should it be used on? if you have a real good job (say, lawyer) then you shouldnt have to do it as youre smart and reasonable. but say you work at mcdonalds. well, then theyre setting the bar rather high, and if i worked at a dump all day i deserve to do crack (or more likely am working there as i was too cracked out for school)

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Originally posted by jlilly
Yeah, hair tests are used. But they're not very common due to expense. Also, the hair must be longer than 2'' I have read. If you have a short hair cut it makes testing difficult.
drat, my head hear is short but my goatee is about 4 inches, and im not going to cut it to cheat a test 😠 😞

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