-Removed-Ron Paul, a Republican, was very popular with Democrats, far more than with Republicans. I stated on this forum years ago that I would have voted for him over Obama.
Plus, a large amount of "Bernie Bros" vowed to vote Republican if Hillary won. That's something you'd never see from conservatives; they vote exclusively Republican, no matter what.
Plus, this isn't the Crips and Bloods. Dems only oppose Republicans because of their racism, and policies that benefit the rich over poor, along with their constant anti-science, climate change-denying, antivaxxer culture. That and, their never ending lying and hypocrisy, like when they blocked Obama's SCOTUS pick for nearly a year.
In short, Dem opposition to Republican is based on substance not party affiliation.
18 Oct 20
-Removed-Probably a larger sense of protecting the community, protecting each other.
Here in the Netherlands the people opposed to the corona rules are generally white males who are supporters of Wilders or Boudet who are generally football supporters and have a tendency to spew racist claptrap.
I kid you not.
Oh, and a couple of influencers (whatever the hell they’re supposed to be); but they back-tracked very quickly when they realized their opinions were moronic. As pointed out to them by experts, politicians, the media and their own bloody fans.
I see that some of the opposers also support trump (which seriously puts them in a European fringe group) and believe in Qanon...
So, uh... yah. That’s the people in Holland who don’t want to wear masks.
And one can’t really claim, again in the Netherlands, that it’s a left-right thing. Most conservatives here are all for the measures. With various political parties (even on the right) demanding tougher measures or complaining it took too long to put the current measures in place.
18 Oct 20
@shavixmir saidThere in the Netherlands the death rate from C19 is less than the UK. It does not seem like wearing face masks helps at all and your government said there was no evidence they are effective. Are you claiming your government is wrong?
Probably a larger sense of protecting the community, protecting each other.
Here in the Netherlands the people opposed to the corona rules are generally white males who are supporters of Wilders or Boudet who are generally football supporters and have a tendency to spew racist claptrap.
I kid you not.
Oh, and a couple of influencers (whatever the hell they’re suppo ...[text shortened]... ht) demanding tougher measures or complaining it took too long to put the current measures in place.
18 Oct 20
@metal-brain saidThe government says (backed up by the WHO and the RIVM - Dutch CDC) that the effects of wearing masks are minimal.
There in the Netherlands the death rate from C19 is less than the UK. It does not seem like wearing face masks helps at all and your government said there was no evidence they are effective. Are you claiming your government is wrong?
But, considering the public generally thinks they work, they’ve implemented it. And the government explains: in the current situation every little can help.
Seems quite coherent and logical to me.
18 Oct 20
@shavixmir saidBut it is not working. The UK requires face masks and they have more deaths per capita than the Netherlands.
The government says (backed up by the WHO and the RIVM - Dutch CDC) that the effects of wearing masks are minimal.
But, considering the public generally thinks they work, they’ve implemented it. And the government explains: in the current situation every little can help.
Seems quite coherent and logical to me.
@metal-brain saidJust imagine how bad the UK would be without masks.
But it is not working. The UK requires face masks and they have more deaths per capita than the Netherlands.
Germany has consistantly used masks and they’re doing a lot better than the Netherlands.
Masks stop you spreading the disease. It’s a little help with a minimum of discomfort. And it’s only for a few months of your life.
You’re not getting shipped off to the Gulag and you’re not being executed at dawn.
Chill out. Follow the rules. And the sooner everyone does it, the sooner we can get back to normal.
Seriously. Stop making a mountain out of a mole hill. Stop making this some sort of issue on government oppression. Everyone’s doing their best and time will tell if it is helpful or not.
18 Oct 20
@shavixmir said"Just imagine how bad the UK would be without masks."
Just imagine how bad the UK would be without masks.
Germany has consistantly used masks and they’re doing a lot better than the Netherlands.
Masks stop you spreading the disease. It’s a little help with a minimum of discomfort. And it’s only for a few months of your life.
You’re not getting shipped off to the Gulag and you’re not being executed at dawn.
Chill ou ...[text shortened]... ue on government oppression. Everyone’s doing their best and time will tell if it is helpful or not.
Using that logic it is impossible to prove masks don't work. You now have an excuse for permanent denial.
I heard Germany has a high infection rate to death rate ratio. One possible explanation is that it is spreading fast through the younger people who have a low death rate. This would put Germany on the fast track toward herd immunity if that is the case.
18 Oct 20
@metal-brain saidThe infection rate per capita is quite low in Germany.
"Just imagine how bad the UK would be without masks."
Using that logic it is impossible to prove masks don't work. You now have an excuse for permanent denial.
I heard Germany has a high infection rate to death rate ratio. One possible explanation is that it is spreading fast through the younger people who have a low death rate. This would put Germany on the fast track toward herd immunity if that is the case.
There have been loads of tests on mask usage. And they are effective (to a certain degree) at stopping an infected persons droplets spraying too far.
So, together with social distancing, washing hands and quarantening if you’re infected, they are an addition to the methods being employed to slow down infection rates.
This has been pointed out to you multiple times.
I mean, even the Dutch government says: “They’re a little effective, but every little helps.”
You have your knickers in a twist about nothing. And constantly spreading this paranoid message us potentially dangerous.
I’ll make a deal with you: you shut up about it, wear a mask like a good little girl (like the rest of humanity) and once corona’s over, we’ll discuss what worked and what didn’t work.
What’s important now is that everyone chips in (and yes, there are more roads which lead to Rome; hence different countries doing different things) and do what the government and their experts ask you to do.