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The modern day prison system

The modern day prison system



02 Jan 06
20 Feb 09
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I would like to debate the pro's and con's of the modern day prison system. FIrst of all, what is its purpose? Is it to distribute justice? Is is to rehabilitate those incarcerated? Is it to keep them off the streets so they can't continue such behavoir? Is it all the above? If yes to any of the above, is it working or are there better approaches to the problem?

No matter what you think, I think we can all agree that the modern day prison system is both over crowded and a drain on the tax paying citizens of the countries in question. Perhaps societies in ancient times that did not have a modern day prison system can teach us a few things such as an eye for an eye. No long prison sentences. Just pay for your crime and off you go!!


07 Dec 05
20 Feb 09
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Originally posted by whodey
I would like to debate the pro's and con's of the modern day prison system. FIrst of all, what is its purpose? Is it to distribute justice? Is is to rehabilitate those incarcerated? Is it to keep them off the streets so they can't continue such behavoir? Is it all the above? If yes to any of the above, is it working or are there better approaches to the ...[text shortened]... ch as an eye for an eye. No long prison sentences. Just pay for your crime and off you go!!
Crimes of consenting adults are not really crimes and should be treated as such. Given our budget problems it is long overdue.

I don't have a problem with an eye for an eye as long as they confess or it is proven in an iron clad way. It is the wrongly convicted I am concerned about.



27 Oct 08
20 Feb 09
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What is the modern day prison system? Do you mean the modern day American prison system? If so, I would say prison sentences are generally too long and too easily given. A first, easy step to fix this is to legalize cannabis and to stop giving prison sentences for posession of small amounts of hard drugs.


14 Dec 07
20 Feb 09
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Originally posted by KazetNagorra
What is the modern day prison system? Do you mean the modern day American prison system? If so, I would say prison sentences are generally too long and too easily given. A first, easy step to fix this is to legalize cannabis and to stop giving prison sentences for posession of small amounts of hard drugs.
Good lord, we agree on something else. Either I am turning into a bonified European socialist, or you are turning into a ron paul loving american libertarian.



27 Oct 08
20 Feb 09
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Originally posted by dryhump
Good lord, we agree on something else. Either I am turning into a bonified European socialist, or you are turning into a ron paul loving american libertarian.
When it comes to personal freedom I find myself usually agreeing with libertarians. For years half the people I meet accuse me of being a left-wing tree hugger, while the other half claim I'm a right wing bastard (might not be so apparent here, since 95% of Americans are right wing, at least by European standards). Oh well, it gives me enough people to argue with.



30 May 07
20 Feb 09
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Originally posted by KazetNagorra
What is the modern day prison system? Do you mean the modern day American prison system? If so, I would say prison sentences are generally too long and too easily given. A first, easy step to fix this is to legalize cannabis and to stop giving prison sentences for posession of small amounts of hard drugs.
A first, easy step to fix this is to legalize cannabis and to stop giving prison sentences for posession of small amounts of hard drugs.

I agree with the first one.

But I still think people with hard drugs should be jailed.



27 Oct 08
20 Feb 09
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Originally posted by generalissimo
[b]A first, easy step to fix this is to legalize cannabis and to stop giving prison sentences for posession of small amounts of hard drugs.

I agree with the first one.

But I still think people with hard drugs should be jailed.[/b]
Why do you think so? I don't believe there is any empirical evidence it reduces hard drug usage, but it does cost lots of money, especially considering cocaine users tend to be found amongst higher social classes.



30 May 07
20 Feb 09
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Originally posted by KazetNagorra
Why do you think so? I don't believe there is any empirical evidence it reduces hard drug usage, but it does cost lots of money, especially considering cocaine users tend to be found amongst higher social classes.
there is any empirical evidence it reduces hard drug usage

That doesn't mean we should just ignore it.



27 Oct 08
20 Feb 09
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Originally posted by generalissimo
[b]there is any empirical evidence it reduces hard drug usage

That doesn't mean we should just ignore it.[/b]
I don't believe we should, we should try and reduce hard drug usage by improving rehab facilities and improving preventive measures such as education.



30 May 07
20 Feb 09
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Originally posted by KazetNagorra
I don't believe we should, we should try and reduce hard drug usage by improving rehab facilities and improving preventive measures such as education.
Good point.

Strange how I've been agreeing with you lately...


silicon valley

27 Oct 04
21 Feb 09
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Originally posted by generalissimo
Good point.

Strange how I've been agreeing with you lately...


silicon valley

27 Oct 04
21 Feb 09
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Originally posted by whodey
I would like to debate the pro's and con's of the modern day prison system. FIrst of all, what is its purpose? Is it to distribute justice? Is is to rehabilitate those incarcerated? Is it to keep them off the streets so they can't continue such behavoir? Is it all the above? If yes to any of the above, is it working or are there better approaches to the ...[text shortened]... ch as an eye for an eye. No long prison sentences. Just pay for your crime and off you go!!
fry them all!

Radio Gnome

Planet Gong

08 Mar 08
21 Feb 09
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the first question that should be asked is: what is the point of prison? punishment or rehabilitation? in my opinion it is rehabilitation, in which case most penal systems in the world fall far short, and should be reformed.


02 Jan 06
21 Feb 09
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Originally posted by mbakunin
the first question that should be asked is: what is the point of prison? punishment or rehabilitation? in my opinion it is rehabilitation, in which case most penal systems in the world fall far short, and should be reformed.
Now we're talk'in!!! I don't care so much about arguing whether certain behavoirs should be outlawed such as smoking pot as I am deciding what to do with people who do break the laws that we decide should be enforced. You have stated that the goal should be rehabilitation and have rightly pointed out that such a goal seems to be woefully lacking according to the current system. So how should they be reformed? Do you favor a system that is more in line with capital punishment or are you sold on incarceration? When I say capital punishment, I am not talking exclusively about the death penalty. There is also such possibilities as "an eye for an eye" appoach or floggings or financial fines. In fact, I remember a case in Singapore where some teenager from the US got caught writing grafetti on some buildings. The lad was apprehended and sentenced to a whipping. Those in the States were appalled at the notion of this punishment and protested vehemently. However, to no avail. The lad got a good flogging with the marks to prove it. So how do you feel about such cases? Is it barbaric, or is it a better answer than what they have in the States? No matter your answer, I can pretty much guess the lad NEVER repeated the same behavoir, or if he did, it was not in Singapore and I bet you would agree. 😛


02 Jan 06
21 Feb 09
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Originally posted by KazetNagorra
What is the modern day prison system? Do you mean the modern day American prison system? If so, I would say prison sentences are generally too long and too easily given. A first, easy step to fix this is to legalize cannabis and to stop giving prison sentences for posession of small amounts of hard drugs.
Yes, specifically the prison model in the US, but go ahead and include other countries with similar systems.

So sentences are too long? How about child molesters who get next to no time if at all? I think you are only focusing on cannabis sentences or other drug related crimes, or am I reading you wrong?

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