I saw that report. Disgusting, just adds to the list historians are going to pile on the failures and outright traitorous behavior.
Yeah, it COULD'T be he kisses Putin's ass because Putin has nothing on him, but just because he LOVES Putin SO much......
Nice try with your distraction BULLSHYTE. They were a totally different set of ASSSHOLES back then.
OF COURSE since your GODDAM KING said must be China, then for you, it WAS China and screw whatever the REAL intel folks said.
And we are supposed to believe you since you are SUCH an expert on the subject.
You would never ask why he keeps kissing Putin's ass every time some attack happens caused by Russia.
Like the time the Russian military attacked the Ukraine and took over Crimea and the UN put in place sanctions which Trump used every trick in the book to get rid of those sanctions.
He did that with the help of Moscow Mitch, who OH SO STRANGELY ended up with a 200 MILLION dollar aluminum plant just so coincidentally in Kentucky.
Or like the so-called summit in Helsinki, where Trump said AND I QUOTE, Putin told me Russia had nothing to do with interference in our elections and why would he?
Of course he didn't want ANYONE to put two and two together about that since to have been helped by Russia to get elected, that would say his election was not legal or some such. Trump can NEVER stand for ANYTHING like that.
I doubt it. They are so thoroughly hypnotized by Trump they would just refuse to accept ANY such evidence, even video, where they would say, Faked with photoshop or some such.
It WOULD however be good enough for a court I would think.
Besides, whatever the Russians have on Trump, he has done their bidding for 4 years and they probably would conclude he helped them so much they would never reveal the hold of him.