Originally posted by Brother Edwini think the only thing (yes it's sad i know) that would prevent me from playing on RHP would be death..therefore you can safely assume that if I stop playing I am dead! (thats if anyone would notice...probably not 🙁 )
If one of us died on this forum how would the rest of us know?
Originally posted by Brother EdwinI have planned ahead for this contingency.
If one of us died on this forum how would the rest of us know?
I have written a small piece of code which will post randomly to threads for a year or so after my demise. It has been hard to predict the future and continue coming up with new and witty things to say so I have fixed on a single post which will remain fresh even though my poor body may be far from it. Steerpike may be dead but it will be some time before anyone in this thread notices.
So my post-mortem post will be:
Bush is a liar and a war monger. Bush, and those who support him, are a threat to the security of the world.