American politics… well, specifically republican politics… is so damned funny, it’s like Bill Hicks came back from the dead and had a love child with Billy Connolly, raised it on coke and mushrooms and fired it out of a cannon.
With Laura and Marjorie (who seemingly are elected for whatever insane reasons trailer park inhabitants have) having it off (and not in the hand-job sense) in the toilets, Santos lying about absolutely everything, the speaker bent over and taking it from people so far removed from reality they make Metal Brain sound sane… and, well, the list is endless…
Now trump is suggesting (or his advisors are… Christ only knows) that he will return to twitter and facebook…
How far is this joke of a political party going to go before it implodes?
Surely normal republicans lie awake at night screaming into their pillows?
But the magahatisauri seem to have the upperhand, still.
I mean, just look at this forum. The amount of crazy right-wing republicans here is breathtaking. Nearly every single thread is spewed forth out of their bigotry, fear and moronity. It’s completely crazy.
Most normal people have stopped posting on debates.
Where once we pointed and laughed at the spirituality forum as the home of stupid, it’s now Debates which has become the centre of the retarded universe of RHP.
Oh well. Let’s hope trump brings a bit of rationality and sanity back into the equation…
@shavixmir saidyou should reevaluate your membership 😂😂😂
American politics… well, specifically republican politics… is so damned funny, it’s like Bill Hicks came back from the dead and had a love child with Billy Connolly, raised it on coke and mushrooms and fired it out of a cannon.
With Laura and Marjorie (who seemingly are elected for whatever insane reasons trailer park inhabitants have) having it off (and not in the hand- ...[text shortened]... a bit of rationality and sanity back into the equation…
@booger saidI doubt it but they will surely hurt his presidential campaign chances when he reminds us all what an obnoxious halfwit he is.
Does Shavpoo need a tissue?
Those mean tweets hurt your feelings?
@shavixmir saidThe formerly normal slightly right of middle of the road Conservative Party in America has conceded defeat to a fringe element, the Tea Party, which it assimilated but failed to tame. Neither the Tea Party nor the now-debased Republican Party which has become beholden to the fringe element actually represents a majority of the American voting public, nor even 40% of them. A tiny but vociferous minority has triumphed. It a sad thing to watch how this tiny minority has so far debased politics that normal debate is no longer possible. Most Americans want women to decide what medical procedures to have performed on their own bodies, most Americans want sensible gun control, most Americans do not want the Bible taught as if it were science in the state-funded schools, most Americans think Blacks, Hispanics, and everyone else should get a fair shake (neither special rights, nor invidious treatment), most Americans don’t care what consenting non-heterosexual adults do in private and even are ok with them getting married and raising kids (and are not prepared to see them hunted down and persecuted), most Americans think most immigrants are hardworking people just like their own ancestors only a few generations ago and that a polarized Congress is to blame for failing to legislate sensible immigration policies several presidencies ago - but any politician who espouses these as policy goals will be shouted down by the vociferous fringe and tarred with ludicrously false epithets (“liberal” “socialist” they seem to be equivalent terms for the lunatic fringe).
American politics… well, specifically republican politics… is so damned funny, it’s like Bill Hicks came back from the dead and had a love child with Billy Connolly, raised it on coke and mushrooms and fired it out of a cannon.
With Laura and Marjorie (who seemingly are elected for whatever insane reasons trailer park inhabitants have) having it off (and not in the hand- ...[text shortened]... a bit of rationality and sanity back into the equation…
@moonbus said“most Americans don’t care what consenting non-heterosexual adults do in private ”
The formerly normal slightly right of middle of the road Conservative Party in America has conceded defeat to a fringe element, the Tea Party, which it assimilated but failed to tame. Neither the Tea Party nor the now-debased Republican Party which has become beholden to the fringe element actually represents a majority of the American voting public, nor even 40% of them. A t ...[text shortened]... usly false epithets (“liberal” “socialist” they seem to be equivalent terms for the lunatic fringe).
Ah…you reveal the truth.
Be queer all you want, but quit lying about the private part.
@moonbus saidIf this is so, how come this site attracts so many right-wing incellic nutjobs?
The formerly normal slightly right of middle of the road Conservative Party in America has conceded defeat to a fringe element, the Tea Party, which it assimilated but failed to tame. Neither the Tea Party nor the now-debased Republican Party which has become beholden to the fringe element actually represents a majority of the American voting public, nor even 40% of them. A t ...[text shortened]... usly false epithets (“liberal” “socialist” they seem to be equivalent terms for the lunatic fringe).
I mean, it’s a serious flock of moronity which clouds every bloody issue.
@shavixmir saidneed a little cheese to go with that whine?
If this is so, how come this site attracts so many right-wing incellic nutjobs?
I mean, it’s a serious flock of moronity which clouds every bloody issue.
you libs sure do cry and whine a lot…what is wrong with you? ever thought of being a man about things?
@mott-the-hoople saidThey don't know the difference between man and woman.
need a little cheese to go with that whine?
you libs sure do cry and whine a lot…what is wrong with you? ever thought of being a man about things?
@jj-adams saidAgreed if only his base was big enough to finance one by attracting advertisers.
Trump should have his own TV show that runs 24/7.
That’s the problem with the base, they are big enough to corrupt republican primaries but way to small to win a general election with the retards they push to the general election hustings
@shavixmir saidThe people who post here are not a representative sample. There is no editorial accountability here, or at Twitter or Facebook. Political views which people would haven been ashamed to send as Letters to the Editor of any mainstream print medium 10 yrs ago, have free rein in scarcely controlled social media, especially since Trump made grotesque accepted. Don’t fall into the trap of supposing that just because there are many far-right posters here, or on twitter, that that represents the majority of Americans ‘ political views. It is not so.
If this is so, how come this site attracts so many right-wing incellic nutjobs?
I mean, it’s a serious flock of moronity which clouds every bloody issue.
@moonbus said“ Trump made grotesque accepted.”
The people who post here are not a representative sample. There is no editorial accountability here, or at Twitter or Facebook. Political views which people would haven been ashamed to send as Letters to the Editor of any mainstream print medium 10 yrs ago, have free rein in scarcely controlled social media, especially since Trump made grotesque accepted. Don’t fall into the ...[text shortened]... here, or on twitter, that that represents the majority of Americans ‘ political views. It is not so.
a queer try to school on grotesque… 😂
@mott-the-hoople saidEverything about Trump is grotesquely inflated, including his failures. Have you seen how he is lambasting Evangelicals for not supporting his re-re-election campaign, “after everything he’s done for them” ? He has absolutely no vision for America’s future and no inkling of being a public servant; he’s still complaining about how wronged he was in the past. What a pathetic charicature of a man.
“ Trump made grotesque accepted.”
a queer try to school on grotesque… 😂