I posted a review (if you call it so, since I am not paid TV critic) of recently finished Serbian TV series on my FB timeline and as illustration I posted a screen-shot from an episode. Series was full of nudity, mostly tits, as in soft porn. (Imagine Italian soft porns from seventies...)
Few seconds after I posted it, I got warning from FB that I should remove the photo, since FB "has policy" which advocates "restricted nudity".
What a horse cräp!
Originally posted by @vanderveldeI would demand my money back!!!
I posted a review (if you call it so, since I am not paid TV critic) of recently finished Serbian TV series on my FB timeline and as illustration I posted a screen-shot from an episode. Series was full of nudity, mostly tits, as in soft porn. (Imagine Italian soft porns from seventies...)
Few seconds after I posted it, I got warning from FB that I s ...[text shortened]... move the photo, since FB "has policy" which advocates "restricted nudity".
What a horse cräp!
29 Dec 17
Originally posted by @vanderveldeWell, I suppose you could send a link in an email to those you want to see it. American culture is a bit more restrictive regarding nudity than Europe.
I posted a review (if you call it so, since I am not paid TV critic) of recently finished Serbian TV series on my FB timeline and as illustration I posted a screen-shot from an episode. Series was full of nudity, mostly tits, as in soft porn. (Imagine Italian soft porns from seventies...)
Few seconds after I posted it, I got warning from FB that I s ...[text shortened]... move the photo, since FB "has policy" which advocates "restricted nudity".
What a horse cräp!
29 Dec 17
Originally posted by @shavixmirI agree 100%, but America loves it's sanctimonious, "plain brown wrapper" culture. It's spawned a huge porn industry, and lot's of little closet perverts, just as the Victorian era did in Europe. Sorry, but America still has some things to learn from the older cultures of Europe and Asia.
Yeah, it’s fine posting images of children burning alive and people shooting each other... but damn, boy, gotta protect ourselves from mammary protruberances, one-eyed trouser snakes.... and heaven forbid... Satanic labia!
Oh the corruption.
Originally posted by @vanderveldeComplaining bitterly about the free service that a private company offers is funny.
I posted a review (if you call it so, since I am not paid TV critic) of recently finished Serbian TV series on my FB timeline and as illustration I posted a screen-shot from an episode. Series was full of nudity, mostly tits, as in soft porn. (Imagine Italian soft porns from seventies...)
Few seconds after I posted it, I got warning from FB that I s ...[text shortened]... move the photo, since FB "has policy" which advocates "restricted nudity".
What a horse cräp!
Originally posted by @sh76The idea that FB is providing you all this access, free, is a laughable proposition.
Complaining bitterly about the free service that a private company offers is funny.
You by the TOS give over all rights to anything you post and upload, like, share are excited or angry about, to be used at their discretion to entice you.
So without any real effort on their part, you present yourself as the perfect consumer where you provide all the research they need to target you. Could they have ever designed a more symbiotic corporate relationship, where you optimise the sale to you algorithm?
30 Dec 17
Originally posted by @kmax87Targeted advertising, eewwww, we're scared.
The idea that FB is providing you all this access, free, is a laughable proposition.
You by the TOS give over all rights to anything you post and upload, like, share are excited or angry about, to be used at their discretion to entice you.
So without any real effort on their part, you present yourself as the perfect consumer where you provide all the ...[text shortened]... designed a more symbiotic corporate relationship, where you optimise the sale to you algorithm?
Originally posted by @vanderveldeFacebook is an abomination. It's a wasteland of people looking for their 15 minutes of fame. I don't have time for Facebook. I'm too busy doing stuff to spend even more time talking about it. I'd rather just do more stuff.
I posted a review (if you call it so, since I am not paid TV critic) of recently finished Serbian TV series on my FB timeline and as illustration I posted a screen-shot from an episode. Series was full of nudity, mostly tits, as in soft porn. (Imagine Italian soft porns from seventies...)
Few seconds after I posted it, I got warning from FB that I s ...[text shortened]... move the photo, since FB "has policy" which advocates "restricted nudity".
What a horse cräp!
30 Dec 17
Originally posted by @sh76I can go along with that. It's a pity however Facebook can't seem to regulate misleading political content from Russia half as well as photo content from everyone else. Oh well, who cares about our democracy, just keep those nudie pic's away from the kiddies! Only in America.
Complaining bitterly about the free service that a private company offers is funny.
30 Dec 17
Originally posted by @suzianneYeah, and it's really too bad. At first it was fun to reconnect with people I'd not seen in awhile, but FB has become so political, it's only served to drive people apart, rather than anything else. I disconnected my account last year. Don't need that any more.
Facebook is an abomination. It's a wasteland of people looking for their 15 minutes of fame. I don't have time for Facebook. I'm too busy doing stuff to spend even more time talking about it. I'd rather just do more stuff.
30 Dec 17
Originally posted by @suzianneWhat you do here is what a lot of people do on FB.
Facebook is an abomination. It's a wasteland of people looking for their 15 minutes of fame. I don't have time for Facebook. I'm too busy doing stuff to spend even more time talking about it. I'd rather just do more stuff.
Originally posted by @mchillEngland, mainly. Guess where the USA got it from?
I agree 100%, but America loves it's sanctimonious, "plain brown wrapper" culture. It's spawned a huge porn industry, and lot's of little closet perverts, just as the Victorian era did in Europe.