@AverageJoe1 saidDoing away with central control of something that the States should be doing on their own is a good way to reduce the size and power of the Federal government over the states. I'm not sure why there is a Federal minimum wage since even cities take it upon themselves let alone state to set their own. I'm quite sure brainstorming we could produce more than a few things like that, it would also be good that the Federal government protected its citizens by controlling access to the country at all points of entry, from planes, and ships entering the country as well as the border.
You will recall my saying for years, to close the dept of education, I was given the Forum Finger, not one of you agreed with me, I will spare u my logic, common sense.
Now, Donald ( I call him Donald) is planning to close the dept of education.
Why do you fellers not get it?
And I made that huge prediction about the election ,back on Nov 4, the day before the ...[text shortened]... ippi students need different curriculum than Idaho students. Your fed dependency leaves me aghast.
@Zahlanzi saidOK. I’ll bite. If 8 yr old Suzy is to get a proper education in the Mississippi Delta, she will definitely need to learn how to avoid getting pregnant so that when she gets to New York, she will not be dragging a baby with her. Follow me here ….she gets the best education in the atmosphere in which she lives, let us call it a culture. The culture of Idaho, were Justin is receiving his education at 12 years old, has a lot of different things going on than this young girl has in Mississippi. He is learning how to make a living, how to be successful to follow in someone’s footsteps in ranching or drilling mines. Truly, they both got the best education available to them. They both learned things that would make them better adults when they reach 18 years old, from whence they will go off to New York City and apply for any kind of job that suits them.
"Mississippi students need different curriculum than Idaho students"
ah, so they would need to go to school again if either want to apply for a job in New York? Ya imbecile
How about you come back on this issue and tell me what you think should be taught to these children in their respective cultures. Keep in mind that when they get to New York City they will be mixing with maybe 190 cultures. You are implying that you could educate them so that they would easily fit into any culture. You are an idiot
@jimmac saidDon’t get your post. Cynicism does not suit you, I recommend writing plain English. You are already so off-the-wall there’s no sense complicating your posts even more with cynicism.
Wow, Musk a mate of yours, or is this what you would call an " educated " GUESS.
No, you are physic, yes? what one is it that you possess such "Knowledge"?
Or, and most likely, more Dims fearmongering?
Time will tell, keep me in the loop, $2,000 per month, hmm.
As an aside, $3,000 per month, what is that payment for. Sounds like a paying job rate to me, but to be fair, I have no idea how stuffed the US economy is.
@KellyJay saidWhat a perfect post. Unfortunately, you lost the libs when suggesting ‘the federal government protect its citizens.”
Doing away with central control of something that the States should be doing on their own is a good way to reduce the size and power of the Federal government over the states. I'm not sure why there is a Federal minimum wage since even cities take it upon themselves let alone state to set their own. I'm quite sure brainstorming we could produce more than a few things like ...[text shortened]... e country at all points of entry, from planes, and ships entering the country as well as the border.
They fell back into dependence mode when they read that, not that they were ever out of that mode. As long as these people are out there, looking for government dependence, we will always have these schisms. That would be no schisms if they would simply become self reliant.
@AverageJoe1 saidYes. Of course.
Certain standards? You a Lib? Try making Freedom an element of the lives of people.
Shav, what if someone like you set standards for someone like me. Doyou not get it?
Standards??? The 10 commandments and the constitution are restrictive enough.
You don’t need to know how to read or count.
No point in knowing where lake Como is.
@AverageJoe1 saidwell then, what is the REAL budget?
I think you are wrong about budget of dept of Ed
@Zahlanzi saidOf course schools in different areas are going to emphasize different things. My law school professor told us that where he went to school, at Baylor University Law School (in Texas), Oil and Gas Law was a required course for everyone. Where I went to school in New York, it wasn't even offered as an elective (though parts of oil and gas law were embedded in Real Property and some environmental law courses).
"Mississippi students need different curriculum than Idaho students"
ah, so they would need to go to school again if either want to apply for a job in New York? Ya imbecile
Why? Well, because in Texas, oil and gas law is enormous because Texas has a lot of it. In New York, it's almost nonexistent. Of course someone who graduated in NY can go to Texas and vice versa, but it's perfectly understandable and logical for different schools to focus on things more germane to its community. Where I went to school, there was a course called "New York Practice." Does that mean I can't use my degree in Arizona or Florida? Of course not.
The federal Department of Education doesn't even purport to try to set the curriculum for every school in the country. It would be a ludicrous concept.
@sh76 saidIn Canada…well particularly Quebec, they operate with two systems civil and common law. Those French sure are different eh? I say, “vibe la difference”.👍
Of course schools in different areas are going to emphasize different things. My law school professor told us that where he went to school, at Baylor University Law School (in Texas), Oil and Gas Law was a required course for everyone. Where I went to school in New York, it wasn't even offered as an elective (though parts of oil and gas law were embedded in Real Property and som ...[text shortened]... rport to try to set the curriculum for every school in the country. It would be a ludicrous concept.
@sh76 said"Baylor University Law School (in Texas), Oil and Gas Law was a required course for everyone"
Of course schools in different areas are going to emphasize different things. My law school professor told us that where he went to school, at Baylor University Law School (in Texas), Oil and Gas Law was a required course for everyone. Where I went to school in New York, it wasn't even offered as an elective (though parts of oil and gas law were embedded in Real Property and som ...[text shortened]... rport to try to set the curriculum for every school in the country. It would be a ludicrous concept.
first of all, that's university, that's elective. I don't have to go to law school in Texas or go to law school at all.
secondly, you still have to learn american law. not Texan law. There is still a commonality between all states.
"Of course someone who graduated in NY can go to Texas and vice versa, but it's perfectly understandable and logical for different schools to focus on things more germane to its community."
Because it still adheres to a common core. Because you still know american law, not klingon law or the laws of Tokien's elves. Because if you go to veterinary school you still learn how to treat cows and dogs, not dragons or unicorns
"The federal Department of Education doesn't even purport to try to set the curriculum for every school in the country. It would be a ludicrous concept."
It still should dictate "you should bloody know how to count, how to read and that the Earth is not 6000 years old or that matter just spontaneously comes into being". It must still dictate a level of education in given matters, basic competencies, a goal to strive for. Maybe slap some hilbilly state that wants to teach Noah's flood as scientific fact or that math is Satan's porn.
Now, redneck state can finally be first in something, in floodology maybe
@AverageJoe1 saidThere is nobody teaching 8 year old girls to become pregnant, anywhere, you disgusting pervert.
OK. I’ll bite. If 8 yr old Suzy is to get a proper education in the Mississippi Delta, she will definitely need to learn how to avoid getting pregnant so that when she gets to New York, she will not be dragging a baby with her. Follow me here ….she gets the best education in the atmosphere in which she lives, let us call it a culture. The culture of Idaho, were Justin i ...[text shortened]... mplying that you could educate them so that they would easily fit into any culture. You are an idiot
Or maybe you're projecting, after all it is your redneck inbred states that want to lower the age of consent and marriage, not blue states.
@sh76 saidThanks SH, though I think it quite superfluous to even discuss something so obvious.
Of course schools in different areas are going to emphasize different things. My law school professor told us that where he went to school, at Baylor University Law School (in Texas), Oil and Gas Law was a required course for everyone. Where I went to school in New York, it wasn't even offered as an elective (though parts of oil and gas law were embedded in Real Property and som ...[text shortened]... rport to try to set the curriculum for every school in the country. It would be a ludicrous concept.
Libs know stuff like this, but just enjoy being contrarian.
@Great-Big-Stees saidLouisiana actually still follows a French-bases system of laws, though probably not to the same extent as Quebec.
In Canada…well particularly Quebec, they operate with two systems civil and common law. Those French sure are different eh? I say, “vibe la difference”.👍
@AverageJoe1 saidSorry, was meant to be responding to Sonhouses claim to know trump
Don’t get your post. Cynicism does not suit you, I recommend writing plain English. You are already so off-the-wall there’s no sense complicating your posts even more with cynicism.
@Zahlanzi saidMy post regards classes…..follow me here,,,,,which presently exist in South Mississippi, where there is a 75% illegitimacy rate. Do you follow?????
There is nobody teaching 8 year old girls to become pregnant, anywhere, you disgusting pervert.
Or maybe you're projecting, after all it is your redneck inbred states that want to lower the age of consent and marriage, not blue states.
So, these girls must be TAUGHT to avoid becoming pregnancy.
Are you aware that people read your posts?