Here's something I don't understand: the political editor of the supposedly "left-wing" BBC - a former head of the Conservative Party's youth organization - does not just leak details of a private conversation with the Leader of the Labour Party, but announces it in the national media. This is less than a month after he effectively outs himself as a Unionist in the closing stages of the referendum on Scottish independence.
Journalistic ethics 101 question: why on earth is he still in post?
Originally posted by AmauroteLink, please?
Here's something I don't understand: the political editor of the supposedlt "left-wing" BBC - a former head of the Conservative Party's youth organization - does not just leak details of a private conversation with the Leader of the Labour Party, but announces it in the national media. This is less than a month after he effectively outs himself as a Unionis ...[text shortened]... n Scottish independence.
Journalistic ethics 101 question: why on earth is he still in post?
It's here, although the story itself was reported entirely (in both the right-wing press and centrist media) on the basis of the truth of the quotes, not on the fact that Robinson had openly quoted from a private conversation:
Originally posted by AmauroteHi is a known liar and a very despicable and loathsome toad. The BBC also lied in its reporting of the now infamous 'Nick Robinson ultimate smackdown' by Alex Salmond when it reported that he did not answer Robinsons question when in fact he answered it at length, that part not shown by the BBC.
Here's something I don't understand: the political editor of the supposedly "left-wing" BBC - a former head of the Conservative Party's youth organization - does not just leak details of a private conversation with the Leader of the Labour Party, but announces it in the national media. This is less than a month after he effectively outs himself as a Unionis ...[text shortened]... n Scottish independence.
Journalistic ethics 101 question: why on earth is he still in post?
Why is he still in his post? is a testimony to the thoroughly corrupt BBC and its protection of tools like Robinson, Clarkson and a host of other undesirables.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieThe BBC is pretty dominated by right-wing spokepeople at the moment - even taking into account Paxman's departure (just after he announced that he'd always been a One Nation Tory, and just before he was canvassed for Conservative candidate for Mayor of London), they still have Andrew Neill in post. I don't personally mind openly political figures fronting these programes (for example, Mellor and Livingstone's show on LBC is great at times, despite LBC being an overwhelmingly right-wing station), but the Overton window has now moved so far to the right that the supposedly beige centrism we're served up is insensibly pro-corporate - for example, the news today of the proposed restrictions on trade union ballots are passing almost without comment, except for the fictional idea that the Liberal Democrats are somehow the workers' friend on this (last time I checked, Don Foster was advocating the right of businesses to sue the RMT for losses incurred during democratically balloted strikes).
Hi is a known liar and a very despicable and loathsome toad. The BBC also lied in its reporting of the now infamous 'Nick Robinson ultimate smackdown' by Alex Salmond when it reported that he did not answer Robinsons question when in fact he answered it at length, that part not shown by the BBC.
Why is he still in his post? is a testimony to the ...[text shortened]... orrupt BBC and its protection of tools like Robinson, Clarkson and a host of other undesirables.
Originally posted by AmauroteIt's not entirely the BBC's fault; and the LibDems may well be the closest thing the workers have to a friend in British politics right now, or at least the closest to a friend who can do anything - the Greens are nice but don't count, consisting as they do of Caroline Lucas and... who else?
The BBC is pretty dominated by right-wing spokepeople at the moment...
the fictional idea that the Liberal Democrats are somehow the workers' friend on this...
No, the underlying problem is that the Labour party isn't. Ever since they moved to Wannabe-Thatcherism under BLiar, they've been just as Tory as the Tories, only with a sillier grin.