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Stanford Rejects Western Civilization Class  6- 1

Stanford Rejects Western Civilization Class 6- 1



I bet if an Afrocentric studies class was suggested the libtard students would totally endorse it.

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Originally posted by FishHead111
I bet if an Afrocentric studies class was suggested the libtard students would totally endorse it.
libtard students ?

Name calling such as this is a testament to your own prejudice and ignorance. One can differ on issues without resorting to this childish practice, in addition, I would suggest the curriculum at Stanford is among the most rigorous, and challenging in the nation, to suggest these kids are retarded in any way just because they reject one class is pretty silly. 😞


Makes sense. Why should a university require students to learn something they've already been learning about since grade school?

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Originally posted by vivify
Makes sense. Why should a university require students to learn something they've already been learning about since grade school?
As a balance against the anti American nonsense that they can take for credit.

They have been studying English and Math since grade school too, but courses in those subjects are available.


Originally posted by vivify
Makes sense. Why should a university require students to learn something they've already been learning about since grade school?

Once you hit college you shouldn't be required to take things like English, Mathematics, Science or History classes.

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Originally posted by Eladar

Once you hit college you shouldn't be required to take things like English, Mathematics, Science or History classes.
I don't see the problem. Why specifically require Western history?

Stanford is in California. There are lots of Asians here. Eastern history should be an alternative.

From the article referenced in the OP:

An effort by a group of Stanford University students to restore a Western civilization class requirement has been decisively rejected by the student body, with voting results released Monday showing it mustering less than 15 percent support.

The ballot initiative was promoted by members of the school’s conservative-leaning Stanford Review. If passed, it would have called for Stanford to require that all freshmen complete a two-quarter course covering “the politics, history, philosophy, and culture of the Western world.” Stanford once possessed a similar requirement, but eliminated it after a student campaign in the 1980s that denounced it as fostering racism, sexism, and other perfidious -isms.


Originally posted by AThousandYoung
I don't see the problem. Why specifically require Western history?

Stanford is in California. There are lots of Asians here. Eastern history should be an alternative.

From the article referenced in the OP:

An effort by a group of Stanford University students to restore a Western civilization class requirement has been decisively ...[text shortened]... aign in the 1980s that denounced it as fostering racism, sexism, and other perfidious -isms.
I guess Western Civilization does teach racism, sexism, and other perfidious -isms.


Originally posted by bill718
I would suggest the curriculum at Stanford is among the most rigorous, and challenging in the nation, to suggest these kids are retarded in any way just because they reject one class is pretty silly. 😞
No, they are rich kids who pay for their grades. Grade inflation is a major problem at "Stanfurd".

UC Berkeley represent! GO CAL GOLDEN BEARS


Originally posted by Eladar
I guess Western Civilization does teach racism, sexism, and other perfidious -isms.
No, the requirement to study Western civ teaches these things.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
No, the requirement to study Western civ teaches these things.
Ok, the requirement to take Western Civ teaches racism, sexism, and other perfidious -isms, although the course does not.


Originally posted by AThousandYoung
I don't see the problem. Why specifically require Western history?

Stanford is in California. There are lots of Asians here. Eastern history should be an alternative.

From the article referenced in the OP:

An effort by a group of Stanford University students to restore a Western civilization class requirement has been decisively ...[text shortened]... aign in the 1980s that denounced it as fostering racism, sexism, and other perfidious -isms.
They voted. It seems like the inmates running the asylum. If enough just didn't select the class the school would have dropped it anyway.


Originally posted by AThousandYoung
No, the requirement to study Western civ teaches these things.
They have the syllabus there at Jumbos? 😛


Originally posted by normbenign
They voted. It seems like the inmates running the asylum. If enough just didn't select the class the school would have dropped it anyway.
How can students who are REQUIRED to take the class "just not select" it?


Originally posted by AThousandYoung
How can students who are REQUIRED to take the class "just not select" it?
Ah, hah! It went from being required, to dropped! There is a middle ground, where it could be offered but not required.


Originally posted by normbenign
Ah, hah! It went from being required, to dropped! There is a middle ground, where it could be offered but not required.
The requirement was dropped, not the class itself.

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