Originally posted by EladarA similar effect occurs with products with built in planned obsolescence. Businessmens' tricks to screw over the gullible public.
How much money would the medical industry make if everyone is healthy?
Why would the Medical Industry strive to make people healthy if they make money on the sick?
This is something that struck me as I'm doing research on iodine, especially in respect to bromine and fluoride.
Originally posted by EladarLook up Dead Doctors Dont Lie.
How much money would the medical industry make if everyone is healthy?
Why would the Medical Industry strive to make people healthy if they make money on the sick?
This is something that struck me as I'm doing research on iodine, especially in respect to bromine and fluoride.
Originally posted by EladarOh I hate the pharma industry I really do..
How much money would the medical industry make if everyone is healthy?
Why would the Medical Industry strive to make people healthy if they make money on the sick?
This is something that struck me as I'm doing research on iodine, especially in respect to bromine and fluoride.
By a process of trial and error with human guinea pigs we have just about alright drugs these days .... but....
NO CANNABIS - Where did they hide it eh! beneath a ton of much much much worse and more expensive drugs...
NO COMPASSION - Hey we can cure your cancer! now can we have the keys to your house and car please!
Fail - the whole industry is a fail (and i don't say that about other industries). Sick people should have all the shares in Pharma - Have long thought that, they should own it.
Originally posted by Eladarif you turn your medical care into an industry, they wouldn't in fact make any money if they cure people. this is why privatizing health care is a mistake. what CEO in his right mind would authorize the selling of a cure for cancer, when they could make a drug that delays death and/or alleviates the symptoms for years and make much more money.
How much money would the medical industry make if everyone is healthy?
Why would the Medical Industry strive to make people healthy if they make money on the sick?
This is something that struck me as I'm doing research on iodine, especially in respect to bromine and fluoride.
there is no money to be made in cures. the private companies make their money off sick people. it is the big bad government that needs healthy people to work and pay taxes. the big bad government might invest in cures. if there is any money left after the military budgets are set.
Originally posted by ZahlanziTo be fair, insurance companies do have an incentive to provide preventive care. But since an insurance contract is only temporary, such incentives are to the short or mid-term at best, and then only if personnel aren't paid bonuses for meeting short-term objectives.
if you turn your medical care into an industry, they wouldn't in fact make any money if they cure people. this is why privatizing health care is a mistake. what CEO in his right mind would authorize the selling of a cure for cancer, when they could make a drug that delays death and/or alleviates the symptoms for years and make much more money.
ther ...[text shortened]... vernment might invest in cures. if there is any money left after the military budgets are set.
Originally posted by ZahlanziI agree Z, there have probably been 10s of dozens of cures for cancer discovered but you see, the cures are worth nothing, take a look on Ebay, they try to sell them but no-one wants them, can't give them away. Same as when you take your car to the mechanics to get fixed, no mechanic anywhere at anytime has ever fixed a car, because they don't want cars fixed, then they'd have nothing to do, the logic of your argument is insurmountable, you've killed this thread by your superior diamond sharp insight into the problem.
if you turn your medical care into an industry, they wouldn't in fact make any money if they cure people. this is why privatizing health care is a mistake. what CEO in his right mind would authorize the selling of a cure for cancer, when they could make a drug that delays death and/or alleviates the symptoms for years and make much more money.
ther ...[text shortened]... vernment might invest in cures. if there is any money left after the military budgets are set.
Originally posted by ZahlanziI agree in part. Parmacutical companies must continually come up with new drugs as older ones, that are often more effective, go generic. What is needed is more research into how food, additives to our food and genetic modification of food affects human health. The only entidy that can do this is government supported research. Government research is not based on trying to make a profitable product - medicine. However, the GOP has been destroying NHI funding which will effectively destroy research other than the questionable research conducted by big pharma.
if you turn your medical care into an industry, they wouldn't in fact make any money if they cure people. this is why privatizing health care is a mistake. what CEO in his right mind would authorize the selling of a cure for cancer, when they could make a drug that delays death and/or alleviates the symptoms for years and make much more money.
ther ...[text shortened]... vernment might invest in cures. if there is any money left after the military budgets are set.
Originally posted by WajomaFirst of all, many so called cancer cures, like the Gerson cure which has you juicing everything you eat followed by coffee enemas, are just bogus and often dangerous. The video you listed was VERY interesting. In the US hospitals are non-profit institutions which are making a ton of profit and ripping off people. In my community a new hospital was built almost within walking distance of another one which was never fully occupied by patients. The old hospital spent a ton of money to try to look as fancy as the new Aurora building which has a lobby that would rival a Dubai hotel. The best medicine is do not smoke, don't get fat, exercise, drink in moderation and try to eat a balanced diet of organic foods. If all that fails, there's always coffee enemas😲
I agree Z, there have probably been 10s of dozens of cures for cancer discovered but you see, the cures are worth nothing, take a look on Ebay, they try to sell them but no-one wants them, can't give them away. Same as when you take your car to the mechanics to get fixed, no mechanic anywhere at anytime has ever fixed a car, because they don't want cars fixed r diamond sharp insight into the problem.
Originally posted by ZahlanziYea, socialized medicine around the world are coming up with "cures" hand over fist, eh?
if you turn your medical care into an industry, they wouldn't in fact make any money if they cure people. this is why privatizing health care is a mistake. what CEO in his right mind would authorize the selling of a cure for cancer, when they could make a drug that delays death and/or alleviates the symptoms for years and make much more money.
ther ...[text shortened]... vernment might invest in cures. if there is any money left after the military budgets are set.
Where do you people come from? ðŸ˜
Originally posted by WajomaMechanics sabotage the cars they fix all the time. I remember seeing a documentary where they caught the mechanics putting in broken parts so the person would have to get the car fixed again soon.
I agree Z, there have probably been 10s of dozens of cures for cancer discovered but you see, the cures are worth nothing, take a look on Ebay, they try to sell them but no-one wants them, can't give them away. Same as when you take your car to the mechanics to get fixed, no mechanic anywhere at anytime has ever fixed a car, because they don't want cars fixed ...[text shortened]... r diamond sharp insight into the problem.
Originally posted by EladarAgreed. Drug companies such as Merck and Pifzer make billions in profits selling their pills to people stupid enough to believe their TV ad's. My M.D. (who's also an N.D.) said "if we dumped all our prescription tablets in the ocean, we'd have more healthy people, and less healthy fish!
How much money would the medical industry make if everyone is healthy?
Why would the Medical Industry strive to make people healthy if they make money on the sick?
This is something that struck me as I'm doing research on iodine, especially in respect to bromine and fluoride.
Originally posted by bill718Not only do the drug companies make big bucks, they also fund education for doctors. Many doctors in the US are nothing more than people trained to give perscriptions for drugs. My wife recently went to an endocrinologist. I asked him about supplementing iodine for my wife instead of going right to the bio-identical hormones. His comment was that if something really worked, a drug company would be making it. I kid you not, that was his exact words.
Agreed. Drug companies such as Merck and Pifzer make billions in profits selling their pills to people stupid enough to believe their TV ad's. My M.D. (who's also an N.D.) said "if we dumped all our prescription tablets in the ocean, we'd have more healthy people, and less healthy fish!
Not many doctors are willing to disagree with the government on daily recommended dosage for Iodine. I think it is something like 250 micrograms with a toxic level of 1200 micrograms. I think that would convert to .25 mg and 1.2 mg respectively.
I've seen daily estimated intake for Japan to be anywhere between 12.5 mg and 13.5 mg due to the large amount of seaweed that they consume. How can 1.2 mg be toxic if the Japanese ingest over 10 times that number every day?
What does iodine do? It concentrates in the glands for proper gland function (hormone function) and iodine also helps to keep the gland material stable, which means it prevents cancer. Japan has one of the lowest cancer mortality rates for women in the world.
Denmark has a very high cancer rate and a very high right of iodine deficiency.
It seems to me that iodine should be something that all doctors should be pushing for, but if people don't get sick, the medical industry doesn't make money. Doctors trained by medical schools that get their money from drug companies don't know any better. They just sit in their offices to swamped to read up on new discoveries in natural supplementation making money writing perscriptions.
Originally posted by AThousandYoungYeah, you're 100 perxactly keyrect, what we need is universal health care for cars. Mechanics sabotage cars 'all' the time just as you say, after all you saw it on a documentary.
Mechanics sabotage the cars they fix all the time. I remember seeing a documentary where they caught the mechanics putting in broken parts so the person would have to get the car fixed again soon.