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empty lives.

empty lives.


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I wonder what will STANG and all the other Bush haters do when his term of office is done? Probably still not add anything useful to society.

p.s I neither hate nor like the man.

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Originally posted by Shonkytonk
What is the point of this post? Can you please stop posting sh*t? If you have anything constructive to say, say it, otherwise don't bother posting this brain dead useless dribble.
I thought the point was to wonder what these Bush haters are going to do when he's gone. He seems to have given a purpose to a great many people. When his time is done will their lives be empty or meaningless? Will the threads in this forum dry up? I seek other peoples thought on this matter. Whether they are humorous, or thought provoking. By all means feel free to add somting useful and intelligent yourself.

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Originally posted by Canadaguy
I thought the point was to wonder what these Bush haters are going to do when he's gone. He seems to have given a purpose to a great many people. When his time is done will their lives be empty or meaningless? Will the threads in this forum dry up? I seek other peoples thought on this matter. Whether they are humorous, or thought provoking. By all means feel free to add somting useful and intelligent yourself.
Ok, i will. I am a Bush hater, i hate his guts and think he should be trialled for what he did. But Bush did not give my life any meaning. My gorgeous girlfreind, my family and my freinds gives my life more meaning than you could imagine.

The people you call "Bush Haters", are people who are not afraid to question authority. They are non conformists, and are not easily led by sheep. They are people who are free to think for themslevs and do so, and actually make up their own opinions on issues whithout automatically accepting what they see.

They find their purpose when they see injustice and lies and they speak out about it when most people are to gutless too. It's not an unknown fact that it is easier to stay in your comfort zone and simply accept what hapens. But to some people, they are compelled to seek the truth, and if they see no truth in what is going on then they have courage and speak up about it and act.

They are driven by their own convictions, and whether they are right or wrong, they are contributing more to society than people who simply sit back and roll with whats going on. These people keep the ones in power on thier toes. Without these people, society would deteriorate into a facist like state. After all, if it wasnt for these "Bush Haters" continually questioning what he did, then the real truth about the motive behind the war would have not been re-vealed. If it wasnt for these type of people, America would resemble Germany circa 1930-45.

So you see, people who are Bush haters contribute more to society than the majority, the ask questions, they ask for answers, they stir the pot, they seek the truth, they seek justice. The earth would be a boring, repressed place if it wasnt for these people. Democracy would not work if it wasnt for these people. And if you treasure your freedom of speech, then pay homage to these type of people.

So in a simple answer, no Bush does not give these people any meaning in life. Their seeking the truth and staying true to thier convistions, morals, values and the courgae to speak up abut it give thir life meaning.

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Originally posted by Shonkytonk
Ok, i will. I am a Bush hater, i hate his guts and think he should be trialled for what he did. But Bush did not give my life any meaning. My gorgeous girlfreind, my family and my freinds gives my life more meaning than you could imagine ...[text shortened]... values and the courgae to speak up abut it give thir life meaning.
Ok, So what are you going to hate when he's gone. You failed to answer that question, and from the look of things you also failed english. Why the rage, I thought all you hippies were about love and peace, but then you use hate to push your agenda, isn't that hypocritical? And what does your moral outrage contribute to society? Why not just focus your energy and attention on your girlfriend, your friends and family? Instead of repeating the same verbal garbage as evry other morally outraged person.

Just to clear up I'm not being combative, or denouncing your position, I'm just looking for information. Why do people feel the need to involve themselves in things that aren't important? Why care at all?

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Originally posted by Canadaguy
Ok, So what are you going to hate when he's gone. You failed to answer that question, and from the look of things you also failed english.
Your question is ridiculous. What am I going to hate? How can I possibly tell you what I am going to hate in the future? What I can say is that when Bush is gone, I’ll be very glad and my life will be even more fulfilled.

Hippie? I'm far from being a hippie and never said I was. Your narrow mind betrays you. "Why sit back and just accept what is?" Why should I if I don't like what I see? If we had a sat back and watched Germany then God knows what would have happened.

"And what does your moral outrage contribute to society?"

I question what I want, it is my God given right. Moral outrage stopped Vietnam, stopped the Germans taking over, moral outrage has stopped murder, rape, slavery, genocide... need I go on?

"Why do people feel the need to involve themselves in things that aren't important? Why care at all?"

What sort of an example are you setting for children?... "It's ok kids, just sit back, accept everything you are told, and just do nothing..."

The death of thousands of your own countrymen is not important? The death of thousands of innocent civilian Iraqi's is not important. Fine, then go live in a cave, because YOU are not contributing to society.

And I just checked my post and there is one spelling mistake and no grammar mistakes. And if you cant win an argument without resorting to stupid comments like that, then well it seems you failed dismally in this discussion.

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Originally posted by Shonkytonk

The people you call "Bush Haters", are people who are not afraid to question authority. They are non conformists, and are not easily led by sheep. They are people who are free to think for themslevs and do so, and actually make up their own opinions on issues whithout automatically accepting what they see.
Bulls**t. Non conformists. Goths are non-conformists too, right? Except they conform to their own little group. People with tatooos and piercings are non-conformists too. Except that they are just like every other person who has tatoos or piercings. There is no such thing as a non-conformist, because we all have our own groups whether we realize it or not. If you want to be a real non-conformist, go out to the jungles of the Amazon and try to survive without any modern day appliances or luxuries. I wouldnt even go as far as to say that STANG is part of a minority, since the "anti-everything Bush" rally has slowly been growing in numbers, and Bush's supporters are slowly diminishing. He is not a non-conformist. He is just another Bush hater. He is "free to think for himself"? I dont know about that one. At times, it seems more like he is just brainwashed into thinking it. And repeating those same one liners over and over again only lessens his credibility and tends people to take him less seriously. If he would at least answer some of my questions directly instead of, "by the way, Bush is..... etc. etc." and all that other BS, then he would probably help his cause instead of hurting it.

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Originally posted by Shonkytonk
Well I’m beginning to dislike you, if that counts for anything.

Your question is ridiculous. What am I going to hate? How can I possibly tell you what I am going to hate in the future? What I can say is that when Bush is gone, I’ll be very glad and my life will be even more fulfilled.

And I just checked my post and there is one spelling mistake an ...[text shortened]... rting to stupid comments like that, then well it seems you failed dismally in this discussion.
I hope you like the edit, and there are more than one spelling error, and a few grammatical ones. Would you like me to point them out to you via PM?

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Originally posted by lioyank
Bulls**t. Non conformists. Goths are non-conformists too, right? Except they conform to their own little group. People with tatooos and piercings are non-conformists too. Except that they are just like every other person who has tatoos or piercings. There is no such thing as a non-conformist, because we all have our own groups whether we realize it or not. I ...[text shortened]... etc. etc." and all that other BS, then he would probably help his cause instead of hurting it.
Why don't you wait until he's back on the site before you talk s**t about him? It's a bit cowardly to diss somebody when he can't respond.

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Originally posted by Canadaguy
I hope you like the edit, and there are more than one spelling error, and a few grammatical ones. Would you like me to point them out to you via PM?
Here's the admission of his loss. Requiescat In Pace.

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Originally posted by Canadaguy
I hope you like the edit, and there are more than one spelling error, and a few grammatical ones. Would you like me to point them out to you via PM?
Is that all you got? Pfft. Go away...

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Why don't you wait until he's back on the site before you talk s**t about him? It's a bit cowardly to diss somebody when he can't respond.
it doesnt make a difference, marauder. and you know it. even if he WAS here, he would just come in and say "bush is a warmonger and a liar". the he would go on his merry way.
in fact, i hope this thread WILL be here when he gets back. i dont necessarily disagree with everything that he has to say, but i think the way in which he says it is ridiculous. if he could have some motivation (this thread) and realize that there are better ways to present his information (in more detail), then MAYBE, just maybe, he would change his ways for the better, not get banned, and still manage to further his cause.

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Originally posted by Shonkytonk
Your question is ridiculous. What am I going to hate? How can I possibly tell you what I am going to hate in the future? What I can say is that when Bush is gone, I’ll be very glad and my life will be even more fulfilled.

Hippie? I' ...[text shortened]... that, then well it seems you failed dismally in this discussion.
I'm not saying just accept everythin you're told. For sure I question everything I see, and that includes Bush hating. Have you questioned the anti-Bush sentiment or did you follow along like a sheep? Sorry if I generalized by using the term "hippy" couldn't think of a better word. You make some good points about WW2 and Vietnam. I hadn't really considered it.

As for the deaths of my countrymen and Iraqies, nope can't say that I care at all. I couldn't care really if most people died. Including myself.

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Originally posted by Canadaguy
I'm not saying just accept everythin you're told. For sure I question everything I see, and that includes Bush hating. Have you questioned the anti-Bush sentiment or did you follow along like a sheep? Sorry if I generalized by using the term "hippy" couldn't think of a better word. You make some good points about WW2 and Vietnam. I hadn't really ...[text shortened]... can't say that I care at all. I couldn't care really if most people died. Including myself.
I questioned Bush the moment he was elected. Even though I live in Australia, I try to keep myself informed about issues abroad. I read conservative media, I read right wing media, and I read left wing media. I formed my own opinion. And at the start of the Afghan and Iraq war I was part of a very small minority of people who were against it. So no, I have not followed any anti-bush sentiment. And yes, I have questioned the anti Bush sentiment. But you can smoke out the people who just follow this sentiment by asking them why they don’t like Bush.

"As for the deaths of my countrymen and Iraqies, nope can't say that I care at all. I couldn't care really if most people died. Including myself"

I'll leave this one alone.

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As for the deaths of my countrymen and Iraqies, nope can't say that I care at all. I couldn't care really if most people died. Including myself. [/b]
ummm...... are you feeling alright?

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