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If You See a Stranger Snooping Around Your House

If You See a Stranger Snooping Around Your House



Whatever you do, don't grab a shotgun and confront him.
If you do, he may charge at you and try to grab the shotgun out of your hands.
If you have to kill him in the struggle, you will be charged with murder, as long as he is black and you are white.
And for Gods' sake if you see a neighbor confronting a bad guy, don't video it, because you will be charged with murder too, even if you had nothing to do with it.

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@dood111 said
Whatever you do, don't grab a shotgun and confront him.
If you do, he may charge at you and try to grab the shotgun out of your hands.
If you have to kill him in the struggle, you will be charged with murder, as long as he is black and you are white.
And for Gods' sake if you see a neighbor confronting a bad guy, don't video it, because you will be charged with murder too, even if you had nothing to do with it.
There you go again;
DOO, Do this, don't advertise your ignorance.
BTW, is it more fun for you to sleep with a gun
than it is to sleep it a woman?
I'm just wondering, I mean, you're not in a combat zone are you?


@jimm619 said
There you go again;
DOO, Do this, don't advertise your ignorance.
BTW, is it more fun for you to sleep with a gun
than it is to sleep it a woman?
I'm just wondering, I mean, you're not in a combat zone are you?
I don't think these guys have much of a choice.


Yeah it had NOTHING to do with 3 white vigilantes seeing an unarmed black man JOGGING with not even a cell phone on him, stopped because they THOUGHT he had just robbed someone, which he didn't but that didn't stop them from calling 911 and trying to 'citizen arrest' him, a law pushing 200 years old now and repealed but there was no citizens arrest and they stupidly VIDEO taped the scene and tried to pass that off as a DEFENSE.

They convicted themselves and BTW, ELEVEN JURY MEMBERS WERE WHITE.

Doesn't flow into your white nationalist program does it?

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@dood111 said
Whatever you do, don't grab a shotgun and confront him.
If you do, he may charge at you and try to grab the shotgun out of your hands.
If you have to kill him in the struggle, you will be charged with murder, as long as he is black and you are white.
And for Gods' sake if you see a neighbor confronting a bad guy, don't video it, because you will be charged with murder too, even if you had nothing to do with it.
Still going with that 'White men don't do crime' myth?

Good luck with that.

I see you also seem to think whites are the most oppressed race.


@dood111 said
Whatever you do, don't grab a shotgun and confront him.
If you do, he may charge at you and try to grab the shotgun out of your hands.
If you have to kill him in the struggle, you will be charged with murder, as long as he is black and you are white.
And for Gods' sake if you see a neighbor confronting a bad guy, don't video it, because you will be charged with murder too, even if you had nothing to do with it.
You're such an insecure little guy, aren't you?


@mghrn55 said
I don't think these guys have much of a choice.
What can I say? They prefer sleeping
with guns, I prefer women, but who am I
to judge? Hey, I defended their right to do it~!


@dood111 said
Whatever you do, don't grab a shotgun and confront him.
If you do, he may charge at you and try to grab the shotgun out of your hands.
If you have to kill him in the struggle, you will be charged with murder, as long as he is black and you are white.
And for Gods' sake if you see a neighbor confronting a bad guy, don't video it, because you will be charged with murder too, even if you had nothing to do with it.
You, uh, seem to have issues.

Here. Lay down on the couch and tell me about it.
Oh, nobody loves you? Uhuh, mhmm, uhuh, your mother? Uhuh. Uhuh, no girlfriend. Mhmmm. Uhuh. Yes. Always in basement. Uhuh. Momma. Yes… boy…

I see. Well.
Besides further therapy and lithium, I think a healthy stroll in the park should do you some good. But, yes, medication…


@dood111 said
Whatever you do, don't grab a shotgun and confront him.
If you do, he may charge at you and try to grab the shotgun out of your hands.
If you have to kill him in the struggle, you will be charged with murder, as long as he is black and you are white.
And for Gods' sake if you see a neighbor confronting a bad guy, don't video it, because you will be charged with murder too, even if you had nothing to do with it.
What you try to do is to be hyperbolic (hyperbole - look it up, no not the math one...).

However you fail by sheer overdoing it.

But we can go through it point by point:

If someone is on public ground, they have every right to be there. So if you conceive people walking, jogging or standing on a public street: Don't grab a gun and confront them. Your freedom ends where the freedom of the other person begins.


@dood111 said
Whatever you do, don't grab a shotgun and confront him.
If you do, he may charge at you and try to grab the shotgun out of your hands.
If you have to kill him in the struggle, you will be charged with murder, as long as he is black and you are white.
And for Gods' sake if you see a neighbor confronting a bad guy, don't video it, because you will be charged with murder too, even if you had nothing to do with it.
Yeah but they were not at anyones house and they chased him down in a public area and shot him, on the other he was black and apparently he had dirty toenails so there’s two possible justifiable homicide defences right there I suppose.
Their friend who filmed the hunt for them is obviously part of the pack, ‘if you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas’ 🤷🏻‍♂️


@dood111 said
Whatever you do, don't grab a shotgun and confront him.
If you do, he may charge at you and try to grab the shotgun out of your hands.
If you have to kill him in the struggle, you will be charged with murder, as long as he is black and you are white.
And for Gods' sake if you see a neighbor confronting a bad guy, don't video it, because you will be charged with murder too, even if you had nothing to do with it.
assuming your racist ass is talking about ahmaud arbery. You left out a couple of insignificant details. Like chase him for several streets with buddies of yours to the point where he felt like charging a guy with a shotgun was his best and last option.

But yeah, even in your scenario, if you grab a shotgun and confront someone who you think is "snooping" around your house, you are the fukin aggressor.

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@zahlanzi said
But yeah, even in your scenario, if you grab a shotgun and confront someone who you think is "snooping" around your house, you are the fukin aggressor.
The person snooping around your house isn't the aggressor?
I once went outside to check around my house with my shotgun because at midnight someone was tromping around outside my bedroom window.
So I was the aggressor in that scenario?

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@dood111 said
The person snooping around your house isn't the aggressor?
I once went outside to check around my house with my shotgun because at midnight someone was tromping around outside my bedroom window.
So I was the aggressor in that scenario?
"The person snooping around your house isn't the aggressor?"
No he isn't you lunatic

"I once went outside to check around my house with my shotgun because at midnight someone was tromping around outside my bedroom window. "
That's not public ground, you lunatic. And because i know where you are fukin going with it, no, if you see someone on someone's construction site you are not allowed to go confront him with a gun. You call the police (as poorly trained and murderous some cops are, they are still better trained than you) and you sit your ass down. And you definitely don't chase him with a gun and several buddies when he has left.

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@zahlanzi said
"The person snooping around your house isn't the aggressor?"
No he isn't you lunatic
That's not what I said.
I said I went outside to check on someone snooping around my house, so was I the aggressor?
Was I?

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@dood111 said
That's not what I said.
I said I went outside to check on someone snooping around my house, so was I the aggressor?
Was I?
Read my entire post. I don't mind you moving the goal posts, it's expected from you loons.

At least put some effort though in reading what i said.

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