Thomas Aquinas once said: "Sorrow can be alleviated good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine" With this in mind, I am beginning to think the Psych field, while it has some limited uses in extreme cases is largely overrated. Frankly I've never heard of a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, or counselor curing anyone of anything. Any thoughts?
Originally posted by @mchillMany of the symptoms associated with mental health cannot be cured and thus psychiatrists and others are trained to deal with and if possible arrest the symptoms. If truth be told its a bit jiggery pokery for what may work for one person may have little or even a negative effect on another. Its a vast field though, possibly misunderstood and suffering from a very poor reputation from the past.
Thomas Aquinas once said: "Sorrow can be alleviated good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine" With this in mind, I am beginning to think the Psych field, while it has some limited uses in extreme cases is largely overrated. Frankly I've never heard of a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, or counselor curing anyone of anything. Any thoughts?
There was a huge Victorian Asylum where my parents house is and we used to visit the patients regularly simply for something to do. My friends dad was the head psychiatrist and we thought him more 'tainted' than many of the patients,. There were people traumatised by the second world war. There was a man you could actually control by barking orders at him, You could get him to march, turn left, halt and present imaginary arms. There were hippies whose minds were baked from taking too much acid in the sixties. Occasionally a patient would stray onto a railway line and that would be it all over for them or jump from a particular high bridge in the hospital grounds. In Victorian times women were incarcerated if they had a child out of wedlock and were of sufficient status for it to be considered scandalous, before that they were taken to an Island in the middle of Loch Lomond. Crazee times!
20 Aug 17
Originally posted by @mchillInexact and not always effective, perhaps, but many people are helped by psychotherapy.
Thomas Aquinas once said: "Sorrow can be alleviated good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine" With this in mind, I am beginning to think the Psych field, while it has some limited uses in extreme cases is largely overrated. Frankly I've never heard of a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, or counselor curing anyone of anything. Any thoughts?
People may not be "cured" but they may learn to cope or compensate.
I'd say the psych field is useful. Overrated? Well, it depends on how highly one rates it.
20 Aug 17
Originally posted by @mchillWhat works for one person won't work for all.
Thomas Aquinas once said: "Sorrow can be alleviated good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine" With this in mind, I am beginning to think the Psych field, while it has some limited uses in extreme cases is largely overrated. Frankly I've never heard of a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, or counselor curing anyone of anything. Any thoughts?
Each of us tends to believe that everyone is really just very much like ourselves.
Originally posted by @athousandyoung... sometimes ...
Their meds can keep schizophrenics sane.
21 Aug 17
Originally posted by @mchillAdd Lithium, some good pot and some electro therapy. It's all good. Ask Jack Nicholson
Thomas Aquinas once said: "Sorrow can be alleviated good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine" With this in mind, I am beginning to think the Psych field, while it has some limited uses in extreme cases is largely overrated. Frankly I've never heard of a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, or counselor curing anyone of anything. Any thoughts?