As I'm all sure you have heard, Senator Ted Kennedy died. So what are we to make of his tenure as a distinguished Senator. He is being called the most influentual Senator in American history.
So what did you make of him? I would like to talk about the good, bad, and ugly without sounding disrespectuful. After all, even though I may disagree or even loath someone it is not my intention to dance on their graves or be disrespectful of someone who has just died. May he rest in peace.
Originally posted by whodeyAs do not wish to be disrespectful to someone who has just passed away, I will reserve comment on Kennedy for the next week or two.
As I'm all sure you have heard, Senator Ted Kennedy died. So what are we to make of his tenure as a distinguished Senator. He is being called the most influentual Senator in American history.
So what did you make of him? I would like to talk about the good, bad, and ugly without sounding disrespectuful. After all, even though I may disagree or even loa ...[text shortened]... dance on their graves or be disrespectful of someone who has just died. May he rest in peace.
Originally posted by whodeyscrew him
As I'm all sure you have heard, Senator Ted Kennedy died. So what are we to make of his tenure as a distinguished Senator. He is being called the most influentual Senator in American history.
So what did you make of him? I would like to talk about the good, bad, and ugly without sounding disrespectuful. After all, even though I may disagree or even loa ...[text shortened]... dance on their graves or be disrespectful of someone who has just died. May he rest in peace.
Originally posted by uzlessThen I would say that I don't want to be disrespectful to a man dying of brain cancer. 😉
what would you have said about him yesterday if someone had asked your opinion on him.
Don't let chronology get in your way.
What is there to really say about him? I didn't like his politics. I didn't like the sanctimonious way he spoke much of the time. His hypocrisy on the issue of the Nantucket Sound wind farm was mind-numbing. I don't think that being elected to the Senate from Massachussetts a million times when you're JFK's brother is all that impressive an accomplishment. In general, I don't like the whole Kennedy family, from Joe Sr.'s anti-Semitism to Chappaquiddick to Mike Skakel to Willy Smith, I could do without the whole lot of them.
It's possible that he was a nice guy (though I doubt it) and he was probably a good father and I'm sure his family loved him. My condolences to his family and all. But, although the media loves to do this sort of thing, I'm not going to canonize him just because he's dead.
Originally posted by sh76I feel like a munchkin after Dorothy dropped her house on the wicked witch of the East. How did that song go? Ding dong ... something?
Then I would say that I don't want to be disrespectful to a man dying of brain cancer. 😉
What is there to really say about him? I didn't like his politics. I didn't like the sanctimonious way he spoke much of the time. His hypocrisy on the issue of the Nantucket Sound wind farm was mind-numbing. I don't think that being elected to the Senate from Massachuss ...[text shortened]... oves to do this sort of thing, I'm not going to canonize him just because he's dead.
The best thing they could say about her was "Well, at least her sister loved her."
What do people think of his last act in office? From what I have heard, he was trying to have some laws changed so as to have someone replace him who would vote as he would. From what I understand, his main concern was the NHC plan getting passed which he has been a proponent of for quite some time.
So what do those on the left think of this? I pretty much know what those on the right think but feel free to chime in anyway.
Originally posted by whodeyRight now the law is that there's always a special election. He wanted the law to be changed so someone could be appointed until the special election as long as the person appointed would not run in the special election.
What do people think of his last act in office? From what I have heard, he was trying to have some laws changed so as to have someone replace him who would vote as he would. From what I understand, his main concern was the NHC plan getting passed which he has been a proponent of for quite some time.
So what do those on the left think of this? I pretty much know what those on the right think but feel free to chime in anyway.
Of course he would hope that someone replace him that would vote as he would. I would expect nothing less from any politician on the left or right.
Originally posted by badmoonBy influence and legislative accomplishments, he has certainly earned the respect that was demonstrated when the capital's flags were flown at half staff, regardless of ideological differences, this is after all a civil society.
He was a champion for the common man. One of the people's greatest warriors since Humphrey. A true voice for the needy.
If you would've asked my while he was alive I'd tell you the same thing.
Of course he was flawed. Who isn't?
Originally posted by eljefejesusWell said. Although, ironically, your moderate words effectively poison the well for those here presumably champing at the bit to scream "murderer!" and "communist!" as they are at
By influence and legislative accomplishments, he has certainly earned the respect that was demonstrated when the capital's flags were flown at half staff, regardless of ideological differences, this is after all a civil society.
Originally posted by PsychoPawnBUt the law was passed in 2004 to require a special election within 5 months to fill any vacancy by Kennedy and company. At the time, legislative Democrats were ocncerned that Gov Mitt Romney would be able to fill any vacancy created as John Kerry ran for President. But now times have changed. Even though the Democrats hold a potenitally filibuster-proof margin in Congress, the outcome of a health care reform bill could hinge on a single vote. Therefore, since they are waiting to vote on this within the next 5 months, Kennedy and company are petitioning for an appointee ASAP!! Otherwise, this would not be happening even though Kennedy wrote, "It is vital for this commonwealth to have two voices speaking for the needs of its citizens and two votes in the Senate during the approximatly five months between the vacancy and an election."
Right now the law is that there's always a special election. He wanted the law to be changed so someone could be appointed until the special election as long as the person appointed would not run in the special election.
Of course he would hope that someone replace him that would vote as he would. I would expect nothing less from any politician on the left or right.
Translated: "We need a repaclement vote in favor of health care yesterday!!"