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Israel Bans Brazil's President

Israel Bans Brazil's President


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Israel declares Brazil’s Lula persona non grata for comparing Gaza war to Holocaust

Foreign Minister Israel Katz declared Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva persona non grata on Monday over his comparison of Israel’s war against Hamas to the Holocaust.

Standing at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, Katz, the son of Holocaust survivors, told Brazil’s Ambassador Federico Mayer that Israel “will not forget and we will not forgive.”

“In my name, and in the name of all Israeli citizens,” said Katz, “tell President Lula that he is persona non grata in Israel until he retracts his statements.”

“What’s happening in the Gaza Strip isn’t a war, it’s a genocide,” Lula told reporters on Sunday in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, where he was attending an African Union summit.

“It’s not a war of soldiers against soldiers. It’s a war between a highly prepared army and women and children

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The article also makes the point that the figures for fatalities in Gaza do not distinguish between civilians and Hamas fighters. This is in addition to the fact that Hamas hides behind civilians.


Yep, the entire world knows a Hamas fighter holds an infant up with soldiers aiming at him, YOU KILL ME YOU KILL THIS PRECIOUS BABY, when in fact he could give a rats ass about the life of said baby so how do you stop savages like that without killing innocent civilians?

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@vivify said
The article also makes the point that the figures for fatalities in Gaza do not distinguish between civilians and Hamas fighters. This is in addition to the fact that Hamas hides behind civilians.
So any combatant who happens to be in Gaza is hiding behind civilians so it’s ok to bomb anywhere at all in Gaza, doesn’t matter how many children are murdered by Israeli ordinance we must assume there was a Hamas fighter holding the child above his head
What Israel is doing to gazan civilians in revenge for oct/7 is just that, revenge, and has nothing to do with the Hamas military being in their home territory
Real soldiers go into civilian areas on foot and take casualties if they have to in order kill the enemy. There would still be collateral damage but nothing like in the order that has been visited upon the gazan civilian population.


@kevcvs57 said
So any combatant who happens to be in Gaza is hiding behind civilians so it’s ok to bomb anywhere at all in Gaza, doesn’t matter how many children are murdered by Israeli ordinance we must assume there was a Hamas fighter holding the child above his head
What Israel is doing to gazan civilians in revenge for oct/7 is just that, revenge, and has nothing to do with the Hamas ...[text shortened]... teral damage but nothing like in the order that has been visited upon the gazan civilian population.
You got it. Revenge indeed. You attack, rape, murder Jewish civilians. We do likewise, and on such a scale that you would think twice next time you get the urge.


@sonhouse said
Yep, the entire world knows a Hamas fighter holds an infant up with soldiers aiming at him, YOU KILL ME YOU KILL THIS PRECIOUS BABY, when in fact he could give a rats ass about the life of said baby so how do you stop savages like that without killing innocent civilians?
You can't. Hamas can attack Israel with very little pushback using this tactic, lest Israel seem like monsters for retaliating. Which is exactly what's going on now.

It's the same reason why the U.S. couldn't eliminate the Taliban. They were hiding in plain sight among civilians. Obama was (rightly) criticized for drone strikes on suspected terrorists, which is what the Taliban counted on.

It's an impossible situation for Israel. But it looks like they had enough and went on a warpath.

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@vivify said
You can't. Hamas can attack Israel with very little pushback using this tactic, lest Israel seem like monsters for retaliating. Which is exactly what's going on now.

It's the same reason why the U.S. couldn't eliminate the Taliban. They were hiding in plain sight among civilians. Obama was (rightly) criticized for drone strikes on suspected terrorists, which is what t ...[text shortened]...
It's an impossible situation for Israel. But it looks like they had enough and went on a warpath.
It’s not impossible at all you just spend a fraction of what it’s costing to kill all those children on beefing up security on the gazan border
Then you spend as long as you like tracking down the monsters who ordered and carried out the Oct / 7 atrocities at a fraction of the deaths of civilians.
You must understand this is not about destroying Hamas, Hamas is an idea of resistance and you cannot blow up ideas, the logic of resistance will always resurrect the idea of a Hamas type organisation
This is vengeful blood lust and is the surest way to create a counter vengeful blood lust
The idea that Israel cannot actually defend itself against another atrocity other than killing 25 thousand or so innocent women and children is a very sick joke that the west is playing along with to our eternal shame.

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@kevcvs57 said
It’s not impossible at all you just spend a fraction of what it’s costing to kill all those children on beefing up security on the gazan border
Then you spend as long as you like tracking down the monsters who ordered and carried out the Oct / 7 atrocities at a fraction of the deaths of civilians.
You must understand this is not about destroying Hamas, Hamas is an idea of ...[text shortened]... ent women and children is a very sick joke that the west is playing along with to our eternal shame.
Its about
- finishing off Hamas
- destroying the infrastructure - military hardware, tunnels,
- breaking the spirit of the Gaza people
- even chasing as many as possible out of Gaza
- dismantling the system of indoctrination, the schools, mosques even hospitals which housed military hardware

... cleaning the whole place and starting over.

Its not about saving lives or money.


@vivify said
The article also makes the point that the figures for fatalities in Gaza do not distinguish between civilians and Hamas fighters. This is in addition to the fact that Hamas hides behind civilians.
That's true, but it's not hard to figure it out.

After the first week, there were about 9,800 total Palestinians killed. Over 5,000 were children.


@rajk999 said
Its about
- finishing off Hamas
- destroying the infrastructure - military hardware, tunnels,
- breaking the spirit of the Gaza people
- even chasing as many as possible out of Gaza
- dismantling the system of indoctrination, the schools, mosques even hospitals which housed military hardware

... cleaning the whole place and starting over.

Its not about saving lives or money.
It’s revenge pure and simple nothing more nothing less, well apart from another Zionist land grab on the horizon.
Israel has no peace and will not have any because it doesn’t deserve it.

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@kevcvs57 said
It’s revenge pure and simple nothing more nothing less, well apart from another Zionist land grab on the horizon.
Israel has no peace and will not have any because it doesn’t deserve it.
Yes .. its called sweet revenge. Peace?? Who says Israel wants peace?

Israel wants security. They have that and they have had that for decades.

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@rajk999 said
Yes .. its called sweet revenge. Peace?? Who says Israel wants peace?

Israel wants security. They have that and they have had that for decades.
Israel wants someone else’s land and they are quite happy to murder thousands of children to get it.
Security is a claim they use as a retarded fig leaf for the Islamophobes inside and beyond its borders


@kevcvs57 said
Israel wants someone else’s land and they are quite happy to murder thousands of children to get it.
Security is a claim they use as a retarded fig leaf for the Islamophobes inside and beyond its borders
You are a Palestinian at heart and thats fine ... but you are a stupid one. That 'someone elses land' is nonsense. We have been through the facts before but most fanatics do not care for facts. The land of Palestine never belonged to anyone [many nations lived there] but was always part of an Empire from the Roman Empire about 2000 yrs ago to the Ottoman Empire when the British Empire took it in 1915. The British [with UN approval] divided THEIR LAND into two portions for the Jews and Arabs.

Well you know the rest.
The greedy ones wanted all, and they hated the Jews.
Greed and hatred and laziness was their downfall.
Content with their portion and hard work led to the success of the Jews.

So you can stay on the sidelines like a loser and call people 'derogatory' names all day, if thats your thing and it turns you on. Or you can man up to the truth and encourage your Palestinian buddies to stop the hate, greed and start working ... llike take some of the $$billion they get and spend it on something useful instead of tunnels .... Lord ... what F...ing idiots!

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@Rajk999 - The land of Palestine never belonged to anyone [many nations lived there]

And it especially never belonged to European Zionists. At least the Palestinians held title to their own land.

get your facts right

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@earl-of-trumps said
@Rajk999 - The land of Palestine never belonged to anyone [many nations lived there]

And it especially never belonged to European Zionists. At least the Palestinians held title to their own land.

get your facts right
Jews bought parcels of land in Palestine and had title to the land they bought as well. Many people bought land in Palestine and had title to their land too. The Land of Palestine did not belong to anyone. That remains a fact.

Ownership of land and having a title, does not imply ownership of the entire region. SInce there was no unity between Jews and Arabs, the British Empire divided the region so that they can each have separate governments.

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