American companies can just leave and still make a lot of money.
So what happens if you tax them to the point where they leave the country?
Jobs lost and you have to import those goods.
Why would they stay here and be taxed when they can open up shop somewhere else and get cheaper labor?
We are already seeing companies leaving states that have high taxes so it is inevitable that they leave the country if you keep chasing them for more tax dollars.
The companies can't keep profits going so they close down and companies in other countries see the opportunity to be at the top.
Basically you eliminated your own companies and jobs.
Well played 🙄
The real problem is companies using methods that eliminate jobs like automation.
Force companies to use people and not robots.
Kill the Robots!! 😠
The post that was quoted here has been removedFirst, I agree with all you said.
Secondly, I'm not sure it is possible in this America. We would need a doubling or tripling, or even a ten-fold increase, in simple altruism to pull it off, along with a concomitant decrease in selfishness. And I simply don't think that is possible in today's post-Donald-Trump America.
@cheesemaster saidJust do away with the electoral college and strengthen states rights then people can choose to live in a 19th or 21st State. But there will need to be a limit on federal subsidies to the conservative 19th century states.
...and the other half would turn into a slum just like other countries.
I agree. Let's do that.
Do you have an idea of where the line would be drawn?
Probably 3 regions. East, West, and Central/South 🤔
The post that was quoted here has been removedDuchess, sorry to oversimplify, but some folks work harder than others, some take risks, who are 'rewarded' (t use your word) for the success, which success produces goods or services to the 'society'.
I wrote that as short and succinct as possible. So, what is your solution?
How about all your corrupt republican states succeed and form your own country and the states with REAL people in it do the same so all the middle country states with real assswipe republican governors, like the ones now trying to get SCOTUS to reverse the votes in OTHER states, like that would be just fine to a Proud Boy like you.
So you can HAVE your shiitface Red states, start your own pathetic country while the rest of the REAL America can get on with real life not the fake fairy tails of your republicans.
@sonhouse saidDemocrsts are ‘real’ in what way, as opposed to repubs? Can you nix the emotion?
How about all your corrupt republican states succeed and form your own country and the states with REAL people in it do the same so all the middle country states with real assswipe republican governors, like the ones now trying to get SCOTUS to reverse the votes in OTHER states, like that would be just fine to a Proud Boy like you.
So you can HAVE your shii ...[text shortened]... the rest of the REAL America can get on with real life not the fake fairy tails of your republicans.
@cheesemaster saidHow would the non-Trump half support themselves? Or put another way, who would support the people that live in the non-Trump half? The 50% of all taxes which is currently collected from 1% of the population (the wealthy)would all disappear. Just asking, not meant to be argumentative.
...and the other half would turn into a slum just like other countries.
I agree. Let's do that.
Do you have an idea of where the line would be drawn?
Probably 3 regions. East, West, and Central/South 🤔
My emotion comes from the FACT JACK that Republicans think they ONLY way they can win is to cheat, do voter suppression and the like and you can't even BEGIN to deny that FACT.
THEY are the ones making sure there was only one vote polling place in a city of a million. THAT ALSO IS A FACT and good luck trying to refute that.
Since that human abortion Newt Gingrich wrote the republican war book ( REFUSE TO DEAL WITH DEMOCRATS ON ANYTHING) the republican party has gone down the tubes and now that Trump OWNS the republican party the Gingrich war book has been expanded a LOT so NOTHING can be done as long as Moscow Mitch is in charge of the senate.
We dems can only hope we win both senate seats in Ga so we can reverse 4 years of disaster that is the Trump WH.
The post that was quoted here has been removedYou, like everyone else, Will not answer a direct question. Again, how would the non-Trump country support itself, Who would support them? All of the producers, risk takers, investors, successful people would be in Trumpistan. The citizens of Trumpistan would take their vacations maybe by visiting the non-trump country, which would be like we go to Cuba to visit right now.