This is a recast title that parallels a different thread I started. This one posing its question just a little more directly.
Have a look at that video first and then comment on whether or not you think the issue of using the worlds resources this badly may eventually precipitate a natural Apocalypse, or whether it may actually become the line in the sand that will serve as a rallying cry for earth loving, people-before-animals extremists, who will foment revolution against the overfed, over resourced, coronary hardened corpulence that is much of the first world?
Originally posted by SeitseMy reproducing or not doesn't have any effect of the overpopulation of the planet. Not more than me eating a good juicy steak, anyway.
Well said, Fabian, I say you set the example for the world by not reproducing. What do you say?
How many is a reasonable number of people so we can live in balance with the nature? And continue eating what our bodies need? One billion? Less?
Originally posted by FabianFnasThe world has a lot of available space.
My reproducing or not doesn't have any effect of the overpopulation of the planet. Not more than me eating a good juicy steak, anyway.
How many is a reasonable number of people so we can live in balance with the nature? And continue eating what our bodies need? One billion? Less?
Thinking outside the box (sic!), what we should consider is not how to control population growth, but how to distribute it evenly throughout the world's geography.
Originally posted by FabianFnasSolutions:
My reproducing or not doesn't have any effect of the overpopulation of the planet. Not more than me eating a good juicy steak, anyway.
How many is a reasonable number of people so we can live in balance with the nature? And continue eating what our bodies need? One billion? Less?
1) If we reinstate death penalty, but this time for any crime, we will
considerably lessen the burden on the planetary resources, or
2) (Since we don't "need" meat other than to fortify food with B12 and
D - though I'm not sure exactly where they get those vitamins
from...) Agricultural skyscrapers may be a good solution.
Take a pick.
Originally posted by JigtieWhat about death penalty for any crime plus no meat plus soylent green as only allowed food?
1) If we reinstate death penalty, but this time for any crime, we will
considerably lessen the burden on the planetary resources, or
2) (Since we don't "need" meat other than to fortify food with B12 and
D - though I'm not sure exactly where they get those vitamins
from...) Agricultural skyscrapers may be a good solutio ...[text shortened]... osals-for-3d-city-farms-sustainable-ecological-and-agricultural-skyscrapers/
Take a pick.
Originally posted by SeitseYeah, that should seriously limit the joys in life. If we're lucky a large
What about death penalty for any crime plus no meat plus soylent green as only allowed food?
percentage of earth's population will commit suicide in the depression that
follows. The rest of us will be in the green, so to speak.
Originally posted by SeitseI'm not sure that distributing human presence and human activities evenly around the world would be the best idea. Perhaps it's better to concentrate human presence and human activities in smaller but denser areas? Or not, I don't know.
The world has a lot of available space.
Thinking outside the box (sic!), what we should consider is not how to control population growth, but how to distribute it evenly throughout the world's geography.
One thing I do know is that we are too many. And this will be our apcalypse. Then the rest of the nature can reestablich a new equilibrium. The nature will continue better off without the presence of human beings.
A smaller world population will save our world.
Originally posted by JigtieActually, I don't have any solution of how to reduce the population in a human way...
1) If we reinstate death penalty, but this time for any crime, we will
considerably lessen the burden on the planetary resources, or
2) (Since we don't "need" meat other than to fortify food with B12 and
D - though I'm not sure exactly where they get those vitamins
from...) Agricultural skyscrapers may be a good solutio ...[text shortened]... osals-for-3d-city-farms-sustainable-ecological-and-agricultural-skyscrapers/
Take a pick.
Seitse has a point, not to reproduce as heavy as we do now. One child per person will reduce the population to a half during one generation. So 30 yeasr from now we will be around 3 billion, after another 30 years only 1.5 billion. Another 30 years, then we are under 1 billion and the world can be saved. However, politically, I don't think this solution will work...
I was being sarcastic, man.
I don't think birth control is the answer, since in the poorest areas of the world having kids means money*, so it's kind of stupid from a burgeois NGO tree hugger or a fat-ass bureaucrat to come and preach "don't screw and if you do then wear a condom", when the desperate need is for education, employment, and basic service infrastructure.
* That is, the more kids you have, the more hands you have to work the ground, fish, hunt, or, unfortunately, send the kids to the streets to beg for coins
Originally posted by FabianFnasI have a dream. That one day we will live in cities floating on the sea, or
I'm not sure that distributing human presence and human activities evenly around the world would be the best idea. Perhaps it's better to concentrate human presence and human activities in smaller but denser areas? Or not, I don't know.
One thing I do know is that we are too many. And this will be our apcalypse. Then the rest of the nature can reestabl ...[text shortened]... off without the presence of human beings.
A smaller world population will save our world.
built in the desert. Cities that will be completely self-sustained and in
harmony with the natural environment that surround them. Energy will be
produced by bacteria (, wind,
sunlight and what other natural sources we have at our disposal. Food
will be grown in skyscrapers, significantly reducing both the land areal
needed and the transports required to get the food to its consumers.
Our waste will be completely re-used (in energy production - see bacteria
above, food production and the production of new raw material).
Nature won't even know we're here. (Except for where we are of course) 🙄
Originally posted by JigtieI've seen this solution in numerous science-fiction stories (like Asimov's trilogy and like). And there they're work pritty nice.
I have a dream. That one day we will live in cities floating on the sea, or
built in the desert. Cities that will be completely self-sustained and in
harmony with the natural environment that surround them. Energy will be
produced by bacteria (, wind,
sunlight and what other natural sources we have at our disposal. ...[text shortened]... ew raw material).
Nature won't even know we're here. (Except for where we are of course) 🙄
But I would miss the nature. Strolling in the woods, hearing birds chirping, see the sunset over the sea. But instead breathing conditionned uverused air, drinking recycled water, eating food produced by god only knows. Well, I'm glad I don't live in this future.