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Too bad no genuine discussions

Too bad no genuine discussions



Too bad no genuine discussions

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@averagejoe1 said
I could ask the most simple query, but there would be no resolve to the query. The MB person said a while back 'I want my fair share', on the Obama thread. I simply asked what it would represent, from 'whence' would it come. He wants something, so it has to come from somewhere, does it not? So, my mind's eye pictures him, sitting on his porch, waiting for that share ( of something). I want to see when he gets it, where it comes from.
This is not meant to be belabored or silly, it is just that someone says something like I want my share, as if we are supposed to know what that means. Does anyone here know what that means, and where it comes from? Does someone give it to him, from their possession, or just bring it from somewhere else?


No genuine discussions here because the other side does nothing but toss out insults and false claims or go back to the Crusades from 1200 years ago to prove how awful western culture/white people are, or whatever weird trip leftists are on today.
They can't discuss issues like adults, and if they try, they just revert to false analogies that make no sense or refuse to look at any videos/news articles/history that disproves their ridiculous claims.

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@jj-adams said
No genuine discussions here because the other side does nothing but toss out insults and false claims or go back to the Crusades from 1200 years ago to prove how awful western culture/white people are, or whatever weird trip leftists are on today.
They can't discuss issues like adults, and if they try, they just revert to false analogies that make no sense or refuse to look at any videos/news articles/history that disproves their ridiculous claims.
In just this post it seems you're not so bad at the insult tossing yourself.

You conservative bloc started a half dozen threads lauding Ron DeSantis for his move to ship immigrants to lib neighborhoods. Great.

But when I started an honest thread with real stats about illegal immigration over time, showing that Republicans aren't doing a good job, and asking about what Republicans are actually doing about undocumented workers in their own states? Crickets and/or deflection to how bad Biden is.

Biden's bad, but defending every bad conservative by saying Biden is worse is not helping if genuine discussions is your goal.

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@wildgrass said
In just this post it seems you're not so bad at the insult tossing yourself.

You conservative bloc started a half dozen threads lauding Ron DeSantis for his move to ship immigrants to lib neighborhoods. Great.

But when I started an honest thread with real stats about illegal immigration over time, showing that Republicans aren't doing a good job, and asking about what ...[text shortened]... every bad conservative by saying Biden is worse is not helping if genuine discussions is your goal.
It is difficult for us to respond to a thread which talks about how Republicans should "do a good job about immigration' when you have thrown this problem into our lap, a major problem indeed.
You have opened our border, allowed unknown individuals from all over the world, to walk right into our country. And many of them hate our country.
We think , Golly, Wildgrass, could y'all PLEASE do a good job about protecting our borders? We check passports on international flights.....do you think we may as well just stop that?. Then, when you do stop that, will you say that we are not doing a good job checking passports?
You will not respond to this responsibly.


@averagejoe1 said
You have opened our border, allowed unknown individuals from all over the world, to walk right into our country. And many of them hate our country.
That's because all of the lib-left posters here hate our country. They love seeing poor uneducated and criminal people pouring across our border and filling up America because they want to see the US turn into a third world craphole..


@jj-adams said
That's because all of the lib-left posters here hate our country. They love seeing poor uneducated and criminal people pouring across our border and filling up America because they want to see the US turn into a third world craphole..
Seriously, I actually believe that. They are angry, saying things like they should get a 'piece of the pie', when I have explained time and time again that there a thousands of pies, or make your own. Wimps, indeed. Pitiful.
I suggested months ago that everyone watch the Kudlow Report at 4PM each day of Fox Business. A bipartisan look at America day to day, quite factual, not a lot of opinion as we have on the Forum. I learn a lot there.
Anyway, Larry Kudlow just won the highest honor in the business, the Buckley Prize for Leadership in Political Thought. His show is the highest rated business news program, in the cable ratings, but it is much more than business news.
Everyone check it out. After all, we talk politics, and he puts a hell of a light on it.

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@averagejoe1 said
Seriously, I actually believe that. They are angry, saying things like they should get a 'piece of the pie', when I have explained time and time again that there a thousands of pies, or make your own. Wimps, indeed. Pitiful.
I suggested months ago that everyone watch the Kudlow Report at 4PM each day of Fox Business. A bipartisan look at America day to day, quite ...[text shortened]... s news.
Everyone check it out. After all, we talk politics, and he puts a hell of a light on it.
“ I suggested months ago that everyone watch the Kudlow Report at 4PM each day of Fox Business. A bipartisan look at America day to day, quite factual, not a lot of opinion as we have on the Forum. I learn a lot there.”

You are such an Imbecile Joe, oh and a liar, no Lib has ever asked for a piece of anyones pie we just want the scumbag politician bribing corporations to stop stuffing the whole freaking pie in their pig like faces whilst everybody scrabbles in the dirt for some crumbs you sycophantic moron.


@jj-adams said
That's because all of the lib-left posters here hate our country. They love seeing poor uneducated and criminal people pouring across our border and filling up America because they want to see the US turn into a third world craphole..
Surely you realize that the generalized, hyperbolic statements aren't helping to achieve Joe's goal. No one's ever posted here that they want to turn America into a hellhole.

Slow down a bit and you would see we have a lot in common. Libs and conservatives disagree mostly on solutions to problems, rather than the problems themselves.

Immigration is a good example. Despite your insistence, neither side wants illegal border entry to increase. They disagree on solutions. Now that we've tried the border wall thing and seen it doesn't work, what else does the conservative ideology bring to the table regarding solutions?


@averagejoe1 said
It is difficult for us to respond to a thread which talks about how Republicans should "do a good job about immigration' when you have thrown this problem into our lap, a major problem indeed.
You have opened our border, allowed unknown individuals from all over the world, to walk right into our country. And many of them hate our country.
We think , Golly, Wil ...[text shortened]... that we are not doing a good job checking passports?
You will not respond to this responsibly.
My point was that conservative politicians run campaigns on border security, and people vote for them on border security, and then we watch them fail to address the problem. Instead the blame game appears and no one holds them accountable for their failures.

People vote for libs for other reasons. We don't blame a dump truck because it can't dig.

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@kevcvs57 said
“ I suggested months ago that everyone watch the Kudlow Report at 4PM each day of Fox Business. A bipartisan look at America day to day, quite factual, not a lot of opinion as we have on the Forum. I learn a lot there.”

You are such an Imbecile Joe, oh and a liar, no Lib has ever asked for a piece of anyones pie we just want the scumbag politician bribing corp ...[text shortened]... n their pig like faces whilst everybody scrabbles in the dirt for some crumbs you sycophantic moron.
My my, so angry. Let us a do a thread on liberal angriness.
You lie, that no liberal ever asks for a piece of anyone's pie. Just this week, the MB person said 'I just want a fair share', I think in the Obama thread. I covered him up with a simple question, which he, of course, avoids answering../. "From whence does the fair share come?" A share of something is tangible, and it has to come from someone, or from some entity. If it is from the govt,, it is coming from taxpayers, being his neighbors.
So look up this MB guy, he is all over the Forum. The honorable Marauder likewise definitely supports requiring those with wealth or stuff or 'more than they need (Jesus..)" to give some of their assets or money or services to people who don't have as much. Of course, you know that this is rampant among all of you liberals, so I query why you would make such a statement. Almost every whiny liberal thread is suggesting socialism for the USA. That means they want part of the pie that I have been building/baking from scratch for over 50 years.
You best rephrase what the hell you are talking about.


we just want the scumbag politician bribing corporations to stop stuffing the whole freaking pie in their pig like faces whilst everybody scrabbles in the dirt for some crumbs you sycophantic moron.
'...THE whole freaking pie"????" What pie? You say there is only one pie? I can prove you wrong, because I have a pie, and no one in the universe has a piece of it unless I decide to share it with them. So, you are wrong a second time with your post. Funny, yo actually think that you have some right to a pie that belongs to someone else. Can you just justify that?? Or can you justify stuffing some else's pie into your face. ? By what right, Kev?


@wildgrass said
My point was that conservative politicians run campaigns on border security, and people vote for them on border security, and then we watch them fail to address the problem. Instead the blame game appears and no one holds them accountable for their failures.

People vote for libs for other reasons. We don't blame a dump truck because it can't dig.
I think that Wildgrass is saying that only conservatives make campaign promises that they do not keep. Hey..............


@wildgrass said
Surely you realize that the generalized, hyperbolic statements aren't helping to achieve Joe's goal. No one's ever posted here that they want to turn America into a hellhole.

Slow down a bit and you would see we have a lot in common. Libs and conservatives disagree mostly on solutions to problems, rather than the problems themselves.

Immigration is a good example. Des ...[text shortened]... en it doesn't work, what else does the conservative ideology bring to the table regarding solutions?
Did you just say the 'border wall thing doesn't work'.? Can you elaborate. And what is the border wall, certainly not the one Trump to build, since you yourself stopped construction. There is no wall.
You and Kev having a bit of fun with us today, losing your asses in the end?


@averagejoe1 said
I think that Wildgrass is saying that only conservatives make campaign promises that they do not keep. Hey..............
Obviously I was not saying that. But, when you say it, it does provide a convenient crutch to avoid the issue. It is in that manner that we do not get genuine discussion.

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