Originally posted by FabianFnasAs much as they'd let us probably. The problem would be the regime would be afraid to let Americans get that glory.
I've got a very good impression of what US is doing in Haiti in their times of difficulties.
What would US do if the same earthquake happened in Cuba, near Havana?
Turkey and Greece are traditional enemies. But Greece stepped in and helped the Turkish people at an earthquake, and Turky was grateful. A few weeks later, another earthquake at the Greek side the Turks went and help them in turn, and the Greeks didn't mind. fater that, Greece and Turkey seemed to be more friendly towards eachother after. These earthquace was a carrier of peace. Sad that this was needed.
Do you really think that Cuba wouldn't accept help from USA during a catastrophy like this? Wouldn't such a catastrophy bring the two peoples together, and a friendlier atmosphere be the result?
Would USA want Cuba as friends?
Originally posted by FabianFnasHave you ever heard anti-Castro Cubans in America talking about what they are going to do in Cuba and do to Cubans in Cuba after communism falls? Good grief. Many of them sound like autocrats not so different from the autocrats they seek to replace.
Would USA want Cuba as friends?
Originally posted by FMFI don't know much about the relationship between the peoples of the two countries, or the relationship between the two gouvernements.
Have you ever heard anti-Castro Cubans in America talking about what they are going to do in Cuba and do to Cubans in Cuba after communism falls? Good grief. Many of them sound like autocrats not so different from the autocrats they seek to replace.
Between Washington and Havana is a current conflict going. Blocade and stuff, but isn't this just remains from the cold war between US and Sovjet?
On the question: "Would USA help Cuba in case of a earthquake?" I got the answer "Only if they let us (US) in." as if they probably wouldn't. Have I understood this correctly?
Originally posted by FabianFnasI suspect that there would be many private donations made by individuals and private charities to help out. The American people as individuals can be very compassionate and generous. Our government on the other hand ... I'm not sure what it would do or what strings it would try to attach if it were to help Cuba.
I've got a very good impression of what US is doing in Haiti in their times of difficulties.
What would US do if the same earthquake happened in Cuba, near Havana?