@cheesemaster saidI am not a dem, but Hillary admitted defeat very soon, so there was no need to tell her anything.
Did you dems say that when Hillary lost?
Serious question π€
The Donald instead....if he was nearly as rich as he claims to be why doesn't he pay himself for his more than dubious legal challenges?
@Cheesemaster....No we didn't say that, CHEESE, she did.
She had the dignity to concede and not
pursue frivolous lawsuits that SCOTUS described as, ''without merit.''
@Cheesemaster.Cheese, we didn't plead guilty of talking to RUSSIAN AGENTS,
General FLYNN did....It was treason, and your boy, TRUMP pardoned him..
@cheesemaster saidWell that’s just a lie, none of this happened when Hilary lost, this crazy obnoxious π© is all Down to Trump, the cowardly GOP and his crypto fascist base. Personally I’d take a water cannon to the lot of them.
Rich people don't get rich by wasting money.
I know Trump lost.
We had to hear it from the dems for years when he beat Hillary so now they get to hear it from us.
Remember if they do ever win you can say goodbye to your basic human rights.
And it was the electoral college giving Trump the win and you know that full well.
You KNOW Hillary won the popular vote by 3 MILLION.
It took a popular vote of SEVEN million to overcome the voter suppression and cheating the republicans are well known for, for instance: In a mostly democrat city of several million, ONE polling place because repubs owned the state.
So I DARE you to deny THAT one.
If Biden had only gotten 3 million more pop votes he would have lost just like Hillary because of the cheating bullshyte set up by republicans.
I am QUITE sure you APPROVE of those 100+ republican TRAITORS pushing for the end of American democracy. If you think otherwise about that, TELL ME HOW IT ISN'T Sedition.