Everyone keeps saying how smart dolphins are. But I am having doubts - there have quite a few strandings of dolphins around here today where the dolphins try out beach sun-bathing with fatal consequences. Now the concept of land and water do not seem too intellectually challenging - the average sheep which is considered about as smart as George W Bush can be trusted not to repeatably walk into the waves.
So how are clever are these fat fish?
Originally posted by steerpikeCheck this out!
Everyone keeps saying how smart dolphins are. But I am having doubts - there have quite a few strandings of dolphins around here today where the dolphins try out beach sun-bathing with fatal consequences. Now the concept of land and water do not seem too intellectually challenging - the average sheep which is considered about as smart as George W Bush can be trusted not to repeatably walk into the waves.
So how are clever are these fat fish?
Originally posted by steerpikeMaybe they are suicidal. Maybe they joined a cult. Maybe they are dolphin sacrifices to Poseiden.
Everyone keeps saying how smart dolphins are. But I am having doubts - there have quite a few strandings of dolphins around here today where the dolphins try out beach sun-bathing with fatal consequences. Now the concept of land and water do not seem too intellectually challenging - the average sheep which is considered about as smart as George W Bush can be trusted not to repeatably walk into the waves.
So how are clever are these fat fish?
Humans do these things.
Originally posted by steerpikeMaybe they are trying to fast track evolution [runs away to avoid creationist onslaught].
Everyone keeps saying how smart dolphins are. But I am having doubts - there have quite a few strandings of dolphins around here today where the dolphins try out beach sun-bathing with fatal consequences. Now the concept of land and water ...[text shortened]... ably walk into the waves.
So how are clever are these fat fish?
On the east coast of Yorkshire (England) there are a lot of cliffs. It's not uncommon for cows to wander off the cliffs into the North Sea. Sometimes they survive and get washed ashore miles away...
Originally posted by VargThat's awesome 🙂
Maybe they are trying to fast track evolution [runs away to avoid creationist onslaught].
On the east coast of Yorkshire (England) there are a lot of cliffs. It's not uncommon for cows to wander off the cliffs into the North Sea. Sometimes they survive and get washed ashore miles away...
Originally posted by steerpikeDamn. If dolphins are not smart I guess I can stop eating all this dolphin UN-safe tuna in the hopes of getting an IQ boost.
Everyone keeps saying how smart dolphins are. But I am having doubts - there have quite a few strandings of dolphins around here today where the dolphins try out beach sun-bathing with fatal consequences. Now the concept of land and water do not seem too intellectually challenging - the average sheep which is considered about as smart as George W Bush can be trusted not to repeatably walk into the waves.
So how are clever are these fat fish?
Originally posted by steerpikeDolphins are thre times as smart as STANG>
Everyone keeps saying how smart dolphins are. But I am having doubts - there have quite a few strandings of dolphins around here today where the dolphins try out beach sun-bathing with fatal consequences. Now the concept of land and water do not seem too intellectually challenging - the average sheep which is considered about as smart as George W Bush can be trusted not to repeatably walk into the waves.
So how are clever are these fat fish?
Originally posted by slimjimGot a good point there. The average dolphin only beaches themselves two or three times before realising it is a pointless and counterproductive exercise. Whereas Stang never seems to learn that posting the same thought over and over is not particularly smart, no matter how many times it is pointed out to him.
Dolphins are thre times as smart as STANG>
Originally posted by steerpikeFunny you should mention sheep since you frequently lick Dubya's sack like a salt lick.
Everyone keeps saying how smart dolphins are. But I am having doubts - there have quite a few strandings of dolphins around here today where the dolphins try out beach sun-bathing with fatal consequences. Now the concept of land and water do not seem too intellectually challenging - the average sheep which is considered about as smart as George W Bush can be trusted not to repeatably walk into the waves.
So how are clever are these fat fish?