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Sunak gagged over negative effects of lockdowns

Sunak gagged over negative effects of lockdowns




You don’t think he might be courting a section of the Tory membership with this, late to the party, covid scepticism. Is their anyone who doesn’t think the lockdowns had a negative effect? I’m sure they did and still are but in conjunction with masks, social distancing and latterly vaccination I believe they are not as negative as allowing a novel virus that was definitely killing people run its course.
Sunak and Truss are both opportunistic chameleons who will make whatever noises they have to make as they mud wrestle their way up the final length of the greasy pole.


Yeah... duh... of course scientists have a lot of say when it comes to scientific matters.
What the hell does a rich moron like Sunak know about virus-control?

Leaving decisions to politicians is like having your circumcision done by a blind hairdresser.



I didn't insult anyone. The question stands: do virologists know more about virusses than Sunak?

The answer is obvious.


You mean another BS spouting Tory boy. Wake up he’s lying to get votes and scientists and virologists are the ONLY ones who should formulating a response to a virus. The politicians can choose to ignore them but it must be on the record so the electorate will know who killed their loved ones for political and economic expedience.




Only if their not lying, your claiming that Sunaks remarks have nothing to do with playing to the Tory member audience, if you wanted to honest you would have acknowledged my point and moved on, but you decided to use the performance of a leadership candidate to take a swipe at the idea that scientists are better equipped to deal with a pandemic than right tory politicians, or in fact any politicians. I do not share your faith in a billionaire chancellor keeping the poor safe or even fed.

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He is a rich moron. It's not an insult, it's a fact.



So your not disagreeing with my initial response to your post but you think I should be more respectful about power hungry whores in the future? I’ll do my best but unlike a politician I’m not making any promises.



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