@metal-brain saidI think it's probably more likely nobody has clicked the link and wasted any of their mortal lives.
So apparently people accept this is true.
It is not my idea. Don't kill the messenger.
@Metal-Brain The Corbett Report promotes pseudoscience and junk conspiracy theories. Is anyone surprised? At least 14% of the U.S. population are dumber than rocks and some of those rocks have college degrees. Very scary.
@phranny saidProve it. Fact checkers are now widely accepted as liars, especially the left wing extremist misinform-er mediabiasfactcheck.
@Metal-Brain The Corbett Report promotes pseudoscience and junk conspiracy theories. Is anyone surprised? At least 14% of the U.S. population are dumber than rocks and some of those rocks have college degrees. Very scary.
mediabiasfactcheck is an opinion piece and nothing more. They do not represent facts at all.
@metal-brain saidProve it !!
Prove it. Fact checkers are now widely accepted as liars, especially the left wing extremist misinform-er mediabiasfactcheck.
mediabiasfactcheck is an opinion piece and nothing more. They do not represent facts at all.
@mghrn55 saidNo problem.
Prove it !!
"Facebook also claims that its “fact-checks” aren’t statements of fact at all, but merely protected “opinions,” and that Facebook is merely labelling CHD’s content as “potentially” misleading."
There you go. Facebook admits they are "protected opinions", not statements of fact. Funny how good lawyers can get liars to admit that.
People don't seem to want to accept that eugenics is still an active topic of discussion. People accept the American Eugenics movement happened and the Nazis were inspired by it and the British embraced it, but people want to fool themselves in believing it has disappeared and doesn't happen anymore.
I would suggest that people simply want to believe it doesn't happen anymore.
Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves.
Eric Hoffer
@metal-brain saidOh the irony of it.
Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves.
Eric Hoffer