Here is a tweet from DJT after he reversed himself:
"If I am sent a Stand Alone Bill for Stimulus Checks ($1,200), they will go out to our great people IMMEDIATELY. I am ready to sign right now. Are you listening Nancy?"
Since Trump said the same thing about the airlines Pelosi used that to evade people noticing her screwing the poor out of stimulus checks as a bargaining tool.
This is a problem some have tried to do something about. Nancy is selling out the poor she claims to be fighting for.
If I am sent a Stand Alone Bill for Stimulus Checks...
I laugh :-) These popular bills always get loaded with pork. Always. Nancy won't do it.
@earl-of-trumps saidPelosi is as corrupt as any politician in congress. She is a multimillionaire who cares nothing about the poor.
If I am sent a Stand Alone Bill for Stimulus Checks...
I laugh :-) These popular bills always get loaded with pork. Always. Nancy won't do it.
@metal-brain saidOnly her hair dresser really knows...
Pelosi is as corrupt as any politician in congress. She is a multimillionaire who cares nothing about the poor.
@metal-brain saidMore Trump propaganda.
Here is a tweet from DJT after he reversed himself:
"If I am sent a Stand Alone Bill for Stimulus Checks ($1,200), they will go out to our great people IMMEDIATELY. I am ready to sign right now. Are you listening Nancy?"
Since Trump said the same thing about the airlines Pelosi used that to evade people noticing her screwing the poor out of stimulus checks as a barg ...[text shortened]... ng out the poor she claims to be fighting for.
The House has already passed a bill providing all that and more:
"On Oct. 1, the House of Representatives passed a revised Heroes Act that includes a second stimulus check and additional benefits such as enhanced unemployment benefits for tens of millions of Americans. The new House bill, endorsed primarily by Democrats, has little chance of advancing through the Republican-controlled Senate, though."
So if Trump actually cared about "helping the poor" or anybody else but himself getting re-elected, he'd tell Moscow Mitch and his Republican buddies in the Senate to take up that bill and pass it.
@no1marauder saidYou are so full of BS!
More Trump propaganda.
The House has already passed a bill providing all that and more:
"On Oct. 1, the House of Representatives passed a revised Heroes Act that includes a second stimulus check and additional benefits such as enhanced unemployment benefits for tens of millions of Americans. The new House bill, endorsed primarily by Democrats, has little chance of a ...[text shortened]... d, he'd tell Moscow Mitch and his Republican buddies in the Senate to take up that bill and pass it.
The second stimulus checks have bipartisan support. If Pelosi and her democrat cohorts wanted a second round of stimulus checks to pass all they have to do is create a stand alone bill just as Trump requested and promised he would sign right away when it reaches his desk.
You are feeding us more democrat propaganda with yet another cluttered bill they know is objectionable to other congressmen. Apparently you didn't know the 2nd stimulus check is supported by republicans.
More Pelosi apologist propaganda!
@metal-brain saidI still wonder how you are so devoid of reasoning that you manage to get every single cause you take up so disastrously wrong.
You are so full of BS!
The second stimulus checks have bipartisan support. If Pelosi and her democrat cohorts wanted a second round of stimulus checks to pass all they have to do is create a stand alone bill just as Trump requested and promised he would sign right away when it reaches his desk.
You are feeding us more democrat propaganda with yet another cluttered b ...[text shortened]... didn't know the 2nd stimulus check is supported by republicans.
More Pelosi apologist propaganda!
@suzianne saidOn this issue, he is 100% correct. And if he didn't rebut No1Marauder, I would have.
I still wonder how you are so devoid of reasoning that you manage to get every single cause you take up so disastrously wrong.
Send a STAND-ALONE bill and Trump will sign it. Load it with pork, and he won't.
So who is REALLY screwing the poor...?? Pelosi and the greed-o-crats. They SUCK.
@earl-of-trumps saidPelosi's refusal to go with a stand alone bill for people that need it NOW is going to cost the dems big time in the house and they know it. She must be incredibly unpopular with her fellow party members.
On this issue, he is 100% correct. And if he didn't rebut No1Marauder, I would have.
Send a STAND-ALONE bill and Trump will sign it. Load it with pork, and he won't.
So who is REALLY screwing the poor...?? Pelosi and the greed-o-crats. They SUCK.
@no1marauder saidexplain how pelosi want billions to bail out california, new york ect, are connected to covid?
More Trump propaganda.
The House has already passed a bill providing all that and more:
"On Oct. 1, the House of Representatives passed a revised Heroes Act that includes a second stimulus check and additional benefits such as enhanced unemployment benefits for tens of millions of Americans. The new House bill, endorsed primarily by Democrats, has little chance of a ...[text shortened]... d, he'd tell Moscow Mitch and his Republican buddies in the Senate to take up that bill and pass it.
@mott-the-hoople saidThat's just the tip of the iceberg, her ridiculous bill also gives $1200 stimulus checks to undocumented aliens and free medical care.
explain how pelosi want billions to bail out california, new york ect, are connected to covid?
@dood111 saidLibs don't see this, Dood. And their beloved Pelosi is LOADED UP with botulism (Botox) in her face, while she says the stuff they give to Trump, being similar legal drugs,are affecting his mind. So what about her mind?? Hypocrite. Libs don't see that, either. Them libs aint go no eyes.
That's just the tip of the iceberg, her ridiculous bill also gives $1200 stimulus checks to undocumented aliens and free medical care.
@averagejoe1 saidThe libs/dems are straight out of Orwell's 1984 and if we don't stop them in November, Americans are screwed, unless there really is an uprising against them.
Libs don't see this, Dood. And their beloved Pelosi is LOADED UP with botulism (Botox) in her face, while she says the stuff they give to Trump, being similar legal drugs,are affecting his mind. So what about her mind?? Hypocrite. Libs don't see that, either. Them libs aint go no eyes.