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Missouri schools reinstate spanking children

Missouri schools reinstate spanking children


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Missouri school district reinstates spanking as punishment: 'We've had people actually thank us'

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – A school district in Missouri announced it will reinstate spanking this school year – but with a parental caveat.

Cassville School School District superintendent Merlyn Johnson said he did not take the job a year ago with a plan to reinstate corporal punishment – a disciplinary measure the 1,900-student Barry County district abandoned in 2001.

"But it is something that has happened on my watch and I'm OK with it," Johnson said.

The District of Columbia and 27 states prohibit corporal punishment as of mid 2017, according to the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments at the Department of Education. The other states allow it or don't have specific restrictions.

Cassville is a small town with a population just under 4,000 people about 60 miles southwest of Springfield, near the Arkansas border.


One does not need physical punishment in order to maintain order and respect.

A military organization does not invoke physical punishment to recruits, nor do coaches on sports teams.

I'm not shocked by the position that a Missouri school district has chosen to put itself in, but I think there are better ways,


About time by god. A little discipline and respect will keep them youngsters from becoming mass shooters. Hopefully when they get their swat from the principal, their phones will be in their hip pockets just getting pummeled all to H E double hockey sticks.


@joe-beyser said
About time by god. A little discipline and respect will keep them youngsters from becoming mass shooters. Hopefully when they get their swat from the principal, their phones will be in their hip pockets just getting pummeled all to H E double hockey sticks.
Haha and there was me believing the Republican guff about dems grooming children you right wingers are legalising it.


We used to get the belt.
A bit of spanking is nothing but sexy fore-play if you ask me.


@shavixmir said
We used to get the belt.
A bit of spanking is nothing but sexy fore-play if you ask me.
That’s the worry, we got the cane and it did nothing to correct my behaviour, it just seems odd that a group that are always fretting about child sexual abuse would celebrate this given the danger of abuse by pedos but I guess that’s right wingers for ya.

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@vivify said

Missouri school district reinstates spanking as punishment: 'We've had people actually thank us'

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – A school district in Missouri announced it will reinstate spanking this school year – but with a parental cave ...[text shortened]... n just under 4,000 people about 60 miles southwest of Springfield, near the Arkansas border.
Nazi tactics


@kevcvs57 said
Haha and there was me believing the Republican guff about dems grooming children you right wingers are legalising it.
Did the article say Republican?


@averagejoe1 said
Did the article say Republican?
No, but we all know who likes kiddy porn, smacking kids and taking away women’s rights.


@averagejoe1 said
Did the article say Republican?
Missouri is a red state.


@earl-of-trumps said
One does not need physical punishment in order to maintain order and respect.
Sorry, but with a class with 20+ Elementary/Jr High students, a teacher does.
When they abolished corporal punishment in the early 70's is when our schools started to turn to chit.

2 edits

@averagejoe1 said
Did the article say Republican?
I was referring to the right wing posters that posted here in support of it, do pay attention a thread that you want to contribute to.
And what shav n vivify said


@shavixmir said
No, but we all know who likes kiddy porn, smacking kids and taking away women’s rights.


@jj-adams said
Biden and Hunter too 🙂

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