AND WITH GOOD REASON. I guess you don't care about the 400 + repub state bills wending through now designed EXACTLY to stop people of color from voting BECAUSE they are democratic party members.
So the result of THAT will be repubs ALWAYS win.
I assume for traitors like you, you are ok with a one party authoritarian state.
You also act like that could never happen here, but democracies AROUNG THE WORLD are under fire and ours included.
So keep up the good work, maybe we will have a one party system now.
You wish for something, be prepared for the consequences.
You mean you want us to fall asleep while the evil forces of the state repubs ruin our democracy?
Sure, that's the ticket, put out a bill saying Colored folks can't vote, AGAIN.
Did you perhaps remember when 'colored folks' could NOT vote at all?
Repubs LOVED that era.
So the got the vote and now Repub CREEPS want to go back 200 hundred years so Whitey can be in total charge again.
Good way to start a war.
But that is EXACTLY what you want you filthy hypocrite.
@dood111 saidHmmmm......Here 'ya go
Which of those bills does it state people of color can't vote?🤣🤣🤣🤣
Everyone can vote, but it's more difficult for some.....Guess who?
@sonhouse saidJust answer the question.
Sure, that's the ticket, put out a bill saying Colored folks can't vote, AGAIN.
Did you perhaps remember when 'colored folks' could NOT vote at all?
Repubs LOVED that era.
So the got the vote and now Repub CREEPS want to go back 200 hundred years so Whitey can be in total charge again.
Good way to start a war.
But that is EXACTLY what you want you filthy hypocrite.
@sonhouse saidYou just proved my point about libs having an unhinged psychotic hatred for people that don't agree with them.
You want to play a dumb game of semantics to cover up the FACT JACK that you HATE blacks, browns, Asians, Gays, Elders, anyone not in the whitey playbook and you show your inherent racism with every post.
Eventually people like you die off and the world is MUCH better for it.
HEY YOU IDIOT, what I HATE is people like you conspiring to destroy our democracy and you wonder why we HATE folks like you, not satisfied you LOST the LAST civil war, you WANT civil war 2.
I will fight you to the death to save our democracy and YOU have not even said you WANT a democracy.
You want to fight, WE WILL FIGHT and NEVER forget that FACT JACK.
@sonhouse saidYou are a hate monger.....and you are proving it to all of us.
HEY YOU IDIOT, what I HATE is people like you conspiring to destroy our democracy and you wonder why we HATE folks like you, not satisfied you LOST the LAST civil war, you WANT civil war 2.
I will fight you to the death to save our democracy and YOU have not even said you WANT a democracy.
You want to fight, WE WILL FIGHT and NEVER forget that FACT JACK.
@metal-brain saidHere's a meme that fits them perfectly:
You are a hate monger.....and you are proving it to all of us.
@dood111 saidIs it conservatives or liberals calling Mexican immigrants drug-using rapists?
Pot calling the kettle black it's the libs that are full of unhinged hate.
Is it conservatives or liberals who called for a ban on all Muslims?
Is it liberals trying to make it legal to deny gays from buying cakes?
Were liberals the ones who stormed a government building to stop the peaceful transfer of power?
Was it conservatives or liberals who elected a president who said he'd kill the families of suspected terrorists?
Conservatives are full of crap.