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FDNY bans flags

FDNY bans flags


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The New York City Fire Department, in response to a report that someone had a sexually explicit slogan in their locker, has banned all decorations on firemans lockers. This includes the American Flag and pictures or reminders of co-workers and friends killed on 9/11. Can they do this? I think its absurd, put some restrictions up maybe, but you can't tell these people they can't have a picture or flag in their locker. I read that the union plans on handing out 10,000 flag stickers for all of them to place on their lockers.

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Originally posted by PocketKings
The New York City Fire Department, in response to a report that someone had a sexually explicit slogan in their locker, has banned all decorations on firemans lockers. This includes the American Flag and pictures or reminders of co-workers and friends killed on 9/11. Can they do this? I think its absurd, put some restrictions up maybe, but you can't tell ...[text shortened]... the union plans on handing out 10,000 flag stickers for all of them to place on their lockers.
Finally. Something Unions and I can agree with. I hope they publicly humiliate the FDNY for this.

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I assume the lockers are company property and ON company property.
That's all we need to know .. legally.

It's silly, but probably legal.

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Originally posted by jammer
I assume the lockers are company property and ON company property.
That's all we need to know .. legally.

It's silly, but probably legal.
But how unpatriotic can they possibly be? Tell these guys who were heroes to the country after their efforts on that day that they can't have a flag in their locker? All because one guy has something hanging up that offended someone, terrible.

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Originally posted by PocketKings
But how unpatriotic can they possibly be? Tell these guys who were heroes to the country after their efforts on that day that they can't have a flag in their locker? All because one guy has something hanging up that offended someone, terrible.
You can be a lot more unpatriotic than that .. just read what Americans post in this Forum for a clue.

This is a simple company/union dispute.
Dumbass "politically correct" laws make it possible.

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Originally posted by PocketKings
The New York City Fire Department, in response to a report that someone had a sexually explicit slogan in their locker, has banned all decorations on firemans lockers. This includes the American Flag and pictures or reminders of co-workers and friends killed on 9/11. Can they do this? I think its absurd, put some restrictions up maybe, but you can't tell ...[text shortened]... the union plans on handing out 10,000 flag stickers for all of them to place on their lockers.
Well, this is a baby and bathwater issue, isn't it?

While I fully agree with jammer -- lockers aren't the property of the
user and if the owner wants to make restrictions, then that the owner's
right -- the 'solution' here is just plain mindless.

The sensible option would be to state that explicit materials have no
place in the work place, on lockers, on buttons, in firetrucks, and so
on, and that those who violated this ordinance would be penalized by
unpaid leave or something else.

If you hit the employee in the pocket, then you can bet it will stop.
And the Unions would (or should, at least) have no objection to
restricting the appearance of explicit materials and penalizing those
employees who refuse to adhere to such a policy.



Originally posted by jammer
You can be a lot more unpatriotic than that .. just read what Americans post in this Forum for a clue.

This is a simple company/union dispute.
Dumbass "politically correct" laws make it possible.
Well, Jammer, you were right the first time: It would be unpatriotic
to tell a business what they can and cannot permit on their property.
If an employee doesn't like the business restrictions, then the
employee is welcome to find another job.

Regarding what Americans post in this forum, without an example it's
hard to be certain, but certainly it is wholely American to permit the
expression of differing and even anti-governmental points of view.
One of the beautiful things about America is that it is perfectly American
to dislike America. To deny this is to deny the seeds of American


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Originally posted by PocketKings
All because one guy has something hanging up that offended someone, terrible.
We have these busybodies on RHP, they're everywhere.

It does come down to who's property is it, and being a condition of employment. As a member of a brigade back in NZ we wouldn't even consider decorating our lockers. The union is stepping outside it's area.

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Originally posted by PocketKings
The New York City Fire Department, in response to a report that someone had a sexually explicit slogan in their locker, has banned all decorations on firemans lockers. This includes the American Flag and pictures or reminders of co-workers and friends killed on 9/11. Can they do this? I think its absurd, put some restrictions up maybe, but you can't tell ...[text shortened]... the union plans on handing out 10,000 flag stickers for all of them to place on their lockers.
I agree its wrong to ban all personal stuff from anybodys lockers accept for a sexually explicit slogan he or she has the right to do what they want.
I am a fireman in Australia and i will support the The New York City Fire Department 😠

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How about a consequence for the individual instead of restricting the rights of all?

Oooops, I forgot, NY swings to the left now. (See Billary Cliton)

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Originally posted by Nemesio
Regarding what Americans post in this forum, without an example it's hard to be certain, but certainly it is wholely American to permit the
expression of differing and even anti-governmental points of view.
One of the beautiful things about America is that it is perfectly American to dislike America. To deny this is to deny the seeds of American heritage.

Well said, and I agree 100% .. and as an American myself I like to point out what I consider to be a traitor when I see one.

I won't dig thru posts to site examples for you. You read these forums. If you can't think of examples from what you've read, nothing I could site would convince you.

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I kind of agree with the FDNY, to me either everything should be allowed as decorations or nothing. you can't give freedom of expression to some but other take it away.

Now I think anything they want to put up should be allowed, but hey if not then I guess nothing should go up and I think that in itself the point they might be trying to make.

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Originally posted by monster truck
How about a consequence for the individual instead of restricting the rights of all?

Oooops, I forgot, NY swings to the left now. (See Billary Cliton)
That's right. New York is not a welfare state.

Oh you said it swings to the left...well, same thing. Red atate = welfare state after all.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
That's right. New York is not a welfare state.

Oh you said it swings to the left...well, same thing. Red atate = welfare state after all.
You are correct.

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