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The Atlantic Tunnel

The Atlantic Tunnel


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There is a plan to build a submarine tunnel between New York and London that will reduce travelling time between those two cities to 54 minutes, making it possible to live in New York, yet work in London. (Or vice versa)
Do we need this?

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Originally posted by KneverKnight
There is a plan to build a submarine tunnel between New York and London that will reduce travelling time between those two cities to 54 minutes, making it possible to live in New York, yet work in London. (Or vice versa)
Do we need this?
I have to imagine that a ticket to use this thing would be prohibitively
expensive as to make it impractical.

Do we 'need' this? How are we defining 'need?' Do you 'need' an airplane?

As long as my tax dollars aren't paying for it, they can build it for all
I care. If the fee for using it is reasonable, I'll use it. There are some
ultra-fine pipe organs in England; I'd love to hear Evensong at Westminster
Abbey again.


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Originally posted by nemesio
I have to imagine that a ticket to use this thing would be prohibitively
expensive as to make it impractical.

Do we 'need' this? How are we defining 'need?' Do you 'need' an airplane?

As long as my tax dollars aren't paying for it, they can build it for all
I care. If the fee for using it is reasonable, I'll use it. There are some
ultra-fine pipe organs in England; I'd love to hear Evensong at Westminster
Abbey again.

It's going to cost a bundle of money to build, more than the Apollo moon landings. What fare is reasonable for a 1 hour ticket to London? I don't see it flying yet, not enough passengers.

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Originally posted by KneverKnight
It's going to cost a bundle of money to build, more than the Apollo moon landings. What fare is reasonable for a 1 hour ticket to London? I don't see it flying yet, not enough passengers.
This was my point. It would have to be like 3000 dollars or something.

It wouldn't be practical to work in London because you'd have to shell
out 15000 a week just to travel.

In terms of travel, let's say a round trip ticket costs $750. With a savings
of $2250, I'd be willing to travel by plane and lose the six or so hours.

That's just me. Maybe someone would feel that the extra six hours would
be worth that kind of money.

Not I.


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I'll still have to fly to London to use it 😠

The only reason I'd like to see it is so that I could watch the documentary on it's building on Discovery...

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I dunno..

I'd feel much safer flying.. Imagine a fire broke out like what happened in the channel tunnel..
Still an amazing concept.

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I shudder at the idea of this

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Surely with all the worry about terrorism these days the security on that would have to be immense, a couple of thousand anchors seems like a pretty easy target.

Also, if that amount of money were put into researching other technologies, then surely in a few years times we could have planes as fast with a lot less of the environmental effects they bring on?

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the way the channel tunnel works would have migrants from all over going thro so that the migrants that are there would even complain?

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What a waste of money. Millions of starving and impoverished people in the world and they want to build a hugely expensive tunnel so people can travel to London in 54 minutes? I think we have the wrong priorities.

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I can't be bothered to read the article, but how do they plan to move people through a tunnel at well over 3 000 mph?

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Originally posted by royalchicken
I can't be bothered to read the article, but how do they plan to move people through a tunnel at well over 3 000 mph?
Sounds like a pipedream to me....


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
Sounds like a pipedream to me....


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
Sounds like a pipedream to me....

Anything so groan-worthy is worth a rec in my book 🙂

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