A lot of people are not getting a second jab. That makes people who are not fully vaccinated a majority.
There is a myth going around that if you feel sick or fatigued after getting a gene vaccine it means it is working. LOL!
Not everyone is that stupid. That is why people are avoiding a second jab. If the establishment was hoping to get the majority of people fully vaccinated so they would turn against the minority they have failed.
Vaccine passports will fail unless they can change that. That goal is fully dependent on propaganda now and Fauci's lies have made that even more difficult.
Expect to see less of Fauci on your TV screen. He is bringing too much attention to the gain of function research he lied about. People are starting to think he started the pandemic, even democrats who prefer to live in denial.
@zahlanzi saidI did that here. What is your problem?
oh my god, you should let people know about this crucial information that is not available to anyone but you.
maybe a facebook group. get the word out. inform people because the people in charge have a secret agenda
Anywhere but here? That is your weak argument?
@metal-brain saidthere aren't enough people here.
I did that here. What is your problem?
Anywhere but here? That is your weak argument?
what, like 20? You must do the public a service and reach as many people as possible. Facebook, reddit, twitter. Let everyone know that you alone have the answers and we should trust you and not scientists. They clearly have an agenda. Along with years of medical experience and some phds, sure, but an agenda mainly. A spooooooky agenda.
Fight the power brother.
And to think that this whole pandemic mess cost a certain person a 2nd term in the White House.
Oh, the outrage !!!
This is a stupid thread, btw.......
@shavixmir saidFrom all my years on this forum (i don't even try to engage in debate elsewhere) i got one immutable truth: nothing anyone says matters to a certain kind of people, of which he is a proud member.
Oh, please don’t encourage him.
Agreeing with him doesn't matter. Explaining to him why he is wrong doesn't matter. Mocking him doesn't matter.
We are all here to entertain ourselves. That is the only utility we get out of this pointless exercise.
This thread i am going with "i am totally agreeing with your, you should tell this to as many people as possible". Just to add some diversity.
@shavixmir saidHe is the mad bloke that always sits next to me on the bus.
He’s the sort of person you dread having to sit next to on a plane trip van Mumbai to Amsterdam.
No, not EVERYONE is that stupid. Mostly only YOU.
You are without a doubt the dumbest assswipe here.
What a GENIUS statement, fully vaxxed folks are a minority.
What ELSE do you know, Mr OBVIOUS.
@zahlanzi saidThere are a lot more people here than 20. Most people read this and don't post because they have better things to do than troll. You apparently do not have anything better to do. Keep trolling.
there aren't enough people here.
what, like 20? You must do the public a service and reach as many people as possible. Facebook, reddit, twitter. Let everyone know that you alone have the answers and we should trust you and not scientists. They clearly have an agenda. Along with years of medical experience and some phds, sure, but an agenda mainly. A spooooooky agenda.
Fight the power brother.
@metal-brain saidI’ve just checked and apparently at one point nobody was vaccinated at all but then they were, how weird is that.
A lot of people are not getting a second jab. That makes people who are not fully vaccinated a majority.
There is a myth going around that if you feel sick or fatigued after getting a gene vaccine it means it is working. LOL!
Not everyone is that stupid. That is why people are avoiding a second jab. If the establishment was hoping to get the majority of people fully ...[text shortened]... . People are starting to think he started the pandemic, even democrats who prefer to live in denial.
@kevcvs57 said43% of people in the US are fully vaccinated. That is a minority.
I’ve just checked and apparently at one point nobody was vaccinated at all but then they were, how weird is that.
A lot of people only got one jab and didn't go back for the second.
@metal-brain saidNo that’s not true, it’s an ongoing process. But if they do not want to get fully vaccinated then they will have to deal with any restrictions that status places on their professional and social lives.
43% of people in the US are fully vaccinated. That is a minority.
A lot of people only got one jab and didn't go back for the second.