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Racism in America

Racism in America


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Lots of racism talk as of late in the gf and clan forum. I just thought we could talk about it in the appopriate place. What are your feelings on this issue?

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The only people who are obsessed about race in America are the Democrats, college professors, activists, lawyers, social workers and teachers who seek to Balkanize America because they resent all of her accomplishments. Talk to any young person today and they say they don't have much of a problem with race. Neither do I. In fact, if more people were like me and judged others by their actions, instead of their ethnicity, what a wonderful world this would be.

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
The only people who are obsessed about race in America are the Democrats, college professors, activists, lawyers, social workers and teachers who seek to Balkanize America because they resent all of her accomplishments. Talk to any young person today and they say they don't have much of a problem with race. Neither do I. In fact, if more people w ...[text shortened]... dged others by their actions, instead of their ethnicity, what a wonderful world this would be.
So what you are saying is that republicans do not admit they are racist?

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Originally posted by duecer
So what you are saying is that republicans do not admit they are racist?
From my perspective, none are more racists than the Democrats. Otherwise, why don't they get on board with the idea of charter or private schools to help struggling inner-city minorities escape failing public schools? And why do Democrats have so much vested in a welfare system that traps poor minorities into a lifetime of dependency? And what about quota systems which are championed by Democrats? Do Democrats believe that minorities just can't compete? This all sounds pretty racist to me.

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
From my perspective, none are more racists than the Democrats. Otherwise, why don't they get on board with the idea of charter or private schools to help struggling inner-city minorities escape failing public schools? And why do Democrats have so much vested in a welfare system that traps poor minorities into a lifetime of dependency? And what ab ...[text shortened]... Do Democrats believe that minorities just can't compete? This all sounds pretty racist to me.
hmmm yeah I see your point, by taking away food and shelter from poor kids, they will be forced to better themselves, I mean they only take it because they're lazy right? And yeah you are really on to something there with school vouchers. Just a quick question...once the private schools are filled to the brim, with no more room, and the remaining 90% of the school kids are left to fend forthemselves in the crumbling public school system (which is what will happen if you start handind out vouchers and taking it from their budget), should we just send those kids straight to the sweat shops, or start a lottery and half go to jail, and the other half get to work for near slave wages. I shudder at the vision you have for America. Yours is an ill informed opinion.

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Originally posted by duecer
Lots of racism talk as of late in the gf and clan forum. I just thought we could talk about it in the appopriate place. What are your feelings on this issue?
As a conservative, I judge people by the content of their character, not their skin pigmentation. Just as many racists in the liberal/leftwing of the Democratic party as there are in the KKK

Speaking of KKK, Robert Byrd ... is he a racist?

And when I hear prevarication about conservatives/Republicans taking food out of the mouths of school children and taking drugs away from the old and letting them die, I consider that to be 'fear-mongering' which is worse than racism in my book. We hear take about government programs being cut ... what the public hears cuts, what they don't realise is that in most cases, cuts in programs are actually cuts in the automatic increases programs get at budget time. So cut really means, instead of getting 10% more in your budget for such and such program, you are only going to get 5% increase.

So a 5% increase for a program is a 'budget cut'? 5% of a billion dollar program or multi billion dollar program is real money.

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Originally posted by duecer
hmmm yeah I see your point, by taking away food and shelter from poor kids, they will be forced to better themselves, I mean they only take it because they're lazy right? And yeah you are really on to something there with school vouchers. Just a quick question...once the private schools are filled to the brim, with no more room, and the remaining 90% of the s ...[text shortened]... ar slave wages. I shudder at the vision you have for America. Yours is an ill informed opinion.
stop being a pandering fear monger... your not Howard Dean in disguise are you? You certainly act like him.... scream for us please.

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Originally posted by SMSBear716

So a 5% increase for a program is a 'budget cut'? 5% of a billion dollar program or multi billion dollar program is real money.[/b]
The issue with school vouchers is 1: it is an unfunded mandate
2: the administration of schools is a states rights issue, not the pervue of the federal government.

plus my other arguments, which btw is not fear mongering, it is mearly pointing out what will inevitabley happen if republicans are allowed to cut a hole in the bottom of the social safety net.

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Originally posted by duecer
The issue with school vouchers is 1: it is an unfunded mandate
2: the administration of schools is a states rights issue, not the pervue of the federal government.

plus my other arguments, which btw is not fear mongering, it is mearly pointing out what will inevitabley happen if republicans are allowed to cut a hole in the bottom of the social safety net.
You say that charter schools will get filled up as a result of vouchers.


As demand increases, supply increases.

As kids leave public schools, costs for public schools decline. That is where much of the money for vouchers can come from.

I agree with your point 2, although this doesn't stop education from becoming a campaign issue for both democrats and republicans.

I'd like to see vouchers run by the various states. The democratic candidates are against school vouchers for one reason and one reason only: teacher's unions.

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Originally posted by duecer
The issue with school vouchers is 1: it is an unfunded mandate
2: the administration of schools is a states rights issue, not the pervue of the federal government.

plus my other arguments, which btw is not fear mongering, it is mearly pointing out what will inevitabley happen if republicans are allowed to cut a hole in the bottom of the social safety net.
then your in favor of the abolition of the dept of education as i am?

Bully for us :-)

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Originally posted by SMSBear716
then your in favor of the abolition of the dept of education as i am?

Bully for us :-)
to be honest, I guess I am. I think the federal student loan program needs to stay in place (expanded actually), but the US dept. Of ed. seems to be a redundant service

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Originally posted by SMSBear716
As a conservative, I judge people by the content of their character, not their skin pigmentation.
Content of character?

So now that's how greencards are called?

So from now on the 'migra' will shout: "Hey, Juan, show me your C.O.C.!"



Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
Do Democrats believe that minorities just can't compete? This all sounds pretty racist to me.
There is a difference between seeing a problem and trying to do something about it and seeing a problem and crossing to the other side of the road and then criticising the motives of anyone willing to engage with that same problem.

When Christ said that the poor would always be with us, he said so not to condemn the poor, but simply to highlight the sad truth of entrenched selfishness within the human spirit.

By calling the willingness of some to engage with an issue that simply refuses to go away racist, you only establish one truth, that you have grown so cold to human suffering and affliction you will one day be like those who were in the court of Nebuchadnezzars Babylon who were weighed in the balance and were found wanting.

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Originally posted by duecer
hmmm yeah I see your point, by taking away food and shelter from poor kids, they will be forced to better themselves, I mean they only take it because they're lazy right? And yeah you are really on to something there with school vouchers. Just a quick question...once the private schools are filled to the brim, with no more room, and the remaining 90% of the s ...[text shortened]... ar slave wages. I shudder at the vision you have for America. Yours is an ill informed opinion.
There's no debating with you since you and your ilk are all guilty of the soft bigotry of low expectations, which in my opinion is far worse than anything the most virulent racist can say or do.

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