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Mortgage thought

Mortgage thought


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It is rumored the programs of the new administration will necessarily result in inflation and a rise in interest rates. If you are looking to buy a home and get settled before all that hits, I see that rates are under 2.5% now. One of the many reasons the housing market is heating up is due to getting in before it all happens. I know I am banned from bringing up the pesky money issues, but I figured this could be helpful if you are on the fence. Jump off!!!


@averagejoe1 said
It is rumored the programs of the new administration will necessarily result in inflation and a rise in interest rates. If you are looking to buy a home and get settled before all that hits, I see that rates are under 2.5% now. One of the many reasons the housing market is heating up is due to getting in before it all happens. I know I am banned from bringing up the pesky money issues, but I figured this could be helpful if you are on the fence. Jump off!!!
The Federal Reserve has no intention of raising interest rates in the near future. The two economic factors to worry about are inflation, which has remained very low, and unemployment. Tax relief for middle class workers, a living minimum age based on the cost of living in individual states, quality education and affordable college and a more progressive tax rate will all improve employment and increase demand which will increase GDP. Inflation will be the primary concern.



@averagejoe1 said
It is rumored the programs of the new administration will necessarily result in inflation and a rise in interest rates. If you are looking to buy a home and get settled before all that hits, I see that rates are under 2.5% now. One of the many reasons the housing market is heating up is due to getting in before it all happens. I know I am banned from bringing up the pesky money issues, but I figured this could be helpful if you are on the fence. Jump off!!!
I was convinced that your were a free market capitalist, oh well we live snd learn.

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@averagejoe1 said
It is rumored the programs of the new administration will necessarily result in inflation and a rise in interest rates. If you are looking to buy a home and get settled before all that hits, I see that rates are under 2.5% now. One of the many reasons the housing market is heating up is due to getting in before it all happens. I know I am banned from bringing up the pesky money issues, but I figured this could be helpful if you are on the fence. Jump off!!!
Your thinly veiled slam at Joe Biden is duly noted. You might consider that predicting mortgage rates based on rumor's, is at minimum -problematic.

Just as Obama in 2009, when Joe takes office next week, he has big mess to clean up after the last Republican administration. Main Street is suffering economically, America's reputation is in shambles, the national debt continues to soar, and our infrastructure continues to crumble because no one wants to raise the tax revenue to repair and maintain it properly. In addition, lawmakers are still cleaning up and fixing the mess caused by the proud boy and militia goons last week. I doubt that interest rates are #1 on Biden's priority list.


@averagejoe1 said
It is rumored the programs of the new administration will necessarily result in inflation and a rise in interest rates. If you are looking to buy a home and get settled before all that hits, I see that rates are under 2.5% now. One of the many reasons the housing market is heating up is due to getting in before it all happens. I know I am banned from bringing up the pesky money issues, but I figured this could be helpful if you are on the fence. Jump off!!!
4000+ COVID deaths yesterday.
I'm sure that the next administration will put your concerns on the priority list...somewhere...


@mghrn55 said
4000+ COVID deaths yesterday.
I'm sure that the next administration will put your concerns on the priority list...somewhere...
It would be government malpractice to not be concerned with the economy because a pandemic is raging (not that this means it won't happen).

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@averagejoe1 said
It is rumored the programs of the new administration will necessarily result in inflation and a rise in interest rates. If you are looking to buy a home and get settled before all that hits, I see that rates are under 2.5% now. One of the many reasons the housing market is heating up is due to getting in before it all happens. I know I am banned from bringing up the pesky money issues, but I figured this could be helpful if you are on the fence. Jump off!!!
The US government cannot afford to let interest rates increase dramatically. If they do, servicing the exploding national debt will become impossible.

As long as the dollar is the world's reserve currency, the Fed should have enough clout to prevent interest rates from rising too much.

Trumpist protectionism was the one realistic catalyst that might have caused interest rates to rise, but that threat appears to be waning or over.


@averagejoe1 said
It is rumored the programs of the new administration will necessarily result in inflation
Rumored where, Joe?


@averagejoe1 said
It is rumored the programs of the new administration will necessarily result in inflation and a rise in interest rates. If you are looking to buy a home and get settled before all that hits, I see that rates are under 2.5% now. One of the many reasons the housing market is heating up is due to getting in before it all happens. I know I am banned from bringing up the pesky money issues, but I figured this could be helpful if you are on the fence. Jump off!!!
Did your source mention why they expect inflation and interest rates to increase?

Causality is a thing in economics, you know.


@lundos said
Did your source mention why they expect inflation and interest rates to increase?

Causality is a thing in economics, you know.
The mortgage bankers of America , you could google it, they say up to 3.0 during first quarter, i refrain from glibness since i am such an outcast in the forum!!! Where is Mott the Hoopie when I need him?!!!?


@averagejoe1 said
The mortgage bankers of America , you could google it, they say up to 3.0 during first quarter, i refrain from glibness since i am such an outcast in the forum!!! Where is Mott the Hoopie when I need him?!!!?
Which ones?

Do you know why they would say something like this? And what would have caused it if it were to happen?


@phranny said
The Federal Reserve has no intention of raising interest rates in the near future. The two economic factors to worry about are inflation, which has remained very low, and unemployment. Tax relief for middle class workers, a living minimum age based on the cost of living in individual states, quality education and affordable college and a more progressive tax rate will all improve employment and increase demand which will increase GDP. Inflation will be the primary concern.
One of many was mortgage bankers assoc of Georgia, they study it more than me, I was just passing it on. Re your Fed Reserve comment, I dally in that world and I can assure you that mtg rates are not connect to the Federal Rate, that is another animal. Fed rates can sit low,, which seems like they will, but mtg could go up, no effect.
Re inflation, all this stuff is easily gogable, nothing to banter about, we can just watch it, ...inflation, that is. When stimulus is unleashed, there naturally would be inflation. Maybe the bankers will see THAT as a reason mtg rates go up. Dont ask ole Joe to predict in this category, bet your instincts. All I am really saying is dont just roll along like we have for years, things are about to sparkle, keep your eye on the sparrow. But nobody asked me!!!! 😕


@averagejoe1 said
The mortgage bankers of America , you could google it, they say up to 3.0 during first quarter, i refrain from glibness since i am such an outcast in the forum!!! Where is Mott the Hoopie when I need him?!!!?
Under federal arrest?


@kevcvs57 said
Under federal arrest?
Nuance is lost in posts, with the exception maybe of Suzianne. You wouldn't believe what I look like.
I told my wife 14 years ago (14?? Jesus) I was sorry we ended up with Obama, but I would get behind him. I will get behind your man. (I would never admit for selfish reasons.) I think a book may soon pop up how to be a Socialist in a socialist world.

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