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Question re Medicare for All

Question re Medicare for All



So if my taxes go up by two grand and my premiums and other health care costs drop by eight grand, is that good or bad?

Please help!


That's bad, because those tax funds might go towards saving the life of a child with cancer whose parent is a fast-food worker, rather than someone deserving such as a trust fund kiddie ODing on cocaine.


@kazetnagorra said
That's bad, because those tax funds might go towards saving the life of a child with cancer whose parent is a fast-food worker, rather than someone deserving such as a trust fund kiddie ODing on cocaine.
Prob no hits on this thread because we’ve all realized it would not work, mainly because govt couldnt pay for it. And, that it wouldnt be necessary if folks would be self reliant. But i digress.....

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@averagejoe1 said
Prob no hits on this thread because we’ve all realized it would not work, mainly because govt couldnt pay for it. And, that it wouldnt be necessary if folks would be self reliant. But i digress.....
You are actually half-correct. When more than half the population is being made sick with obesity, cancer or 200 other diseases, and patients are conned into taking drugs costing $200,000 a year which don't cure anything, the entire planet won't be able to afford it.


@bunnyknight said
You are actually half-correct. When more than half the population is being made sick with obesity, cancer or 200 other diseases, and patients are conned into taking drugs costing $200,000 a year which don't cure anything, the entire planet won't be able to afford it.
It is what it is. You smoke?? You eat too much? You are going to be sick. So you should prepare. I assume you are a grown-up? Taking care of yourself.. would you go to your neighbor, with problems of her own , for medical assistance?

Insurance for what you discussed is available to everyone, Drop the cell phone, buy Insurnce.


@averagejoe1 said
It is what it is. You smoke?? You eat too much? You are going to be sick. So you should prepare. I assume you are a grown-up? Taking care of yourself.. would you go to your neighbor, with problems of her own , for medical assistance?

Insurance for what you discussed is available to everyone, Drop the cell phone, buy Insurnce.
Two of my ex-friends ran up medical bills in excess of a million dollars before they died. Of course, the hospitals were more than happy to treat them and rake in the money, but the patients got screwed. Who do I blame ... my stupid, careless friends, or the whole society for getting them hooked on destructive habits? Who knows ... Perhaps both.

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@kunsoo said
So if my taxes go up by two grand and my premiums and other health care costs drop by eight grand, is that good or bad?

Please help!
JMHO - Generally good. Unless of course you think you're worth more dead than alive. 🙂


@bunnyknight said
Two of my ex-friends ran up medical bills in excess of a million dollars before they died. Of course, the hospitals were more than happy to treat them and rake in the money, but the patients got screwed. Who do I blame ... my stupid, careless friends, or the whole society for getting them hooked on destructive habits? Who knows ... Perhaps both.
If the treatments were appropriate, and there was no 'overcharging' by the hospital, we can't really say they were 'raking in' the money, I think it must have been earned by the hospital. The insurance companies are prepared for this, and usually can cover the insured. This is what their business is.

You don't say how the patients got screwed. To me, the blame for someone with bad habits would be on the person with the bad habits. You cannot blame society, ,,,,,I am a part of society, and I have never done anything to get someone hooked. They do it themselves.

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@averagejoe1 said
If the treatments were appropriate, and there was no 'overcharging' by the hospital, we can't really say they were 'raking in' the money, I think it must have been earned by the hospital. The insurance companies are prepared for this, and usually can cover the insured. This is what their business is.

You don't say how the patients got screwed. To me, the blame for s ...[text shortened]... am a part of society, and I have never done anything to get someone hooked. They do it themselves.
When your lovely innocent kids step out into the world and start munching all that yummy food laden with 50 carcinogens, neurotoxins and modified proteins, then get diagnosed with some disease, then given "treatments" that cure nothing, then end up dead, I wonder who you will blame. Well, I already know, since I've seen this over and over, decade after decade.


@bunnyknight said
When your lovely innocent kids step out into the world and start munching all that yummy food laden with 50 carcinogens, neurotoxins and modified proteins, then get diagnosed with some disease, then given "treatments" that cure nothing, then end up dead, I wonder who you will blame. Well, I already know, since I've seen this over and over, decade after decade.
Easy. i would blame me, as I am raising, and responsible for, the child. What is this 'blame' thing with libs, anyway? Who is supposed to be responsible for you, and for your child? Help me Rhonda......



Bunny, are you there?


I truly wish you luck in trying to navigate this world without falling into a trap. I've seen some very intelligent families get destroyed by the system. And now that all the major news media has been bought up by corporate profiteers, finding truth among the deception is nearly impossible.
And there's an old saying: "If you make a conspiracy big enough and shocking enough, no one will believe it."


@bunnyknight said
I truly wish you luck in trying to navigate this world without falling into a trap. I've seen some very intelligent families get destroyed by the system. And now that all the major news media has been bought up by corporate profiteers, finding truth among the deception is nearly impossible.
And there's an old saying: "If you make a conspiracy big enough and shocking enough, no one will believe it."
Thankyou, but we were speaking to the specific issue, which is whom to blame if someone, voluntarily, elects to engage in bad health behavior. Or if a child is set free to dabble in bad food or drugs. Of course, the person themselv is to blame. No argument there. In the case of a minor, the parent is to blame. Am I right, or wrong?

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@averagejoe1 said
Thankyou, but we were speaking to the specific issue, which is whom to blame if someone, voluntarily, elects to engage in bad health behavior. Or if a child is set free to dabble in bad food or drugs. Of course, the person themselv is to blame. No argument there. In the case of a minor, the parent is to blame. Am I right, or wrong?
Except that most parents haven't got a clue how destructive most products are to their children, products that they're falsely led to believe are safe. And then there's genetic damage that's easily passed from mothers to their grandchildren; so if your grandma happily ran through DDT spray in 1949, you might already be screwed at birth. Now it's getting to a point where a person is considered abnormal if they aren't on some medication or prescription drug, as if drugs are a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle. But it gets worse: the side-effects of all these drugs can be deadlier than the actual illness. I could write 50,000 pages on this subject, but it's already been written by others.


@averagejoe1 said

Bunny, are you there?
Did you actually read the op? Their taxes went up by two Grand and their Med bills and insurance premiums went down by six Grand, it’s pretty basic math.
And there’s me thinking you were a hardy self reliant capitalist type when actually your a passive corporate comfort girl who can’t even count.

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