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Impeach Joe Biden

Impeach Joe Biden



When I first heard about this I dismissed it as very unlikely and didn't think about it much until the news media demonized Greene about everything except her impeachment effort. They would not even mention it. Since the corporate news media doesn't want people to be aware of it I thought I would create this thread.


Regardless of the lack of votes, do you support impeaching quid pro quo joe?


@metal-brain said
When I first heard about this I dismissed it as very unlikely and didn't think about it much until the news media demonized Greene about everything except her impeachment effort. They would not even mention it. Since the corporate news media doesn't want people to be aware of it I thought I would create this thread.

https://thehill.com/homenews/house/535317-rep-marjori ...[text shortened]... chment-against-biden

Regardless of the lack of votes, do you support impeaching quid pro quo joe?
Are you serious?

What a maroon.

To be impeached, one needs to commit an impeachable offense. You got nuthin', and she's got nuthin'. She needs to be held in contempt of Congress, for wasting their time. You two must have hatched from the same egg.



@suzianne said
Are you serious?

What a maroon.

To be impeached, one needs to commit an impeachable offense. You got nuthin', and she's got nuthin'. She needs to be held in contempt of Congress, for wasting their time. You two must have hatched from the same egg.
Read the article before posting irrelevant nonsense. She listed why.
Now Pelosi claims she is a threat and needs to be disarmed.
Marjorie Greene is getting to the establishment. LOL!


Why doesn't the corporate news media even mention her effort to impeach Biden? Because she has something. That is why.

I doubt she has the votes, but you never know. Everybody bring attention to Greene's effort to impeach. Post it on social media and make it go viral!


The post that was quoted here has been removed
Right you are. No evidence is needed. They didn't need it with Trump and nobody needs evidence for Biden either.


@metal-brain said
Read the article before posting irrelevant nonsense. She listed why.
Now Pelosi claims she is a threat and needs to be disarmed.
Marjorie Greene is getting to the establishment. LOL!


Why doesn't the corporate news media even mention her effort to impeach Biden? Because sh ...[text shortened]... erybody bring attention to Greene's effort to impeach. Post it on social media and make it go viral!
Yes, go ahead. By all means, go and make a fool of yourself. But surely you're used to that by now, eh?

Why do you still support the "Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs" Party?


@metal-brain said
Right you are. No evidence is needed. They didn't need it with Trump and nobody needs evidence for Biden either.
You should be checked by a professional to make sure you're not a threat to yourself or others.


@suzianne said
Yes, go ahead. By all means, go and make a fool of yourself. But surely you're used to that by now, eh?

Why do you still support the "Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs" Party?
I suppose you think it Rick Snyder didn't deserve a perjury charge either. He poisoned Flint and got off with a $1000 fine.

Normal people can see double standards and condemn them. Obama and Biden let Flint get poisoned too. Then Snyder endorsed Biden for POTUS. Bang, measly fine like pocket change to him. See how that works?

Remember, Snyder is a republican and they looked out for each other. Political party means nothing to them in reality. James A. Baker III was asked by GHW Bush to serve in his administration because they were friends. Baker said there was a problem because he was a democrat. Bush said "that is okay, we can change that". Bang, Baker switched parties and that was that.

They have no party loyalty. Why do you? Baker was the lawyer that stopped the vote count so GW Bush won. They are loyal to their friends, not party.


@metal-brain said
When I first heard about this I dismissed it as very unlikely and didn't think about it much until the news media demonized Greene about everything except her impeachment effort. They would not even mention it. Since the corporate news media doesn't want people to be aware of it I thought I would create this thread.

https://thehill.com/homenews/house/535317-rep-marjori ...[text shortened]... chment-against-biden

Regardless of the lack of votes, do you support impeaching quid pro quo joe?
Marjorie Green Taylor... she who believes in giant space lasers causing forest fires and satanic worshipping intellectual elitists eating babies...

That Marjorie Green Taylor...

Yeah. Well. Whatever.



People should protest Biden while calling for his impeachment. We all know Biden set up dirty deals for his son Hunter. That twitter ban of the Hunter scandal before the election shows who the true election meddlers are. Remember the Russiagate conspiracy theory? Mueller lied about it. He asserted a false connection.


Call for quid pro quo joe's impeachment and protest. BTW, they will not pass another stimulus so we can get $1400 dollar checks that were supposed to be $2000 until March. We all know they can work faster than that when they are motivated.

Protests at the white house! Fear is the only thing they will respect. Call for impeachment with strength in numbers like nobody has seen before. No more double standards!


@metal-brain said
Read the article before posting irrelevant nonsense. She listed why.
Now Pelosi claims she is a threat and needs to be disarmed.
Marjorie Greene is getting to the establishment. LOL!


Why doesn't the corporate news media even mention her effort to impeach Biden? Because sh ...[text shortened]... erybody bring attention to Greene's effort to impeach. Post it on social media and make it go viral!
She has always been a psycho gun nut Qanon fanatic. The only people she gets at is mass shooting survivor children, that she chases and harasses on the street She’s a class A piece of๐Ÿ’ฉ and I hope dies a slow painful death.
I can see the attraction for you though MB but please do not breed with this retarded sociopath, think of the children.


@metal-brain said
People should protest Biden while calling for his impeachment. We all know Biden set up dirty deals for his son Hunter. That twitter ban of the Hunter scandal before the election shows who the true election meddlers are. Remember the Russiagate conspiracy theory? Mueller lied about it. He asserted a false connection.

https://www.lewrockwell.com/2019/07/no_author/anothe ...[text shortened]... Call for impeachment with strength in numbers like nobody has seen before. No more double standards!
๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ take a pill you impotent little man.

1 edit

@metal-brain said
I suppose you think it Rick Snyder didn't deserve a perjury charge either. He poisoned Flint and got off with a $1000 fine.


Normal people can see double standards and condemn them. Obama and Biden let Flint get poisoned too. Then Snyder endorsed Biden for POTUS. Bang, measly fine like pocket change to him. See how that wor ...[text shortened]... s the lawyer that stopped the vote count so GW Bush won. They are loyal to their friends, not party.
What your doing here is describing consensus politics.
I understand it’s not what your boss ( who’s holed up in the Kremlin while the people protest him ) wants but it’s actually a good thing because it gets stuff done.
Nobody should have party loyalty you should only support those who enact policies that you agree with.


@metal-brain said
When I first heard about this I dismissed it as very unlikely and didn't think about it much until the news media demonized Greene about everything except her impeachment effort. They would not even mention it. Since the corporate news media doesn't want people to be aware of it I thought I would create this thread.

https://thehill.com/homenews/house/535317-rep-marjori ...[text shortened]... chment-against-biden

Regardless of the lack of votes, do you support impeaching quid pro quo joe?
Has she had a psychiatric evaluation yet ?


A lady said today she would rather see Trump in charge here in Canada than our Prime Minister. I couldn't believe she had said that. I was about ready to say something to her and my wife knowing I would said we don't talk about Politics. Probably for the best I guess, as I would most likely pushed her buttons over it. I don't know must have been something she was smoking! Cannabis, is legal here in Canada only thing I can think of in the lady's defense for saying something like that.


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