What? Donald trump got the results of an election and accepted them without a murmer. What sorcery is this?
His supporters must be puzzled. What makes this election different? Is it just because he won? No that can't be. It can't be that he was just saying all those things about rigged, cheated etc. because he didn't win NH last time, could it?
Maybe we are looking at a new Donald. The one who accepts the results of elections.
@wildgrass saidnow if we can just get hillary, abrams ect to come along right?
What? Donald trump got the results of an election and accepted them without a murmer. What sorcery is this?
His supporters must be puzzled. What makes this election different? Is it just because he won? No that can't be. It can't be that he was just saying all those things about rigged, cheated etc. because he didn't win NH last time, could it?
Maybe we are looking at a new Donald. The one who accepts the results of elections.
24 Jan 24
@mott-the-hoople said“Donald Trump is going to be our president,” she said, speaking at the New Yorker hotel in Manhattan. “We owe him an open mind and a chance to lead.”
now if we can just get hillary, abrams ect to come along right?
- Wednesday, November 9th, 2016
25 Jan 24
@shavixmir saidHe sounds like that all the time.
Did he accept the outcome, though?
His victory speech was that of a whiny little bitch.
@shavixmir saidMy recommendation:
Very true. The grand snowflake of the klu klux magan.
Run away.
Go make safe, inane, witless (and most importantly) pointless comments on another thread.
Edit:...or the single ijit emoji is a safe bet for you too.
@wildgrass saidlol he might have accepted them but but the narcissistic sexual organ was raging on stage because Haley, who conceded immediately, had the audacity to run against the GOPs absolute monarchy candidate, those 18th century Republican revolutionists must be turning in their graves.
What? Donald trump got the results of an election and accepted them without a murmer. What sorcery is this?
His supporters must be puzzled. What makes this election different? Is it just because he won? No that can't be. It can't be that he was just saying all those things about rigged, cheated etc. because he didn't win NH last time, could it?
Maybe we are looking at a new Donald. The one who accepts the results of elections.
@wildgrass said“Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday.”
“Donald Trump is going to be our president,” she said, speaking at the New Yorker hotel in Manhattan. “We owe him an open mind and a chance to lead.”
- Wednesday, November 9th, 2016
September 26, 2019
25 Jan 24
@mott-the-hoople saidAnd yet she still admitted defeat and conceded the day after the election. It's.not comparable to what trump did.
“Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday.”
September 26, 2019
@wildgrass saidSorry for you fellers, he is true to himself, no facade, you are not looking at a new Donald. Same guy! You have him for 4 more years. That's the facts.
What? Donald trump got the results of an election and accepted them without a murmer. What sorcery is this?
His supporters must be puzzled. What makes this election different? Is it just because he won? No that can't be. It can't be that he was just saying all those things about rigged, cheated etc. because he didn't win NH last time, could it?
Maybe we are looking at a new Donald. The one who accepts the results of elections.
25 Jan 24
@averagejoe1 saidUhuh.
Sorry for you fellers, he is true to himself, no facade, you are not looking at a new Donald. Same guy! You have him for 4 more years. That's the facts.
25 Jan 24
@wildgrass said2019 …what do you not get about that?
And yet she still admitted defeat and conceded the day after the election. It's.not comparable to what trump did.
@wildgrass saidYes, Trump won, don'tya know, despite democrat cheating.
What? Donald trump got the results of an election and accepted them without a murmer. What sorcery is this?
His supporters must be puzzled. What makes this election different? Is it just because he won? No that can't be. It can't be that he was just saying all those things about rigged, cheated etc. because he didn't win NH last time, could it?
Maybe we are looking at a new Donald. The one who accepts the results of elections.
What's that...? you didn't know the dems cheated...? yes, they did. they registered republican and voted for Haley.
@earl-of-trumps saidI keep hearing this. Why would democrats do this when the easier candidate for Biden to beat is Trump, not Haley?
Yes, Trump won, don'tya know, despite democrat cheating.
What's that...? you didn't know the dems cheated...? yes, they did. they registered republican and voted for Haley.