Yeah... nothing worrying about ex-KGB dictators with bare-back horse fetisjisms owning invincible nuclear weapons...
However, seemingly the US and China are developing nukes along the same lines... just to balance the lunacy.
And, there’s nothing alarming about a tiny, authoritarian bastard or a narcissistic, bumbling geriatric owning those weapons either.
We are doomed, I tells ya, doooomed!
From the BBC:
In his remarks, Mr Putin highlighted the development of two new nuclear delivery systems, which, he said, could evade US anti-ballistic missile defences.
This is essentially because neither of them are ballistic missiles, which are fired out of the atmosphere in a high-arcing trajectory.
One - effectively a very long-range nuclear-tipped torpedo - has been rumoured to be under development since Soviet days but is now seen by US analysts as a credible theat.
The second system - described by Mr Putin as a cruise missile - looks to be more of a work in progress and may be a kind of very high-speed "hypersonic" system - described by one arms control expert as a "glider on steroids" - that again could evade existing anti-missile defences.
China and the US are also working on similar systems of their own.
Nothing's going to happen. If Putin really wanted to use them, he would keep it secrets. After all, why announce that you have such weapons, thereby giving your enemies a chance to strategize and counter your capabilities?
This is just Cold War part 2. However, once they're built, some future lunatic will indeed use them....then we'll be finished.
Originally posted by @shavixmirI believe US used this stuff in Iraq war in 1991.
Yeah... nothing worrying about ex-KGB dictators with bare-back horse fetisjisms owning invincible nuclear weapons...
However, seemingly the US and China are developing nukes along the same lines... just to balance the lunacy.
And, there’s nothing alarming about a tiny, authoritarian bastard or a narci ...[text shortened]... sting anti-missile defences.
China and the US are also working on similar systems of their own.
Called a cruise missile.
Putin talking to his base.
Making Russia great again !!
Originally posted by @vivifyThe reason is only to provide more basis for not engaging in conflict and buying into 'MAD.'
Nothing's going to happen. If Putin really wanted to use them, he would keep it secrets. After all, why announce that you have such weapons, thereby giving your enemies a chance to strategize and counter your capabilities?
This is just Cold War part 2. However, once they're built, some future lunatic will indeed use them....then we'll be finished.