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Is This Supposed to Be Funny?

Is This Supposed to Be Funny?


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If someone could enlighten me on how the following comments from Mr. Limbaugh
are humorous in the context of the earthquake near Japan, I would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.

"Did I really hear this? Did I really hear -- Diane Sawyer is in a refugee camp in
Japan. My god, she sounds like she saw her husband for the first time in six
months there. Oh, it's recycling, look, organized for -- these people are in the
midst of earthquake devastation and the credit they're getting is for recycling and
our caller Chris with a great question. The Japanese have done so much to save
the planet. He's right. They've given us the Prius. Even now, refugees are still
recycling their garbage, and yet Gaia levels them [laughs], just wipes them out.
Wipes out their nuclear plants, all kinds of radiation. What kind of payback is this?
That is an excellent question. They invented the Prius. In fact, where Gaia blew up
is right where they make all these electric cars. That's where the tsunami hit. All
those brand new electric cars sitting there on the lot. I like the way this guy was
thinking. It's like -- it's like Gaia hit the Prius in [inaudible]. It's like they were in
the cross-hairs, if we can use that word, it does. What is Gaia trying to tell us
here? What is the mother of environmentalism trying to say with this hit? Great
observation out there, Chris."


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Originally posted by wittywonka
If someone could enlighten me on how the following comments from Mr. Limbaugh
are humorous in the context of the earthquake near Japan, I would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.

"Did I really hear this? Did I really hear -- Diane Sawyer is in a refugee camp in
Japan. My god, she sounds like she saw her husband for the first time in six
months there ...[text shortened]... Great
observation out there, Chris."

Why waste your time with anything Limbaugh says?

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Originally posted by wittywonka
If someone could enlighten me on how the following comments from Mr. Limbaugh
are humorous in the context of the earthquake near Japan, I would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.

"Did I really hear this? Did I really hear -- Diane Sawyer is in a refugee camp in
Japan. My god, she sounds like she saw her husband for the first time in six
months there ...[text shortened]... Great
observation out there, Chris."

Oh well, its not like this sort of vitriol is in any way incongruous to the usual spiteful and mean-spirited monologues spewed out by Limbaugh, if anything its only evidence of the necessity for further regulation of talk radio.

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Originally posted by wittywonka
If someone could enlighten me on how the following comments from Mr. Limbaugh
are humorous in the context of the earthquake near Japan, I would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.

"Did I really hear this? Did I really hear -- Diane Sawyer is in a refugee camp in
Japan. My god, she sounds like she saw her husband for the first time in six
months there ...[text shortened]... Great
observation out there, Chris."

As low-brow as he is accused of being, I would venture to say that he's calling a spade a hoe: the environmentalists want to play both ends against the middle, all the while refusing to take an actual congruent stand.

In taking the extreme perspective of creation worship, his tongue-in-cheek exposes all ludicrous and indefensible the position is.

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
As low-brow as he is accused of being, I would venture to say that he's calling a
spade a hoe: the environmentalists want to play both ends against the middle, all
the while refusing to take an actual congruent stand.

In taking the extreme perspective of creation worship, his tongue-in-cheek
exposes all ludicrous and indefensible the position is.
Maybe I should have quoted this part alone:

"The Japanese have done so much to save the planet. He's right. They've given us
the Prius. Even now, refugees are still recycling their garbage, and yet Gaia levels
them [laughs], just wipes them out. Wipes out their nuclear plants, all kinds of
radiation. What kind of payback is this? That is an excellent question. They
invented the Prius. In fact, where Gaia blew up is right where they make all these
electric cars. That's where the tsunami hit."

I'm less interested about the debate about environmentalism, nuclear energy,
recyclying--those discussions will ebb and flow with time, like most others. But
intentionally mocking the victims of a natural disaster that has claimed several
thousands of lives? That is pathetic.


Originally posted by generalissimo
...its only evidence of the necessity for further regulation of talk radio.
I think it's evidence that freedom of speech is real and and not just theoretical, that it is being actively exercised, and that it is anyone and everyone's right. In that respect, at least, Limbaugh's comments are a healthy sign. Whether Limbaugh's brand of political discourse is healthy is a political issue. People talking about regulation of talk radio, in direct response to some rhetoric by a broadcaster that they don't like, is a reminder that freedom of speech has enemies and needs to be cherished and defended every day.

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Originally posted by FMF
I think it's evidence that freedom of speech is real and and not just theoretical, that it is being actively exercised, and that it is anyone and everyone's right. In that respect, at least, Limbaugh's comments are a healthy sign. Whether Limbaugh's brand of political discourse is healthy is a political issue. People talking about regulation of talk radio, in di ...[text shortened]... minder that freedom of speech has enemies and needs to be cherished and defended every day.

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Originally posted by wittywonka
But intentionally mocking the victims of a natural disaster that has claimed several thousands of lives? That is pathetic.
Agreed. Limbaugh rarely exhibits much in the way of common decency.

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Originally posted by wittywonka
But intentionally mocking the victims of a natural disaster that has claimed several
thousands of lives? That is pathetic.
From the text above it reads like he's mocking Diane Sawyer for fixating on recycling amidst all the destruction. I doubt he's actually mocking the Japanese.

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Originally posted by FMF
Agreed. Limbaugh rarely exhibits much in the way of common decency.
Wow! I didn't realize Rush was listened to in Indonesia! Who would of thought?

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Originally posted by utherpendragon
Wow! I didn't realize Rush was listened to in Indonesia! Who would of thought?
Who would of thought? Someone who knows something about Indonesia, I guess.

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Originally posted by FMF
I think it's evidence that freedom of speech is real and and not just theoretical, that it is being actively exercised, and that it is anyone and everyone's right. In that respect, at least, Limbaugh's comments are a healthy sign. Whether Limbaugh's brand of political discourse is healthy is a political issue. People talking about regulation of talk radio, in di ...[text shortened]... minder that freedom of speech has enemies and needs to be cherished and defended every day.
Former sub rec.

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Originally posted by wittywonka
Maybe I should have quoted this part alone:

"The Japanese have done so much to save the planet. He's right. They've given us
the Prius. Even now, refugees are still recycling their garbage, and yet Gaia levels
them [laughs], just wipes them out. Wipes out their nuclear plants, all kinds of
radiation. What kind of payback is this? That is an excellen ...[text shortened]... ims of a natural disaster that has claimed several
thousands of lives? That is pathetic.
Again, even narrowing the scope of his comments to this snippet, his argument remains the same. Namely, those who venerate (or, at minimum, place on equal par with humans) the creation (earth, animals) find themselves in a bit of a pickle when it comes to explaining the peccadilloes of the non-personal seemingly acting.

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Originally posted by wittywonka
If someone could enlighten me on how the following comments from Mr. Limbaugh
are humorous in the context of the earthquake near Japan, I would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.

"Did I really hear this? Did I really hear -- Diane Sawyer is in a refugee camp in
Japan. My god, she sounds like she saw her husband for the first time in six
months there ...[text shortened]... Great
observation out there, Chris."

Mr. Limbaugh has said and done a number of rude and disrespectful things over the years. This is just one of them. His mocking of Michael J Fox with Parkinson's disease is another, yet there is a core group of (so called) good American's who worship him, and America's right wing hangs on his every word.

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Originally posted by FMF
I think it's evidence that freedom of speech is real and and not just theoretical, that it is being actively exercised, and that it is anyone and everyone's right. In that respect, at least, Limbaugh's comments are a healthy sign. Whether Limbaugh's brand of political discourse is healthy is a political issue. People talking about regulation of talk radio, in di minder that freedom of speech has enemies and needs to be cherished and defended every day.
Obviously you have bought into the rights fundamentalist mindset espoused by the more irrational american contributors to this forum. Nothing else explains your platitudes about the practical existence of freedom of speech, not to mention your disgraceful defense of Limbaugh's vitriol as "a healthy sign", a claim which can only carry a negative and downright offensive meaning regardless of context.

Perhaps this post of yours stems from a lack of understanding of the gravity of Limbaugh's hateful rhetoric, we're after all talking about someone who is willing to scorn and deride the victims of a natural disaster, evidently taking pleasure in the whole experience. Needless to say, pointing out the existence of boundaries in public discourse doesn't in any way accumulate to a desire to silence all views I disagree with, nor does it identify me as "an enemy of freedom of speech", accusations which share a striking similarity to the kind of surreal mumbo-jumbo posted by a few absolutist simpletons on this website. Its really a shame that you'd rather express sympathy for a demagogue like Limbaugh than any of those who might be offended by his remarks.

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