Originally posted by sh76The Still Rampant (when dusted) Phallus award goes to sh76 for bringing a new life into the world.
The [b]Atlas Shrugged award for consistent full throated defense of free market capitalism even in the face of relentless criticism from No1marauder goes to normbenign. Ayn would be proud, even if Uncle Milty and Bill Kristol would perhaps want to reign in a bit of the excess.[/b]
I hereby present the Internationalist Stalwart award to shavixmir, for consistently venting his frustrations with the abundance of exclusively American threads in the forum, while simultaneously being a forceful and fearless European voice in discussions. His contributions to the diversity and general dynamics of the forum are duly noted.
31 Dec 11
Originally posted by generalissimoThank you. Thank you.
I hereby present the [b]Internationalist Stalwart award to shavixmir, for consistently venting his frustrations with the abundance of exclusively American threads in the forum, while simultaneously being a forceful and fearless European voice in discussions. His contributions to the diversity and general dynamics of the forum are duly noted.[/b]
Really. I... I... I'm speachless.
There's a list of people I need to thank, without which this wouldn't have been able to happen.
However, I wrapped the list in the Stars and Stripes, set it alight in front of the US embassy whilst dressed in a dildo costume and head towel; shouting: "YOU ARE WHAT YOU SEE! YOU ARE WHAT YOU SEE!"
Originally posted by sh76X number of Forum bans played their part; you can't fight the Man on RHP no matter how silly or arbitrary the rulings are.
The [b]Gerry Adams award for a slow but steady decrease in fiery rhetoric and merciless mockery goes to no1marauder. Though he may consider Gerry Adams am imperialist tool and a sellout, he perhaps has more in common with the IRA leader than either would care to admit.[/b]