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McCain suspends campaign

McCain suspends campaign


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I just heard on the news that John McCain has suspended his campaign for President to focus on the economic crisis at hand. So the question must be asked, will Obama follow his leadership?

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Originally posted by whodey
I just heard on the news that John McCain has suspended his campaign for President to focus on the economic crisis at hand. So the question must be asked, will Obama follow his leadership?
I thought it was suspended already....he's been slipping in the polls now that flavor of the month Palin is already growing stale.

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Originally posted by whodey
I just heard on the news that John McCain has suspended his campaign for President to focus on the economic crisis at hand. So the question must be asked, will Obama follow his leadership?
What "leadership"? It's political grandstanding pure and simple. McCain's trying to duck the debate at a time when he's sinking in the polls due to his role in deregulating an industry that now wants a massive handout from the American people. Heck, McCain was even afraid to face David Letterman tonight.

It's also an attempt to propagandize the issue to fit into the Bush line that it is some immediate crisis that must be "solved" by the proposed handout without any reasoned study of the consequences of this action (which might very well include a $1 trillion deficit next year) and possible alternatives. Obama should ignore this latest "Hail Mary" pass from a desperate campaign; I'm sure Obama is available for any Senate vote and consultations regarding the matter - taking time for a one hour debate anxiously awaited for by many voters isn't going to effect the outcome of this congressional decision one bit.

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Originally posted by whodey
I just heard on the news that John McCain has suspended his campaign for President to focus on the economic crisis at hand. So the question must be asked, will Obama follow his leadership?
From the thread I just started :- Pwoark! Pwoark! McCain Chicken!

Rather than expose his ineptitude at understanding the ramifications of this current financial crises, and have his dithering on whether he gets it or not on permanent record, John Chicken McCain is turning tail and running for cover, to hide behind "helping" the country via the Congress in this important issue.

Just who the hell does McCain think he is, to put on a star turn and transform his ignorance on the issue into some potential game winning strategy of statesmanship.

America if anyone has noticed already has a President. John McCain's job at present is to sell himself as a worthy candidate for president and not grandstand himself into a role that he has no real expertise for other than to bluster and assume a role that your current President already should be doing.

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From Obama: “This is exactly the time when the American people need to hear from the person who in approximately 40 days will be responsible for dealing with this mess,” Obama told reporters in Clearwater, Fla.

“In my mind, it’s more important than ever that we present ourselves to the American people and describe where we want to take the country and where we want to take the economy,” he said.

I like this zinger:

“It’s going to be part of the president’s job to be able to deal with more than one thing at once.” (OUCH!)


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More like it is the President's job to maintain the spin no matter how fast the ship is sinking. The ship isn't important. Only the spin is important.

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Originally posted by Eladar
More like it is the President's job to maintain the spin no matter how fast the ship is sinking. The ship isn't important. Only the spin is important.
There are openings in China for good table tennis players.😉

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I wish we could get China to take McCain. It would have been great if they could've taken Bush too, but the Republicans are stuck with those two bozos.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
What "leadership"? It's political grandstanding pure and simple. McCain's trying to duck the debate at a time when he's sinking in the polls due to his role in deregulating an industry that now wants a massive handout from the American people. Heck, McCain was even afraid to face David Letterman tonight.

It's also an attempt to propag any voters isn't going to effect the outcome of this congressional decision one bit.
What leadership?

McCain estimates that if NO plan is implemented that the financial consequence for doing nothing will be catastrophic. Now lets step back and watch as the Dems politicize the situation and do NOTHING and see if he was right. Of course, it is not the POPULAR position to take because people cannot fathom having to bail out "rich folk" in any way, but the reality is, is that they may be the biggest losers if no plan is implemented to avoid a credit freeze nationally with a massive increase in unemployment and people forced out of their homes to boot. Even though he may loose in the polls for supporting a bail out of some kind and even though he may miss a debate with Obama as a result, which probably will cost him the election, he is doing what he perceives is what the country needs him to do, which is to promote a solution within his own party. Now that is leadership. It is just like his position on Iraq. Although his position was unpopular in the polls, he would rather loose an election than do something that he feels would be the wrong thing to do currently.

BTW: You may all want to have some cash on hand just in case. 😉

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Originally posted by whodey
What leadership?

McCain estimates that if NO plan is implemented that the financial consequence for doing nothing will be catastrophic. Now lets step back and watch as the Dems politicize the situation and do NOTHING and see if he was right. Of course, it is not the POPULAR position to take because people cannot fathom having to bail out "rich folk" in ...[text shortened]... g thing to do currently.

BTW: You may all want to have some cash on hand just in case. 😉
McCain can't do anything as an individual....he's just another voice. It's being run by Paulson and his confidents now...

It's just a duck, pure and simple. McCain should start acting like the president if he wants to be the president.

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Originally posted by uzless
McCain can't do anything as an individual....he's just another voice. It's being run by Paulson and his confidents now...

It's just a duck, pure and simple. McCain should start acting like the president if he wants to be the president.
Let me put in another way, if I were in his position and I believed what he says he believes then I would do the EXACT same thing which is ANYTHING I could to remedy the situation even if it got me no where. End of story.

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Originally posted by whodey
Let me put in another way, if I were in his position and I believed what he says he believes then I would do the EXACT same thing which is ANYTHING I could to remedy the situation even if it got me no where. End of story.
I agree, I like the move. Obie, can say all the stupid one-liners he wants. McCain is doing the right thing and I believe that he really believes that. Obie has no choice but to play tag-along now.

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Originally posted by PocketKings
I agree, I like the move. Obie, can say all the stupid one-liners he wants. McCain is doing the right thing and I believe that he really believes that. Obie has no choice but to play tag-along now.
Put another way, Obie don't know canobi. 😛

His leadership comes as an empty suit in the form of a partisan mouthpiece

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Originally posted by whodey
Put another way, Obie don't know canobi. 😛

His leadership comes as an empty suit in the form of a partisan mouthpiece
I just heard that Bush said he "invited" them both to come back. Anybody else hear that?

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Originally posted by whodey
Put another way, Obie don't know canobi. 😛

His leadership comes as an empty suit in the form of a partisan mouthpiece
You both have really got to be kidding. What exactly do you expect McCain to do? He is the first to say that he doesn't know anything about the economy. Is he going to figure it out in 2 days? More realistically, and you should both be smart enough to understand this, he doesn't want to get called out on national t.v. for backing more deregulation.

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