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Electoral map


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I'm trying to get a start on the electoral map. Some states I know are already in the bag for one candidate or another. Of course Alaska and Arizona will go for McCain and Illinois and Delaware will go for Obama. Can you call your state? Which candidate will carry your state? So far I have Al, AK, AZ, KY, WV, and TX for McCain. I have CA, IL, NY, NJ, DE, MD and DC for Obama.

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Originally posted by kirksey957
I'm trying to get a start on the electoral map. Some states I know are already in the bag for one candidate or another. Of course Alaska and Arizona will go for McCain and Illinois and Delaware will go for Obama. Can you call your state? Which candidate will carry your state? So far I have Al, AK, AZ, KY, WV, and TX for McCain. I have CA, IL, NY, NJ, DE, MD and DC for Obama.
Washington and Oregon generally go to the D's although it's not usually a blowout and McCain might have a slight chance in either. Idaho and Utah always go very strongly to the R's and I don't see any reason why that trend wouldn't continue this election.

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Originally posted by leisurelysloth
Washington and Oregon generally go to the D's although it's not usually a blowout and McCain might have a slight chance in either. Idaho and Utah always go very strongly to the R's and I don't see any reason why that trend wouldn't continue this election.
Washington has a tight governor's race that was decided in the courts four years ago--the same two candidates: Christine Gregoire, the current governor, and the challenger Dino Rossi. Rossi claims that his campaign did not erect the signs in eastern Washington that say, "Don't let Seattle steal this election," but he has no other billboard signs that I've seen.

Rossi is the Republican, Gregoire the Democrat. This race could affect the Presidential vote in Washington state, which can swing either way.

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
Washington has a tight governor's race that was decided in the courts four years ago--the same two candidates: Christine Gregoire, the current governor, and the challenger Dino Rossi. Rossi claims that his campaign did not erect the signs in eastern Washington that say, "Don't let Seattle steal this election," but he has no other billboard signs that ...[text shortened]... is race could affect the Presidential vote in Washington state, which can swing either way.
hey i live in WA too 🙂

even with last times gov race being close kerry won by 7%. obama is a lot more popular in this region i think it will be slightly better like +9 this time.

and rossi's negativity killed him. ive seen those signs, it just seems like a poor sport, not matter what happened, nobody really knows but dwelling on the past isnt going to help him. id take gregiore by 3% this time.

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I'm in an office pool-type tournament and am working on the same thing. New mexico has me baffled. I thought NM was the Land of Enchantment, caverns, Taos, art communes and all that is beautiful--yet my 2004 map shows it as red as Mike 😉 What gives?

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Originally posted by kirksey957
I'm trying to get a start on the electoral map. Some states I know are already in the bag for one candidate or another. Of course Alaska and Arizona will go for McCain and Illinois and Delaware will go for Obama. Can you call your state? Which candidate will carry your state? So far I have Al, AK, AZ, KY, WV, and TX for McCain. I have CA, IL, NY, NJ, DE, MD and DC for Obama.
It's pretty easy actually. You have liberal states and conservative states. The coastal states tend to be liberal as well as the states with major cities like New York and Chicago. Nothing ever changes. Now why this is, is a whole different matter entirely.

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Originally posted by PinkFloyd
I'm in an office pool-type tournament and am working on the same thing. New mexico has me baffled. I thought NM was the Land of Enchantment, caverns, Taos, art communes and all that is beautiful--yet my 2004 map shows it as red as Mike 😉 What gives?
if you want to win put down NM as dem. also iowa, is also going to obama, i wouldnt even consider that a swing state.
where the pool will be won and lost at is colorado,ohio,and virginia. get those right somehow and youll win easy

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Originally posted by irontigran
hey i live in WA too 🙂

even with last times gov race being close kerry won by 7%. obama is a lot more popular in this region i think it will be slightly better like +9 this time.

and rossi's negativity killed him. ive seen those signs, it just seems like a poor sport, not matter what happened, nobody really knows but dwelling on the past isnt going to help him. id take gregiore by 3% this time.
I'm a bit ambivalent regarding Gregoire, but she's done better than I expected. Still, Rossi was never an option I could consider. The guy is a true wacko.

He's popular in my part of the state which sometimes makes me feel despondent

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
Washington has a tight governor's race that was decided in the courts four years ago--the same two candidates: Christine Gregoire, the current governor, and the challenger Dino Rossi. Rossi claims that his campaign did not erect the signs in eastern Washington that say, "Don't let Seattle steal this election," but he has no other billboard signs that ...[text shortened]... is race could affect the Presidential vote in Washington state, which can swing either way.
I have not spoken with anybody in the past week that plans to vote for McCain, but I live in Seattle so that is not surprising. I doubt, however, that McCain has any real chance here. Poll averages here had Obama retain a statistically significant lead even after the bump McCain received from the Republican National Convention.

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Originally posted by bbarr
I have not spoken with anybody in the past week that plans to vote for McCain, but I live in Seattle so that is not surprising. I doubt, however, that McCain has any real chance here. Poll averages here had Obama retain a statistically significant lead even after the bump McCain received from the Republican National Convention.
I thought it was illegal to enter Seattle unless you were a liberal? You know, kinda like it being illegal to enter Mecca unless you are a Muslim.

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Originally posted by kirksey957
I'm trying to get a start on the electoral map. Some states I know are already in the bag for one candidate or another. Of course Alaska and Arizona will go for McCain and Illinois and Delaware will go for Obama. Can you call your state? Which candidate will carry your state? So far I have Al, AK, AZ, KY, WV, and TX for McCain. I have CA, IL, NY, NJ, DE, MD and DC for Obama.
Try this site which keeps track of reputable poll results: http://www.electoral-vote.com/

The latest Rasmussen poll has Obama ahead by only 4 points in Washington, though he has led by more most of the summer. It seems hard to believe that he could actually lose a state that Kerry won by 7 points; most likely this is a temporary aberration caused by PalinMania which is starting to fade.

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Originally posted by bbarr
I have not spoken with anybody in the past week that plans to vote for McCain, but I live in Seattle so that is not surprising. I doubt, however, that McCain has any real chance here. Poll averages here had Obama retain a statistically significant lead even after the bump McCain received from the Republican National Convention.
I'm pleased to see two Obama yard signs within a block of my home in Spokane, and none for McCain. But most of the folks in these parts own guns and vote Republican, although my particular state legislative district will almost certainly return three Democrats to Olympia--perhaps the only eastern Washington district with this liberal tradition.

Palin's a local girl.

Perhaps we can already count Washington as going for Obama, but I'd be wary. Weird stuff happens here (I'm sure you recall the 1976 elector that cast the first vote for Ronald Reagan).

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Try this site which keeps track of reputable poll results: http://www.electoral-vote.com/

The latest Rasmussen poll has Obama ahead by only 4 points in Washington, though he has led by more most of the summer. It seems hard to believe that he could actually lose a state that Kerry won by 7 points; most likely this is a temporary aberration caused by PalinMania which is starting to fade.
just use that sites for the maps, tho, the front page commentary is hardly what you might call balanced.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Try this site which keeps track of reputable poll results: http://www.electoral-vote.com/

The latest Rasmussen poll has Obama ahead by only 4 points in Washington, though he has led by more most of the summer. It seems hard to believe that he could actually lose a state that Kerry won by 7 points; most likely this is a temporary aberration caused by PalinMania which is starting to fade.
yeah i saw that 4% thing.. thats with the mccain bounce from convention. i really think its back to 10% soon. look at the polls for it all year. and then look at all year for 2004 in the states of nevada, minnesota, and iowa. you see hows it so back and forth but the one who was on top won it.
in my county it went for bush, but i literally havnt seen 1 mccain sticker/shirt etc. this year, its like hes a ghost. it really hit me today when i was in a parking lot and 4 cars in a row had obama stickers, and 1 had an obama hat. if kerry won by 7, obama wins by 9-12
in fact comparing it to 2004s stats there is the same time bush made up a little ground, but never enough to win 1 poll.

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