"I say working class people dont derserve the vote.
Anyone who spends there free time at the pub, clubing, or down the football club dosent derserve the vote. Only people who read books and understand things."
Anyone who fails to achieve even the most rudimentary levels of grammar and spelling should indeed be denied the vote.
Originally posted by richhoeyWould that include you? Anyone who doesn't know the proper form of "they're, their , or there" surely doesn't deserve the vote. That is the standard you're applying, correct?
"I say working class people dont derserve the vote.
Anyone who spends there free time at the pub, clubing, or down the football club dosent derserve the vote. Only people who read books and understand things."
Anyone who fails to achieve even the most rudimentary levels of grammar and spelling should indeed be denied the vote.
Originally posted by rwingettI suspect Rich is fooling around here. According to his profile he is a journalist. (At least I hope he's fooling around - it doesn't say much for our press if he isn't)
Would that include you? Anyone who doesn't know the proper form of "they're, their , or there" surely doesn't deserve the vote. That is the standard you're applying, correct?
Originally posted by ShallowBlueThis is the debates forum. If you want to "fool around" you have to go to the general forum. 😛
I suspect Rich is fooling around here. According to his profile he is a journalist. (At least I hope he's fooling around - it doesn't say much for our press if he isn't)
Originally posted by rwingettI was quoting from Brother Edwin's original bloody post, which he has now edited out, presumably out of embarrassment. Nevertheless, I would have thought the quotation marks should have given it away.
Would that include you? Anyone who doesn't know the proper form of "they're, their , or there" surely doesn't deserve the vote. That is the standard you're applying, correct?
Originally posted by richhoeySince I didn't see Brother Edwin's unaltered post, I couldn't see what you were quoting. You should "reply & quote" instead of just "replying". That way his original post would be preserved.
I was quoting from Brother Edwin's original bloody post, which he has now edited out, presumably out of embarrassment. Nevertheless, I would have thought the quotation marks should have given it away.
Originally posted by rwingettYes I know I should, but I happened to hit the wrong button and since I didn't know that Brother Edwin was going to flagrantly abuse the edit function by removing his original post entirely, it seemed simpler just to copy and paste. Since it apparently made me look like a halfwit, it's not a mistake I plan to repeat in a hurry.
Since I didn't see Brother Edwin's unaltered post, I couldn't see what you were quoting. You should "reply & quote" instead of just "replying". That way his original post would be preserved.
Originally posted by richhoeyOh, that Brother Edwin, he's a slick operator sometimes. 😉
Yes I know I should, but I happened to hit the wrong button and since I didn't know that Brother Edwin was going to flagrantly abuse the edit function by removing his original post entirely, it seemed simpler just to copy and paste. Since it apparently made me look like a halfwit, it's not a mistake I plan to repeat in a hurry.
Originally posted by richhoeyHa, ha, ha, my post is gone, gone, gone. And now you have no evidence of the fact that I posted it.
Yes I know I should, but I happened to hit the wrong button and since I didn't know that Brother Edwin was going to flagrantly abuse the edit function by removing his original post entirely, it seemed simpler just to copy and paste. Since it apparently made me look like a halfwit, it's not a mistake I plan to repeat in a hurry.
Originally posted by richhoeyhehehe classic!
Yes I know I should, but I happened to hit the wrong button and since I didn't know that Brother Edwin was going to flagrantly abuse the edit function by removing his original post entirely, it seemed simpler just to copy and paste. Since it apparently made me look like a halfwit, it's not a mistake I plan to repeat in a hurry.