What are you talking about? I know Trump just lost a SCOTUS case where he tried to get them to overturn the election results in Pennsylvania, where I live.
@sonhouse saidI'm talking about the case Texas has filed in the Supreme Court trying to overturn the results in 4 states. It was reported in Australian news about an hour ago. Reuters has had it for a few hours.
What are you talking about? I know Trump just lost a SCOTUS case where he tried to get them to overturn the election results in Pennsylvania, where I live.
Ah, so a SECOND Trump loss in SCOTUSVILLE. BESIDES the 40 lower court cases laughed out of court.
See, his MO is he doesn't CARE about court losses, the whole charade is to demonstrate to his base how much he is fighting that OBVIOUS deep state conspiracy to overthrow Trump in a Democrat led COUP.
THAT is why he keeps launching these frivolous lawsuits which BTW, may get some of those lawyers disbarred, they are on the hairy edge of that happening.
There is only so much BS courts will put up with and I think they are at their limit already.
One case was filed by Sidney Powell to try to overturn votes in Edison County Michigan with the pesky detail THERE IS NO EDISON COUNTY THERE.
Hard to understand how Powell could be that incompetent to file a suit like that, didn't even look on a map to see if there WAS an Edison county.
I live in Texas and this is shameful. AG Ken Paxton filed law suits in 4 <other> states.
"Paxton asked the U.S. Supreme Court in a petition filed Monday to effectively overturn the results of four other states’ presidential elections. He argues that officials in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin unlawfully changed voting laws because of the pandemic. He contends that Texas voters were harmed by the states’ alleged violations of equal-protection laws."
AG Paxton may not realize that if states can sue other states about their voting standards, then Texas may be facing law suits about voter ID rules and having only 1 drop-off ballot box for each county (Harris County home of 4 million people in the Houston area had one drop-off box).
Yep, those republicans really have the citizens at heart, eh.
Then there is Lindsey Graham Cracker calling the secretary of state of Georgia pressuring him to reverse lawful votes so Trump wins.
And Trump doing the same.
The corruption is so much out in the open now it is not funny, very bad years for the US.
@handyandy saidI was thinking more the death throes of a crab on its back in the midday sun Andy.
The death throes of a dying whale.
Even in death Whales have a shed load of awesomeness and gravitas.
@montymoose saidIt's a stunt by the Texas AG to get in solid with Trump. Trump rewards 'loyalty' not legal acumen.
I live in Texas and this is shameful. AG Ken Paxton filed law suits in 4 <other> states.
"Paxton asked the U.S. Supreme Court in a petition filed Monday to effectively overturn the results of four other states’ presidential elections. He argues that officials in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin unlawfully changed voting laws because of the pandemic. He cont ...[text shortened]... x for each county (Harris County home of 4 million people in the Houston area had one drop-off box).
Of course, the suit will fail. The SC just this week summarily rejected a suit filed to overturn the PA state result, so there's not the chance of an ice cube in hell that the same court will hear a case to overturn four states' (incl. PA's) results.
I think they KNOW it is doomed to failure but the whole charade is to make it look to their base like they are fighting the good fight.
BTW now it is 17 red states getting in the action, as if ANY amount of states could cause the court to overturn legal AND certified votes in battleground states.
So now it is 17 states of fools catering to the dying wishes of a soon to be long forgotten POS POTUS.
Yes, they probably do know that the SC is not likely to hear the case, especially after the court's terse rejection of the PA case earlier this week. As Mitch Mc Connell said, Trump is entitled to exhaust every legal recourse but what the Rep. won't admit is Trump's personally compelling motive to do so: As president, Trump is immune from prosecution, but as soon as Trump is POTUS Emeritus, there are 6 pending lawsuits which will roll, and, if convicted of a felony, he might serve time. Trump is literally fighting for his freedom; the desperation is palpable.
"And here are the FIFTEEN commandments. OOPS, sorry, it dropped and broke, AND HERE ARE OUR TEN COMMANDMENTS."....
So when they lose this one, it will be the devils fault I guess.
@no1marauder saidhttps://politics.theonion.com/your-honor-i-m-ready-to-present-says-giuliani-pulli-1845716203
The case is a miracle from God Almighty himself: https://www.rawstory.com/2020/12/there-is-a-miracle-taking-place-pat-robertson-claims-texas-lawsuit-is-god-intervening-in-stolen-election/
I wonder how many stone tablets the pleadings required.
@kewpie saidVarious Attornies General weigh in:
I'm talking about the case Texas has filed in the Supreme Court trying to overturn the results in 4 states. It was reported in Australian news about an hour ago. Reuters has had it for a few hours.
Dana Nessel, Michigan’s Democratic attorney general, listed the many cases filed in that state that Trump and his backers have lost.
“The challenge here is an unprecedented one, without factual foundation or a valid legal basis,” Nessel wrote in Michigan’s filing.
Chris Carr, Georgia’s Republican attorney general, said Texas cannot show it has been harmed by the election results in other states.
“The novel and far-reaching claims that Texas asserts, and the breathtaking remedies it seeks, are impossible to ground in legal principles and unmanageable,” Carr wrote in Georgia’s filing.
Josh Kaul, Wisconsin’s Democratic attorney general, noted that Trump already had obtained recounts in the two most heavily Democratic counties in the state, showing no problems with the results.
“There has been no indication of any fraud, or anything else that would call into question the reliability of the election results,” Kaul wrote in Wisconsin’s filing.
“What Texas is doing in this proceeding is to ask this court to reconsider a mass of baseless claims about problems with the election that have already been considered, and rejected, by this court and other courts,” Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania’s Democratic attorney general, wrote in a filing to the nine justices.
One Republican state attorney general, Dave Yost of Ohio, filed a separate brief on Thursday disagreeing with the Texas proposal that votes be tossed out, saying that it “would undermine a foundational premise of our federalist system: the idea that the States are sovereigns, free to govern themselves.”
Quoted from https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-trump/states-assail-bogus-texas-bid-to-overturn-u-s-election-at-supreme-court-idUSKBN28K2NU