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Liberal democrats ...



must be stopped!


Our justice system doesn't work like this. Meuller, just investigate until you find something, now this, guilty until you prove yourself innocent...COMMUNISM!


Originally posted by @mott-the-hoople
must be stopped!


Our justice system doesn't work like this. Meuller, just investigate until you find something, now this, guilty until you prove yourself innocent...COMMUNISM!
We're not putting Kavanaugh on trial for his crimes. Guilty is a verdict. The question before the Senate is this: Does Kavanaugh have the character to sit on the SC and not just be a rubber stamp for Trump policy?

So far, just like the Magic 8-Ball, "Signs point to 'No'."


Originally posted by @suzianne
We're not putting Kavanaugh on trial for his crimes. Guilty is a verdict. The question before the Senate is this: Does Kavanaugh have the character to sit on the SC and not just be a rubber stamp for Trump policy?

So far, just like the Magic 8-Ball, "Signs point to 'No'."
Kavanaugh is guilty of being lied about...and the womens cause will in turn pay the price, no one will believe the real victims. They messed up letting the dems politicize them.

1 edit

Originally posted by @mott-the-hoople
Kavanaugh is guilty of being lied about...and the womens cause will in turn pay the price, no one will believe the real victims. They messed up letting the dems politicize them.
Really? That's your 'angle'? That this is somehow "hurting" the cause of feminism? When have you ever given even half a damn about the cause of feminism?

Conservatives never believe women.


The #MeToo movement is about giving women the courage to stand up for themselves, something they've been discouraged from doing for millennia.

You don't get this because you don't want to get this. This is called male privilege. You can afford to keep your head in the sand.

3 edits

Originally posted by @suzianne
We're not putting Kavanaugh on trial for his crimes. Guilty is a verdict. The question before the Senate is this: Does Kavanaugh have the character to sit on the SC and not just be a rubber stamp for Trump policy?

So far, just like the Magic 8-Ball, "Signs point to 'No'."
Er....um.....it's not a trial Suzy. Nothing will be proven and no one goes to jail. It's call smear the poor bastard as best you can.

The Dims have said long ago they would stop the Kav nomination, and then in the next breath say we need an investigation for him?

Interesting, isn't it?

Even children are smarter than this. The least they could to is pretend to be undecided until whatever investigation they want is done.

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Originally posted by @whodey
Er....um.....it's not a trial Suzy. Nothing will be proven and no one goes to jail. It's call smear the poor bastard as best you can.

The Dims have said long ago they would stop the Kav nomination, and then in the next breath say we need an investigation for him?

Interesting, isn't it?

Even children are smarter than this. The least they could to is pretend to be undecided until whatever investigation they want is done.
Let's say these women hate Trump, the GOP and conservatives with all their hearts and souls. Let's say that if Kavanaugh were a Democrat, these women would've chosen not come forward. And let's even say that the main motivation for these allegations are to stop a Trump appointee from being on the Supreme Court.

This still wouldn't change the fact that if Kavanaugh is guilty of what he's accused of, that he is wholly unfit for the highest court in the United States. As long as evidence is put forward, that's what matters. The women's possible political motives shouldn't be ignored; but their motivations don't invalid reasonable evidence for their claims.

Put it this way: if I assault you, the fact that your political beliefs oppose mine shouldn't stop you from your right to due process the right to be heard.

I do agree that accusations alone should never be enough punish or hold back a person from goals. This case doesn't merely have allegations; evidence has been put forward: a passed polygraph, notes from therapist about the rape from a few years ago, a yearbook evidently showing Kavanaugh had a binge drinking problem around the same time of the alleged incident, and two more accusers have come forward.

Dispute the evidence if you like. But there's no reason why these women shouldn't at least be heard and given fair consideration for their claims.

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Originally posted by @vivify
Let's say these women hate Trump, the GOP and conservatives with all their hearts and souls. Let's say that if Kavanaugh were a Democrat, these women would've chosen not come forward. And let's even say that the main motivation for these allegations are to stop a Trump appointee from being on the Supreme Court.

This still wouldn't change the fact that ...[text shortened]... eason why these women shouldn't at least be heard and given fair consideration for their claims.
It's not just the accusations. It's how the Left conducted themselves throughout the entire process as they yelled and screamed obscenities at him during the proceedings with his wife and daughter there to witness. I saw one such woman all bloody from her menstruations being dragged out yelling, purposefully so. These people are sick. Then at the very end when they still had the votes to stop him, they whip out the accusations that they sat on knowing it would just help delay the process when it should have been addressed during the proceedings.

I no longer have any respect for the democrat party. They are dead to me forever.


Originally posted by @suzianne
We're not putting Kavanaugh on trial for his crimes. Guilty is a verdict. The question before the Senate is this: Does Kavanaugh have the character to sit on the SC and not just be a rubber stamp for Trump policy?

So far, just like the Magic 8-Ball, "Signs point to 'No'."
We're not putting Kavanaugh on trial for his crimes. Guilty is a verdict.

Great care you must take.

Too many big words you use.

Confuse him you do!

~ Master Yoda ~ 😵

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Vote Down


And now the 3rd accuser claims Kavanaugh was part of a serial child rapist ring. She claims that she--as an adult--went to serial child rapist parties hosted by high shoolers...children... and she never said a thing about it to anyone. Never mind holding her accountable for repeatedly watching children gang raped and voluntarily participating in these parties over and over... without ever going to the authorities.

If the devil exists... we can rest assured he has a death-grip on the democrat party and the entire political process.

Laugh it up democrats. Oh, and we do see you laughing about this... we're making note of it. God is making note of it. There will be consequences at some point. Maybe not now or even 10 years from now but the people will eventually wake up to your lies and violently revolt against you.


Originally posted by @whodey
It's not just the accusations. It's how the Left conducted themselves throughout the entire process as they yelled and screamed obscenities at him during the proceedings with his wife and daughter there to witness. I saw one such woman all bloody from her menstruations being dragged out yelling, purposefully so. These people are sick. Then at the very e ...[text shortened]... oceedings.

I no longer have any respect for the democrat party. They are dead to me forever.
Do tell. I'm guessing you felt that way looooong before this post.

Kinda makes you a hypocrite, no?

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Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
And now the 3rd accuser claims Kavanaugh was part of a serial child rapist ring. She claims that she--as an adult--went to serial child rapist parties hosted by high shoolers...children... and she never said a thing about it to anyone. Never mind holding her accountable for repeatedly watching children gang raped and voluntarily participating in these ...[text shortened]... s from now but the people will eventually wake up to your lies and violently revolt against you.
That is your dream, isn't it? That same dream fuels this #WalkAway charade.

Sorry, we know where the lies come from.

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Originally posted by @whodey
It's not just the accusations. It's how the Left conducted themselves throughout the entire process as they yelled and screamed obscenities at him during the proceedings with his wife and daughter there to witness. I saw one such woman all bloody from her menstruations being dragged out yelling, purposefully so. These people are sick. Then at the very e ...[text shortened]... oceedings.

I no longer have any respect for the democrat party. They are dead to me forever.
As always, you leave out context. Why do you think those protesters were there?

Trump nominated someone who will bail him out and publicly said a sitting president shouldn't be indicted. Now that Trump seems to be firing the boss of the man investigating him, this is all kinds of corrupt.

Keep in mind Trump withheld 100,000 pages of documents from being accessed regarding Kavanaugh, citing Executive Privilege; combine that with the fact that the GOP dropped 42,000 pages of documents a few mere hours before the hearing, making it impossible for those pages to be reviewed in time. This is corruption at such a blatant, in-your-face level. The GOP wouldn't go to such lengths to cover up so many documents if Kavanaugh wasn't a man with something to hide.

The protester's behaviour was more outwardly unruly, but they're protesting a SCOTUS nominee who was picked mainly to save Trump's neck. The protesters were merely a spectacle; it's the GOP's corruption that you should be angry about.

But you're not. Because you're unapologetically a partisan hack. Chastise the people yelling about a fire, say nothing about the people who started it.


Originally posted by @vivify
As always, you leave out context. Why do you think those protesters were there?

Trump nominated someone who will bail him out and publicly said a sitting president shouldn't be indicted. Now that Trump seems to be firing the boss of the man investigating him, this is all kinds of corrupt.

Keep in mind Trump withheld 100,000 pages of documents fro ...[text shortened]... an hack. Chastise the people yelling about a fire, say nothing about the people who started it.

As always, you hit the nail on the head. This is what the Republicans are trying to distract people from. Their actual motives, their unholy agenda.

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