President Trump suggested that Egypt should take the Palestinians to egypt to solve the middle east problem. But why? Palestinians numbers to Egypt is next to nothing compared to USA,which is 8-9 millions same as in Israel. Make sense to take the jews from Israel and save middle east problem plus saving billions of dollars annually in arms and cash in aid going back to 1948...
@eye-of-horus-42 saidRaped and killed any young Jewish girls lately?
President Trump suggested that Egypt should take the Palestinians to egypt to solve the middle east problem. But why? Palestinians numbers to Egypt is next to nothing compared to USA,which is 8-9 millions same as in Israel. Make sense to take the jews from Israel and save middle east problem plus saving billions of dollars annually in arms and cash in aid going back to 1948...
@eye-of-horus-42 saiddude, Palestinians never would have had their homes destroyed if they would have just stopped bombing and killing jews.
@uzless ; All Palestiniens will remain there of course children as well.
@eye-of-horus-42 saidThe more one learns about isreal, the more one realises who the real terrorists are.
@uzless; I know Hamas made big mistake,but you have to look at history! How would you like to live in someone's backyard and everything you do is control by the owner. Palestinians had no state!.
What a despicable people the isreals are is apparent.
No wonder antisemitism is on the rise.
@eye-of-horus-42 saidIn 1947, the Arabs were offered a separate state. They refuse and started the war with the Jews. They said then, and keep saying even now, that there will be no Jewish state in Palestine. They do not have a state because they want all of Palestine. So its their own fault... they are too damn greedy and stupid.
@uzless; I know Hamas made big mistake,but you have to look at history! How would you like to live in someone's backyard and everything you do is control by the owner. Palestinians had no state!.
Nobody is going to move the Jews so I dont know why you keep posting such nonsense.
@eye-of-horus-42 saidThanks for not responding then ... 😆
@Rajk999; You don't deserve a response,you have one track mind.
@eye-of-horus-42 saidI disagree with the term “palestinian” as referring to a people of a sovereign state.
@Mott-The-Hoople What about palestinians childrens ???
They are people that inhabit an area under constant control of Muslim terrorist. Iran being the main controller.
It’s sad for the children that live there, they are used by the Muslim terrorist as shields.
The children and the people in general would be far better off under Israel leadership.
I would not blame Israel at all if it took over gaza and the West Bank and any territory deemed necessary to stop Muslim terrorist from killing innocent people.
@eye-of-horus-42 saidThe entire world is that way. Every country has borders with other countries.
@uzless; I know Hamas made big mistake,but you have to look at history! How would you like to live in someone's backyard and everything you do is control by the owner. Palestinians had no state!.
The difference is other countries are not tunneling under the borders sneaking in to kill the people that live there.
Remove iran and a lot of the problems go away.
@Mott-The-Hoople; If you"re interested,go on google and search the statements made by Rabbis
SAMUEL ELIYAHU,OVIDIA YOSEF,DOV LIOR,YITZHAR SHAPIRA. The question is,how many Rabbis agree with them,but keep silent.As I stated on many occasions,I'm atheist,but I hate so many children getting killed..